Datang: I am the prince of salted fish, I impeach Li Er at the beginning

Chapter 167 The potential of this land is much greater than imagined

Chapter 167 The potential of this land is much greater than imagined

"By the way, I also heard that you planted a brand new crop at home and boasted that this thing can eliminate famine. Is there such a thing?"

As soon as the topic about Cui Zhiwen ended, Li Shimin brought up another matter.

I don't know where he got the news, but he has a clear grasp of Li Zhi's every move.

Li Zhi didn't bother to care about Li Shimin's news channels. When he heard his question, he answered directly: "It is still in the cultivation stage, and it will not be popularized until the first seedling is raised. It is estimated that it will take two months. We'll talk about that later."

Potatoes are thriving and success in growing this species can be expected.

At that time, the relevant situation must be reported to Li Shimin. Li Zhi was too lazy to say one thing twice, so he just shirked it.

Putting this topic aside, Li Zhi still thought that there should be nothing else to discuss.

But unexpectedly, Li Shimin actually had something to talk about.

He looked embarrassed and said: "Actually, the reason why I called you here this time is to ask you to provide a location for the construction of a new city. You also know that the land in Yongzhou is not enough, and the construction of the new county cannot be delayed. I can't find a good location for a while. It’s such a place, why don’t you give me a tour?”

As soon as Li Shimin brought up this topic, Li Zhi immediately cheered up.

He didn't answer in a hurry, but asked: "Has the preparations for the construction of the new city been completed so quickly? My son is still thinking, no matter what, it will take half a year to prepare."

Li Shimin said truthfully: "Actually, they are some veterans who want to give their descendants certain official positions. I thought that the court really needs talents, so I agreed to this matter."

"Is it reliable for a group of second-generation officials to open up new cities?"

Li Zhi was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the matter of building a new city would fall on the second generation of officials.

It's not that Li Zhi looks down on his cronies and friends, those people are really bad.

When it comes to eating, drinking, having fun, poetry and songs, they may have made some achievements.

But when it comes to building a new city, Li Zhizhen has no way to be optimistic about them.

The main reason is that he is too familiar with Xiao Wan's group. These people are the group deliberately raised by the family.

The reason why they were raised in wasteland is another topic, so I won't go into details here.

Anyway, the conclusion is that this group of people is one by one, and none of them is reliable.

Li Zhi had already clearly expressed his distrust of the second-generation official group. Li Shimin saw his thoughts and gave him reassurance.

"This matter is led by Cen Wenwen, and people like Qin Li and Wei Shuyu are in charge. They can control those children. As long as Qin Li and the others are here, there will be no problems."

"Qin Li, Wei Shuyu..." Li Zhi pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "Well, they can be trusted, but the question is how to make arrangements after Cen Zhongshu escapes?"

"There should be no problem in letting Qin Li and Wei Shuyu each be responsible for a county, and let them serve as magistrates of a county." After Li Shimin finished speaking, he reiterated: "There should be no problem."

"County magistrate?" Li Zhi was a little surprised by this answer, and asked in surprise, "Are these two people willing to be a county magistrate?"

Whether it is Qin Li or Wei Shuyu, they are the eldest sons of their respective families, with the title of Duke on their heads.

It doesn't sound like such a thing for the Duke to be the county magistrate.

"Don't worry, they have expressed their position to me, they are willing to lower their status and contribute to the imperial court."

The words were a bit ambiguous, and Li Shimin's tone sounded playful.

Li Zhi thought for a while, and probably figured out the meaning of Li Shimin's words.

Is this a certificate of submission to show that he will not rely on the merits of his father's generation to cause trouble to the court?

At the same time, willing to be the vanguard of the imperial court, rushing to the forefront against the gentry?
If this is the case, this attitude is worth pondering.

What are these second generations who have inherited the glory of their parents going to do?
Do you want to break out of a world by yourself, expressing that even without the shadow of your parents, you can still stand in this world?

No no no, I'm still a bit biased.

They should not have this arrogance, but more for standing in line, right?

If it is to show your position, is it aimed at me?

Taking over the post of county magistrate as a state prince is imitating me.

Moreover, the four words self-declination are very interesting.

This is to understand the thinking of the court, knowing that following the path of the gentry will eventually encounter a devastating blow?
It seems that these direct descendants of Zheng Miaohong are underestimated.

This gesture was beautifully played, and it successfully won the favor of me and my father.

Emmmm... There seems to be no problem with this matter.

After careful consideration, Li Zhipin revealed the intention of these two people.

As for Cen Wenwen, Li Zhi could think about the minister's thoughts, but he couldn't escape the word "dog licking".

In this way, things will be very clear.

They should be serious, and they are going to open up a new world with a group of unreliable second-generation officials.

That being the case, then give them this chance.

Thinking of this, Li Zhi raised his head and said to Li Shimin, "Do you have a map? The map of Yongzhou will do. I will show you the exact location of the city."

As soon as Li Zhi agreed, Li Shimin was overjoyed, and immediately ordered the eunuch to spread out the nearby topographic map.

After the eunuch hurriedly spread the map on the table, Li Zhi directly pointed to two locations.

"In view of the development of coal, a new city is bound to be built at the Renzhi Palace, and the nearby land is also suitable for planting crops. It is an inevitable choice to open up a new county here."

First, he clicked on the location of the mining capital of later generations, and then Li Zhi clicked on another location.

"The birthplace of Jiuding, Jingshan! In the past, because of the war, this place has become an abandoned place."

"But in fact, the land at the foot of Jingshan Mountain is very fertile. Once the county seat is established, it can also be used as an intermediate node between Renzhi Palace and Chang'an City."

"Since we plan to open up a new county seat, we should build a traffic line between the two places by the way."

"The imperial court will only rely more and more on coal in the future. In order to develop the potential of coal, let's build up two counties first."

“As for where to choose a location in the future, we’ll talk about it at that time.”

"Anyway, Erchen's suggestion is to build the city in these two places!"


This year is the 17th year of Zhenguan.

According to the population counted by Datang last year, the total population in the territory is 600 million.

With this small population, not to mention draining the potential of this land, it would be good to be able to utilize only [-]% of it.

As long as we get rid of the shackles of the gentry, many problems will not be problems. The potential of this land is huge.

(End of this chapter)

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