Datang: I am the prince of salted fish, I impeach Li Er at the beginning

Chapter 139 volume, the era of introversion is coming

Chapter 139 volume, the era of introversion is coming


Li Zhi does have his own ideas.

As for what's on his mind?

Nothing more than two words: competition!
Competition is the fundamental factor to promote social development, Li Zhi hopes to see the rise of competition in the prison.

Now, the balance of the world has not been broken, and it may not be so easy to change the atmosphere.

But he can warm up this group of people in advance.

Let them experience the atmosphere of competition first, so as to avoid large-scale competition in the future and being surpassed by private craftsmen.

This world is bound to be a crazy and introverted world in the future.

But now, it's just the beginning.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, so let's try to promote competition from within the prison.

See if you can stimulate their desire to win and make a change from passively accepting tasks to actively improving their craftsmanship.

If it works, things will be easy after that.

There is no need for Li Zhi to add more thoughts into it, and a new atmosphere will naturally emerge in the prison.

And once competition begins, there will inevitably be technological progress.

No matter how efficient this progress is, once this sign appears, it is a good sign.

At that time, Li Zhi can use this experience to spread the concept of competition starting from the supervisor.

Inward scrolling, scrolling to the entire Tang Dynasty.

Don't think that this is the malice of capitalists.

For the current Datang, competition has only advantages and no disadvantages.

As long as the consciousness of exploration and observation is awakened, society will step into a brand new ideology in a very short time.

At that time, Datang has really stepped into the high-speed channel and is rapidly developing in the direction of modern times.

What Li Zhi has been looking forward to is this picture.

Drive the Industrial Revolution in this world nearly 500 years ago.

In order to ensure Datang's advantage in this world.

If all goes well, Datang can rely on its advantage of being the first to make a fortune and ensure its global leadership position for at least 200 more years.

Or go one step further and directly unify the world.

Think of that exciting scene.

If he had been allowed to do it, his deeds would be praised forever.

As long as human civilization does not disappear, his name will be passed down forever.

far away.

The book returns to the topic.

Not long after Gong Liyun sent people out, two chief officials from the Left School Office appeared in front of Li Zhi.

Shi Lei is a very dull person from the outside.

Standing in front of Li Zhi, he was no different from an honest farmer, and he looked very cramped.

The other person, Zuo Wenhao, looked much calmer.

When facing a prince, Zuo Wenhao lowered his head slightly to show humility.

But other than that, there is no humble movement.

It's quite a bit of arrogance.

Judging from the attitudes of the two, it is easy to see why Gong Liyun prefers Zuo Wenhao.

With such a difference in tolerance, anyone would be inclined to cultivate young people who are neither humble nor overbearing, right?
From this perspective, what Gong Liyun did was quite common.

many times.

Temperament, an invisible and intangible thing, often becomes a key factor in whether it can be taken seriously.

Li Zhi didn't think of treating these two differently.

In his view, as long as a person can have a certain status in a certain field, there must be matching abilities.

Especially in a technical department like a supervisor, those who have no ability will definitely not be leaders.

It would be a bit too arbitrary to determine who has the stronger technical ability just by looking at the mentality of the two.

When both of them came to gather, Li Zhi handed over the blueprints for the two parts of the paper machine to each of them.

While handing it over to them, he explained: "This is what the two craftsmen are going to build today. It is relatively complicated, but the specifications of each part are clearly written on the drawing, and the specific functions are also detailed. instruction of."

"After the two of you have finished reading the drawings in your hands, you can exchange them with each other and then look at the other part."

"After that, the two of you can choose one of the two parts of the machine to manufacture."

"I don't care about your manufacturing process, I only care about seeing a complete result."

"During the process, if the two of you need any help, you can ask me about it."

"As long as it is not an excessive request, I will satisfy it."

While Li Zhi was speaking, Zuo Wenhao and Shi Lei had already unfolded the drawings and quickly looked at them on the paper.

Gong Liyun couldn't stop his curiosity, so he went to Zuo Wenhao's side to watch together.

When seeing the complicated structural design, Gong Liyun's face was tangled into countless folds.

Perhaps to him, these two manufacturing blueprints are no different from heavenly books, right?

But look at the expressions of Shi Lei and Zuo Wenhao.

The former concentrated his attention and looked very serious, presumably he had already entered the state.

As for Zuo Wenhao, he still frowned slightly at the beginning.

But looking at the back, the wrinkles on my forehead gradually smoothed out, and I guess I have figured out the pattern, and I can begin to understand the content in the production pictures.

In this way, the two of them were highly focused and quickly flipped through the two manufacturing drawings.

Li Zhi observed the expressions of the two, and nodded secretly.

as predicted.

Anyone who can sign an order is by no means a person with empty charts.

Without a certain amount of concentration, you simply wouldn't be able to sit where you are now.

Since both of them can understand, there is nothing to say.

According to the previous idea, let both sides be responsible for the manufacture of one of the machines.

In this way, both sides can manufacture one of them on the basis of seeing the complete design drawing at the same time.

Once the other party has omissions or loopholes, it will be seen by the other party and point out the flaws.

The two sides will not only present a competitive situation, but also form a certain degree of complementarity.

This is undoubtedly the scene that Li Zhi hopes to see the most.

Li Zhi waited patiently, and after the two had finished reading the blueprints in their hands, they exchanged the blueprints and read them again.

After they finished reading all the content, Li Zhi asked the two of them.

"How about it, do you already have the direction you want to make?"

Shi Lei and Zuo Wenhao looked at each other, both of them seemed to want the other to make a statement first.

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Li Zhi sighed softly deep in his heart.

Mutual humility is a concept that Datang currently advocates.

This concept is obviously inappropriate when it comes to competition.

Everyone wants to be modest, how can the desire to win and lose be aroused on both sides?
But Li Zhi couldn't open his mouth to intervene. After all, the current Tang Dynasty is still Li Shimin's Tang Dynasty. He can't fight against his father and export different opinions.

Therefore, Li Zhi could only wait and see the changes.

(End of this chapter)

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