Datang: I am the prince of salted fish, I impeach Li Er at the beginning

Chapter 158 How to punish?Can't be punished!

Chapter 158 How to punish?Can't be punished!

"First of all, I want to hear your opinion on this case."

Li Zhi poured a cup of tea for himself and Cui Zhiwen respectively, and asked Cui Zhiwen's opinion with the cup in his hand.

Seemingly feeling the eagerness to try, Cui Zhiwen pulled himself together and began to express his thoughts.

"The scope of this case is too wide. After careful investigation, we found that this is not an isolated case. Behind every court minister, there are more or less relatives who use their names to benefit themselves."

"The harm of these moths to Datang is obvious. If they are left unchecked, they will cause disaster sooner or later!"

"Therefore, punishment must be punished, the question is how to punish."

"In addition, whether the mistakes they made will implicate current officials is also an important issue to consider."

"In short, it is very troublesome to deal with this matter. It is difficult to come up with a comprehensive solution considering the interests of various interest groups."


Officials serving in the imperial court need to be given preferential treatment.

People become officials not only for the sake of honoring their ancestors, but also for their own personal interests.

If being an official is no different from being a commoner, who would go to the trouble of serving the court?

With that ability and knowledge, wouldn't it be better to be a businessman?
"So the interests of officials must be considered."

"That is to say, on the matter of nepotism, one must turn a blind eye and close one eye."

"You can't be beaten to death with a single stick."

Speaking of this, Cui Zhiwen proposed an idea.

"It is okay to use the status of relatives of officials to benefit yourself."

"But only within the scope of immediate family members, distant relatives are not allowed to use their relative status to enjoy this benefit."

"In addition, court ministers have the responsibility to supervise distant relatives, at least to warn them not to act recklessly."

"If similar things happen again in the future, the court ministers must take joint and several responsibilities."

"According to the size of the crime committed by the distant relative, pay the corresponding price!"

Cui Zhiwen should have thought of a coping strategy early in the morning, and he spoke very fluently.

The thinking is also very clear, and the scale of grasp is just within the acceptable range of this era.

Anyway, Li Zhi couldn't find anything wrong after listening to it, and he grasped the scale just right.

Li Zhi nodded, took a sip of his tea and commented: "Yes, you can submit the proposal according to this standard, I think there is no problem."

Things are rare.

Talents in this era are too precious, and if you don't want to pay a price to gain their allegiance, that's obviously wishful thinking.

Therefore, the benefits that should be given should still be given.

Even though this seemed a bit outrageous to Li Zhi, he still had to give it.

The world is like this, living in this era, you must abide by the rules of this era.

That's not something that can be changed in a short while.

"Apart from that?" Li Zhi raised his chin and asked, "You only mentioned the direction of improvement in the future, but you haven't said how to deal with the perpetrators in this case. Let me tell you about your opinion on the criteria for judging the case." view."

Problems have arisen, and subsequent improvement plans and methods to prevent similar cases have been figured out.

But these are the directions to be improved in the future, and cannot solve the current problems.

The first thing to consider now is how to deal with this exposed case.

How to deal with the main culprits who committed the crime.

How should those distant relatives who help ministers and local officials who oppress the people be punished?

And how should the court ministers who are used by these moths as tiger skins be convicted.

This is the top priority!
Come up with a solution that everyone can accept, this is where Cui Zhiwen's ability will be tested.


When Li Zhi mentioned the current punishment plan, Cui Zhiwen frowned deeply.

He pondered for a moment, then hesitated and said: "First of all, the court ministers cannot be punished. After all, there have been no similar cases before, and no relevant laws have been formulated. It is unreasonable to directly punish the court ministers, and the implementation will be difficult. There are big problems, even if they are punished, they will not be able to implement it.”

The exposed cases are just the tip of the iceberg. If we continue to dig down, unless the person has no relatives, everyone will not be able to escape the fate of being punished.

It would be absurd to punish all court officials.

Therefore, court ministers cannot be punished.

Hearing this answer, Li Zhi didn't comment, but just nodded slightly.


Seeing his attitude, Cui Zhiwen breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Besides, the magistrates can't punish him. The scope of the case is too wide. If he is really punished, it will easily cause turmoil in the world."

For the same reasons as the court ministers cannot be punished, local officials should not be punished too much.

If the punishment is too small, these local officials are likely to vent their anger on the local people, or change their tricks to gain benefits from the people.

In short, too small punishment will not bring a good result.

But if the punishment is too heavy, then there will be a shortage of talents.

The imperial court couldn't even find the officials who built the new city, let alone dismiss local officials on a large scale.

Therefore, this matter can only be handled lightly, with one eye open and one eye closed.

Regarding this, Li Zhi was noncommittal, but raised his chin lightly towards Cui Zhiwen, signaling him to continue talking.

This time, Cui Zhiwen lowered his head and thought for a long time before speaking slowly.

"It's very difficult to deal with the main culprits who committed the crimes."

"If the punishment is heavy, I'm afraid there will be complaints, but if there is no punishment, there is no way to give the people an explanation."

"So the severity of the penalty must be accurately determined, and it must be stuck on a scale that is acceptable to both parties."

"My suggestion is to let them spit out everything they ate and give it back to the people who were bullied, and that's all."

"However, in terms of execution, this is a big problem. It may not be so easy to make those people spit out what they have eaten."

"So I am very distressed now, and I don't know what to do to properly solve this problem."

"The main reason is that the scale of the case is too large, involving the entire Tang Dynasty, and it affects the whole body. This matter is too difficult to deal with."

When Cui Zhiwen said this, his whole face was wrinkled into a ball.

To say that this matter is outrageous, in fact, it is not for that reason.

Isn't it common for landlords to bully ordinary people?

In history, this matter is not even bizarre.

If it weren't for the pilgrimage preaching that the country should be governed by law, perhaps no one would take care of similar cases.

(End of this chapter)

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