Datang: I am the prince of salted fish, I impeach Li Er at the beginning

Chapter 163 Sometimes, the standard answer may not be the correct answer

Chapter 163 Sometimes, the standard answer may not be the correct answer


"Sometimes I have this question too."

"Is it worth it to work hard to change the world?"

"Whenever this happens, I think about my other purpose for doing this."

"When I think that all the efforts I have made will eventually consolidate the imperial power for thousands of years, I will have the motivation to move forward again."

Since you are working hard for the sake of the world, you will not get enough motivation.

Then change the direction of your efforts to the continuation of the genes and the glory of the family.

Creating a royal family that can last at least a thousand years is a meaningful thing in itself, isn't it?

Efforts in this direction will more or less arouse enough motivation.

Not to mention, in addition to these actual benefits, he can also leave behind the reputation of the first emperor through the ages.

Fame and wealth are all there, so what is there to complain about?
Just keep moving forward and that's it.

Putting away his complicated emotions, Li Zhi turned around and went back to the study, opened the wooden box and began to look at the contents of the dossier.

Start reading the five-year paper of Wude, and look backwards in chronological order.

The purpose of doing this is to be able to see the changes in the imperial court's requirements for the students from the admission examination papers over the years.

During this period, Li Zhi saw many questions and answers that made him feel ridiculous.

For example, there is a test question like this.

How to deal with the royal officials who corrupted the law and took bribes of eight taels of silver?
What fell into Li Zhi's hands were all Zhongju's answers.

These answers, without exception, can be summed up in one sentence: His Majesty will deal with it.

This question actually has a standard answer.

If they were all normal answers, there would never be such a vague and outrageous answer.

Regardless of whether it is in accordance with the "Wu De Law" or the "Zhen Guan Law", all dirty crimes involving "breach of the law" and those who accept bribes exceeding fifteen pieces of silk will be sentenced to death by hanging.

Fifteen bolts of silk are converted into about seven taels of silver.

In other words, Baliang just passed this limit and could be executed.

However, according to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, all officials in the court who are above the ninth rank will have to reduce their crimes by one class.

So hanging has become a flow of three thousand miles.

This is the correct answer.

In addition, this question can also be extended to how to reduce the sentence.

For example, how much money is donated, and the criminal law can be increased by one level.

But there is no such question in the examination paper, and there is no such answer in the answer sheet.

But all the accepted answers are: the Holy One decides.

see it?

The correct answer is actually not important at all. What is important is to follow the emperor's ideas.

Doctor Yushi was an important court official from the third rank, and it was not yet the third division's turn to convict him.

If you really have a head, write up according to the standard answer, then wait for the failure.

Who doesn’t know that there were no officials who were “corrupt and perverting the law” during the Zhenguan period? If they insisted on going against the emperor, wouldn’t this be asking for trouble?
Being an official is a science. If you can't find a way, no matter how well you learn "Zhenguan Law", it will be of no use.

Even if you pass five levels and kill six generals, you will still be eliminated in the last exam.

These exam questions are full of traps, and they are not a test of a person's knowledge reserve at all.

Instead, it is testing the person's attitude towards the emperor and the court.

But if the attitude is wrong, don't even try to be an official.

The imperial examination is used to serve the emperor, but it has never been a ladder for ordinary people to turn themselves into masters.

To figure out the significance of the imperial examination to the imperial court, if you can't even understand this little problem, you should take a rest early and don't rush to make peace.

After a busy afternoon, Li Zhi had already read through all the examination papers of Mingfa in the Wude period.

Next, it was the turn of the Zhenguan year exam questions.

After Li Shimin came to power, the focus of the school examination changed slightly.

From obedience to the imperial power, it has become an attitude towards the people.

This change is very interesting, and Li Zhi enjoys talking about it.

Different from the answer during the Taketoku era, the reference standard this time has become whether to implement benevolent government.

In other words, all the answers that were tolerant to the common people got high marks.

Otherwise no.

The reason for this change is probably that Li Shimin realized the danger of the gentry and wanted to screen out the gentry in this way.

After all, the gentry's attitude towards the common people is notoriously harsh, and the identity of the answerer can be seen through the answers to the examination paper.

But this method was only used for two years. It is estimated that in the second year of the imperial examination, someone saw through the trend of answering questions, and the answers given were basically the same.

There is nothing to say about the talents of Huaxia people in taking exams.

Li Shimin wanted to use this method to screen out the gentry, but he was probably thinking too much.

But the next exam questions started to become interesting.

Anyway, in Li Zhi's eyes, it was a game with the nobles again and again.

The imperial court tried to dig holes for the gentry as much as possible, which became the main theme of the topic.

Looking at the colorful examination questions, Li Zhi couldn't tell how happy he was.

He could see from the train of thought of the person who wrote the question, how many ways they had thought of in order to dig a hole for the gentry.

For example, there is a question about a thief who stole two pounds of meat from his neighbor. How should he be sentenced?
The gentry who have never been exposed to oil, salt, sauce and vinegar will be absolutely stunned when they see this question.

Because he couldn't figure out how much two catties of meat cost, and what standard should be used for sentencing.

Moreover, the two catties of meat just happened to be stuck at a limit value, so it is easy to make mistakes if you don't understand the market price.

Often when this kind of question comes out, those students who don't touch the spring water can be screened out.


Li Zhi is also included.

He was also confused when he saw this question.

I only know that it is about one hundred rods, plus fifty to seventy floggings, but I can't tell which is which.

Although for the thief, no matter which punishment is not much different, it is a terrible crime.

But for students, it is different.

Those who know the price can write the answer in one click, and those who don't know can only rely on blindness.

After a few questions, basically don't think about all the answers.

In this way, most of the local rich men with a little money in their families were screened out, leaving only the children of poor families.

Looking at these game questions, Li Zhi almost laughed out loud.

The imperial court was forced by the gentry to come up with such a bad idea to screen candidates.

If you want to promote the people at the bottom, you really have to go through layers of tests.

After reading a part of the exam questions, Li Zhi lingered in his mind: "It's really not easy for the imperial court."

But it is precisely because of these examination questions that students from poor families can now have a place in the court.

Although these poor families are not much different from the nobles, they are still much better than the gentry, right?
(End of this chapter)

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