Chapter 149 Li Jiu, a carpenter who plays with wood
Li Zhi returned to Shi Lei's territory.

At this time, Shi Lei had already moved the shaping machine to the special carriage.

I saw that Shi Lei and his team were ready to go.

Li Zhi smiled and greeted apologetically.

"I wasted a little time over there, so let everyone wait anxiously?"

Shi Lei quickly said: "Where is the King Jin, we just installed the machine."

"Well, that's good." Li Zhi walked over and said to several people: "Let's go, don't waste your time, let's go to the paper factory to test the machine."

"Yes! King Jin."

Shi Lei agreed, and the waiting craftsmen waved their hands.

Following his movements, the carriage started slowly and headed out of the imperial city.

After spending some time, everyone moved the molding machine to the paper factory.

The so-called paper factory is actually not too different from a residential area.

It's just that compared to ordinary houses, there are a few more sinks and cauldrons.

The craftsmen of the paper mill were very curious about their arrival.

The main reason is that I have never seen complicated machinery. When I saw the paper machine, I was attracted by the industrial atmosphere.

"Why did you come to my paper factory?"

Not long after entering the yard of the paper mill, a worker in simple clothes ran over to inquire.

Shi Lei turned his head to Li Zhi, thinking that the prince had already made arrangements.

But I heard Li Zhi say: "Ah! So what! We are the people who will be in charge. These days, we have built a paper-making machine. We want to come and test it. Please arrange for a test to see this thing. Is it useful or not?"

"The person who will be the prisoner? Do you have proof?" The craftsman at the paper mill was not polite at all, and the doubts in his voice were obvious.

Shi Lei just wanted to take a step and scold the man for his disrespect, but was stopped by Li Zhi.

Li Zhi turned his head and said to Shi Lei, "Does the mason have an identity certificate? Let's show this craftsman."

As he spoke, Li Zhi winked and winked at him.

Shi Lei didn't know why, but Li Zhi's address in his voice used the three words "stone craftsman".

He thought for a while, and called a subordinate to come over, and asked him to take out his waist card.

The craftsman of the papermaking institute took the badge, looked at it suspiciously, and confirmed that these people were indeed from the papermaking institute, and then slowed down.

"Aren't you general prisons who specialize in making exquisite utensils for the court? What are you doing here?"

The craftsman asked suspiciously, because the badge displayed by the other party was not a high-ranking official, so he didn't show much respect.

The craftsmen brought by Shi Lei were a little upset, but seeing that King Jin didn't speak, they forcibly endured it.

Looking at Li Zhi himself, he kept smiling faintly, not at all angry at the rudeness of this group of people.

Everyone is like this, and arrogance is actually a common phenomenon, especially for the imperial government.

Since the other party is not a big shot, there is no need for special treatment.

This is the attitude of the other party.

And Li Zhi actually wanted this effect, he didn't want to hear flattery, he just wanted to get the most honest feedback.

So when he went out today, he deliberately changed into clothes that could not reveal his identity.

"Jiangzuojian recently ushered in a restructuring, and the imperial court encouraged us to produce some new things."

"No, didn't our left school office think of your paper factory?"

"On weekdays, I always hear you complain that the work is too hard and tiring, so let's see if there is a way to replace manpower with machinery, and see if it can help us."

"If this test is successful, we will build more machines in the future to solve your problems."

"This is a good thing for us, what do you think?"

"So I'm going to trouble you this time, and find a few people to help me test it."

Li Zhi pretended to be a member of the Zuo school office, and said calmly.

When the craftsman heard that the thing was made to help them, his attitude immediately changed.

"Gong Lihua, a first-class craftsman from the Papermaking Institute, is responsible for the papermaking work in this area."

Gong Lihua reported his family name and expressed a friendly attitude.

Li Zhi didn't even think about it, so he opened his mouth and said, "Li Jiu, the carpenter at the left school office, plays with wood on weekdays."

"Li Jiu? Your name is really strange."

Gong Lihua said doubtfully, he shook his head and greeted a group of paper craftsmen who were watching.

"Come on! Brothers! The brother who will be the prisoner made us a good thing, everyone, come and take it down, and test it together."

A group of people were already too curious, and when they heard Gong Lihua's greeting, they rushed over.

There is no need for the help of the carpenter who will be the prisoner. This group of people moved the machine to the ground by themselves.

Then, Gong Lihua pointed to the machine and asked: "How to use this thing? Some parts look familiar, but they are quite different from the tools we usually use."

Li Zhi chuckled and pointed to the groove of the machine.

"This is a sink. I don't need to introduce it. The focus is on the bamboo curtain and the rope tied to the bamboo curtain. I don't know how to explain it more specifically. How about we test it and explain it at the same time?"

The instruction manual of the machine itself is a very complicated thing, and it is really difficult to describe it without practice.

Gong Lihua also understands that it is impossible to figure out the function of this thing just by using language.

He led the craftsmen to follow Li Zhi's instructions, waiting for further instructions.

"Pour the water and pulp into the sink first, just like you usually do."

"After that is the bamboo curtain. You can lift the bamboo curtain to the height you use most."

"Leave the rest to the carpenters to debug. This thing is quite easy, you can just read it once."


The so-called debugging is to tie a knot on the rope hanging on the bamboo curtain.

The purpose is to fix the bamboo curtain at a fixed height when the bamboo curtain is lifted.

When making paper, papermakers used to rely on the experience of the craftsmen to control the scale, and the function of the rope is to directly fix the scale in that place without constant adjustments.

Not only that, these ropes are also connected to the pulleys on the top of the machine, which are controlled by mechanisms.

In this way, the craftsmen do not need to lift the bamboo curtains used to shape the pulp with their hands.

Just turn the handle to lift the bamboo curtain to a fixed height.

It's very stable, and because of the pulleys, it's particularly labor-saving.

What originally required nine people to work hard at the same time, now only requires the cooperation of two people to complete.

Under Li Zhi's instruction, the craftsmen of the papermaking institute conducted the first round of tests.

When Gong Lihua saw the final result, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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