Datang: I am the prince of salted fish, I impeach Li Er at the beginning

Chapter 151 Golden City Horse Bone, 1 Shot is a Ten Thousand Level Deal

Chapter 151 Qianjin City Horse Bone, A Deal of Tens of Millions

Master Stone!
Hearing Li Zhi address Shi Lei, Gong Lihua's expression changed again.

To be called a master craftsman is at least an official order.

In other words, the one who looked honest and nodding behind the young man from the beginning to the end was actually an order from the Left School Office? !
The left school office order, that can already be called the top official position of a carpenter.

If this person is an order from the Left School Office, then who is the young man who spoke to him just now?

Gong Lihua was startled, he had guessed that Li Zhi's identity must be extraordinary.

But it never occurred to him that this young man could obey an order.

What kind of big shot did their paper factory usher in? Isn't this too bizarre?
If I knew this earlier, I should have licked it.

If someone falls in love with it, wouldn't it take off?
Thinking of this, Gong Lihua was very annoyed.

Looking at the leaving team, he made up his mind that when this young man reappears, he will definitely give him a big lick.


the other side.

On the way back, Li Zhi looked sideways at Shi Lei.

"Master Shi's craftsmanship is really superb. I thought this test would end in failure, but I never thought it would go so smoothly."

Shi Lei lowered his head, and replied humbly: "It's the drawings and data provided by His Highness that are accurate, and I'm just following the map to figure out what to do. It's not worthy of His Highness's praise."

Li Zhi responded with a smile: "No matter how good the drawing is, if no one makes it, it's just a good-looking drawing. If you can pass the test smoothly, no matter how you think about it, Master Shi's contribution is indelible. .”

As he said that, Li Zhi saw that Shi Lei was still modest, and immediately answered before he could open his mouth, "I didn't say this to you to be humble and polite, but to give you a vaccination. In a few days, the imperial court will give a big reward, I hope Master Shi will not be frightened by then."

Big reward?

How big can this reward be?

Shi Lei was stunned, and suddenly didn't know how to answer this sentence.

Why do you want to add a big reward, why do you want to mention it deliberately, is there any deep meaning?

Shi Lei is not very sensitive in politics, no matter how he thinks about it, he can't think of the deep meaning of His Highness's words.

In fact, Li Zhi didn't need Shi Lei to figure it out, as he said, he was just reminding him, there was no other meaning.

Back in the imperial city, Li Zhi said goodbye to Shi Lei in front of the general prison gate, then went straight to attack the city and came to the Ganlu Hall.

Under the leadership of the eunuch, Li Shimin was found in the main hall.

Seeing the emperor working at his desk, Li Zhi didn't see him, and sat directly opposite Li Shimin, picked up the melons and fruits on the table and ate them.

The sound of clicking and clicking kept ringing in my ears.

Li Shimin frowned slightly, he endured it, pretended he didn't hear anything, and continued to approve the memorial.

But seeing Li Zhi getting more and more violent, he started knocking walnuts on his table.

Now, Li Shimin couldn't tie him anymore, he raised his head and glared at him: "What are you doing here again? Didn't I say that I don't want to see you in a short time?"

Li Zhi:? ? ?
This is the first time I've taken the initiative to come to you, okay? Isn't it a bit too much for you to say that?

When you come to me, I have to come.

I'm here to find you, okay?
Li Zhi thought for a while, and handed over the walnut that had been pried open in his hand.

"Shall I eat it for you? Have you finished eating to quench your thirst?"

Li Shimin had a "well" character on the corner of his eyebrows, he suppressed his anger and said, "What are you here for?"

"Ah..." Li Zhi completely pretended that he didn't see it, and said lightly: "I want to ask my father for a favor. I will approve an imperial decree in a few days, and focus on rewarding the two craftsmen who will be in charge. Emmm... Everyone Give me a reward of 1000 taels of silver."

"1000 taels? Do you know what 1000 taels is?" Li Shimin frowned and said with strong doubts and curiosity.

Li Zhi's words sounded too strange to him, and he rewarded the two craftsmen out of nowhere, and it was still 1000 taels of silver.

Although this number seems small, it is actually an astronomical number!
1000 taels of silver is enough for an ordinary family to have enough food and clothing for a lifetime.

Hearing that Li Shimin doubted his common sense, Li Zhi was speechless.

1000 two?

Isn’t 1000 taels equivalent to more than 400 million? Do you really think I don’t know how valuable rice is in the world?

Is this too contemptuous?

Li Zhi took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "The things my son made in the general prison have been manufactured, and it is roughly estimated that the production capacity of papermaking can be increased by more than three times. If this thing can be popularized on a large scale, the price of paper in the future will increase." It will drop significantly, this is a creation that can change the future of Datang."

Li Shimin nodded from time to time while listening, especially when he heard that the production capacity of papermaking could be increased to more than three times, his eyes lit up.

If what Li Zhi said is true, there is nothing to refute.

But the problem is...

"Isn't that what you made? Why do you want to reward the craftsmen? And you have to reward..."

Speaking of this, Li Shimin seemed to realize something, and suddenly raised his head: "Are you going to buy a horse bone with a thousand pieces of gold?!"

"Yes." Li Zhi admitted with a nod and explained: "Mechanization is definitely the trend of the future. It is difficult to promote the process of mechanization by one person alone. It is necessary to mobilize the enthusiasm of craftsmen and let them take the initiative to try and create new machines. .”

"The improvement of the paper machine to the paper industry is significant, and you will see a flood of paper in the future."

"And if you want to develop other industries, you also need to manufacture machines for the corresponding industries through the efforts of these craftsmen."

"With the paper machine as a reference, it is not very difficult to draw inferences from one instance to another. What we need to do is to push behind and blow this wind."

"As long as the momentum is created, then all you need to do is sit back and enjoy the achievements."

Li Zhi's words sound very tempting.

Although there is no definite evidence to prove that the improvement in the production capacity of the paper machine is really as big as he said.

But based on Li Shimin's understanding of Li Zhi, he knew very well that Li Zhi would only minimize things, not exaggerate them.

Since Li Zhi said three times the production capacity, the actual situation is likely to be much higher than this.

Converted in this way, it is easy for people to intuitively feel the changes brought about by machinery.

But there is a problem that makes Li Shimin feel uneasy.

"Excessive production capacity will break the old order, which will harm the interests of the craftsman family."

"Most of the craftsmen who will be supervisors come from a family of craftsmen."

"Are you really sure they're going to...compete in the direction you envisioned?"

(End of this chapter)

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