Datang: I am the prince of salted fish, I impeach Li Er at the beginning

Chapter 120 Flying bricks with great force, forcibly raising the temperature

Chapter 120 Flying bricks with great force, forcibly raising the temperature

That's it, after 10 minutes of frantic shaking.

Greater heat than before spread from the edge of the kiln.

Feeling the heat from the kiln, Li Zhi's eyes lit up, and he already had a premonition that this experiment might be successful.

Having nothing to say, Li Zhi immediately picked up the wooden stick and pried open the opening of the stove.

The moment the gap was opened, scalding air blasted out from inside.

The two looked carefully into the crucible, and the quartz stone in the crucible was already in the shape of a liquid.

Seeing this, the two looked at each other, and Li Zhi let out a cheer.

"It's done! The temperature is enough! The glass is done!"

Shouting in surprise, Li Zhi suddenly remembered that the thing hadn't formed yet, so he hurriedly called out: "Zu Xuanhao, go and bring the mold over here, and now we're going to start pouring."

Zu Xuanhao is very unfamiliar with the words "mold" and "casting".

But he knew very well what Li Zhi wanted.

He threw the earthen stone slab to the ground, Li Zhi picked up the special hook, took out the crucible containing quartz stone liquid, and poured the liquid inside into the mold.

As the fiery red liquid was poured in, the place where it was poured made a "sizzling" sound.

The two squatted aside watching the changes in the mold, their eyes full of anticipation.

I don't know what will be the result of this experiment?

About ten seconds passed, and the fiery red liquid gradually became transparent, turning a faint green.

As the temperature gradually cooled, the boiled quartz liquid began to solidify again.

After an unknown amount of time, when the glass liquid turned solid again, a piece of crystal clear glass appeared in front of their eyes.

Seeing the final product appear, Zu Xuanhao's eyes almost straightened.

It was the first time he had seen such a clear and transparent product.

Seeing glass for the first time, Zu Xuanhao even had the illusion that this thing is infinitely more precious than the most exquisite porcelain.

In other words, this is not an illusion, but his most real thought at the moment.

Zu Xuanhao's lips moved slightly, as if he was bewitched by something.

While muttering words such as "rare treasures, ingenious workmanship", he stretched his hand towards the glass in the mold, as if he wanted to touch this unprecedented treasure.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand half way, Li Zhi patted him back.

"Don't move!"

Zu Xuanhao woke up suddenly. Thinking of his actions just now, he quickly apologized: "I'm sorry Your Highness, this treasure is too delicate, I can't help it, it's so abrupt."

He thought that Li Zhi was afraid that he would accidentally damage this rare treasure, and apologized for his rashness.

But Li Zhi grinned, and said helplessly: "Don't look at this thing, it seems to have cooled down, but the actual temperature is frighteningly high. You just touch it directly, do you still want your hand? You think you should Should we fight or not?"


Hearing the words of concern, Zu Xuanhao was stunned. Was it because he was afraid of getting hurt that he blocked it?
How could a noble prince care about the safety of a craftsman?
Re-examine the process of talking to this Highness.

Zu Xuanhao suddenly discovered that this His Highness seemed to be looking at him with equal eyes all the time?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be the case.

Therefore, he has always felt very awkward, and always felt that things should not be like this.

But when he thought about it again, it turned out that this was the reason why he felt awkward.

Thinking of this, Zu Xuanhao's mood fluctuated, and he didn't know how to face King Jin for a while.

But it seems that Li Zhi doesn't care about these.

I heard His Highness look at the treasure inside the mould, and said disgustedly: "The precision of the mold is not good, the surface is uneven, it is ugly, so the light transmittance is not bad, there is such a piece of glass, the king's beloved little potato It's gone."

What are potatoes?
Also, is this treasure really that bad?

Zu Xuanhao was shocked.

What looked like a peerless treasure to him turned out to be a piece of junk in King Jin's mouth?
How can this be?

You know, apart from clear water in the world, there is no more transparent treasure than this.

How can it be described as ugly?

Just when Zu Xuanhao was startled, Li Zhi's words came again.

"Glass is very brittle, even more fragile than porcelain. In addition, the burrs of this thing are very sharp, and it will scratch your fingers if you are not careful."

"When you touch this thing in the future, remember to wear gloves, otherwise it's easy to get blood on your hands."

When Li Zhi said this, he paused for a moment, looked at Zu Xuanhao and continued.

"Well... In addition to these precautions, clay kilns, blowers, coal, and molds are all important tools for making glass."

"Without the assistance of these tools, it would be difficult to raise the temperature."

"The other thing is the raw material. The raw material is only quartz stone, so it won't be too troublesome to remember."

" addition to quartz stone, some additives should be added, but those things are not easy to manufacture, so there is no need to worry about these details."

"Anyway, you memorize all of these, and spread the method of making glass after returning to the general prison."

"Let interested craftsmen experiment by themselves to see if they can improve the production process or something."

"Probably... that's all."

Hearing Li Zhi's speech, Zu Xuanhao was numb.

After he finished speaking, Zu Xuanhao couldn't wait to ask: "Are you... planning to share the formula for making glass?"

"That's not nonsense, otherwise, why would I call you here?"

Li Zhi replied naturally.

If he wanted to hide the formula, he could experiment by himself.

There is no technical content in the manufacturing process of glass, so why ask him to come and paddle?
After all, isn't it just to let him act as a relay to spread this technology?

Li Zhi doesn't have much opinion on the practice of self-preservation in the world.

However, this does not mean that he will also follow this group of people and keep the glass manufacturing method as a secret to guard against it.

Don't you guys like to keep secrets and lie down with the means of production?

That's fine, then I'll make something new, something better than yours, and open it up for free.

When the time comes, I'll see how stubborn you guys can be.

When you are eliminated by this world, don't come to me and cry.

I just want you to compete and roll up to promote the advancement of technology!
As for whether you are willing to do things according to my wishes, that is your own choice.

(End of this chapter)

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