Datang: I am the prince of salted fish, I impeach Li Er at the beginning

Chapter 118 In the era of standing still, the development of science and technology should stagnate

Chapter 118 In the era of standing still, the development of science and technology should stagnate
It is the norm here to only focus on one line of business for a lifetime.

After all, this is not the modern age of information explosion.

If you want to learn something, you can look up information on the Internet, and you can find it out.

If you want to learn deeper skills, there are also professional training institutions for training.

In this age, knowledge is blocked and there is no communication.

Every capable person will hide the knowledge he has as a treasure.

Even the emperor, there is no way for the craftsmen to hand over the various skills they have mastered.

Over time, most of the world's knowledge is in the hands of a few people.

Some of these families have become gentry families, while others, like Zu Xuanhao, have been doing the same thing for generations.

There is no space for knowledge and craftsmanship to communicate, and there is no channel for mutual advancement, so various technologies have stagnated.

No progress will be made until one of these groups of people who have been doing the same thing for generations comes out with an exceptional talent.

But if all kinds of technologies are opened up, everyone can choose their own suitable career.

Thinking about the speed of scientific and technological progress, there will be a qualitative improvement.

Just like the Renaissance, let the whole society enter a period of rapid development, thus entering the industrial age.

From the perspective of society as a whole, blocking knowledge is undoubtedly a very stupid thing.

But from the perspective of a family, why should they share the skills they rely on for survival?

Does it do them any good?

Obviously not.

This is a conflict between individual interests and group interests.

It is also the real cause of class solidification.

In the current social background, it is the right choice to be conservative and stand still.

After all, without sharing, there would be no competition, without competition, there would be no involution, and without involution, the family’s social status could always be maintained.

Logic is self-consistent.

It is even said that this principle is also applicable even in modern times.

Humans have always been selfish creatures and that will never change.

It is impossible for someone to give up personal interests for the overall interests of society.

Or, to put it a bit more extreme.

To understand this sentence in reverse, it is actually the underlying logic to maintain the operation of society.

People prefer to satisfy family and personal interests by sacrificing overall interests.

No matter what class of people they are, everyone follows this concept.

You say such a society, how can he develop it?

You must know that the core purpose of development is communication and sharing.

Without this core concept, it would be strange if society could develop!

After a brief exchange, a spark of thought burst out in Li Zhi's mind.

He re-examined the current social relations with the concept of modern people.

It was easy to find the problem.

However, he was just thinking about it in his heart, and had no intention of doing anything.

Stretching the Maza away, Li Zhi sat on it, waiting patiently for the quartz stone to melt.

About half an hour has passed, but the quartz stone in the crucible has not changed in any way.

Instead, the charcoal under the crucible had been burned to ashes.

"Emmm, it's one thing to know the craftsmanship, but another to actually do it. It seems that today's experiment failed."

Li Zhi picked up the wooden stick and poked the quartz stone in the crucible. The quartz stone was still very hard just like when he poured it in.

Judging by the results, it was a total failure.

But Li Zhi didn't feel frustrated, failure is success damn it.

This is the first time he has tried to make glass, and it would be amazing if it worked.

Failure is the most normal outcome.

"Put the things away and put them in the warehouse for later use, that's all for today."

Li Zhi threw the wooden stick in his hand aside, got up and gave instructions.

Huang Fu consciously assigned the eunuchs to clean up the mess and put away all the messy things in the yard.

Then, Li Zhi turned his gaze to Zu Xuanhao, and waved to him.

"As for you, come with me, let's go to the study and have a chat."

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to trouble you a little this time. You're going to be the supervisor and make some tools."

"With the existing equipment alone, it is estimated that it will be difficult to make glass. We need more things."

Zu Xuanhao had no objection, and followed Li Zhi into the study.

After arriving at the study, Li Zhi picked up a pen and began to draw a simple blower.

After drawing the general structure of the blower and the design ideas, he handed the rice paper to Zu Xuanhao.

"Take the blueprint back and show it to the person who will be in charge, and let them make it out as soon as possible. The king will use it in two days."

After handing over the things, Li Zhi said again: "As for you, you can go and burn a smaller earthen kiln, which can almost hold the crucible."

After two sentences of instructions, Zu Xuanhao just nodded dully and didn't say anything more.

Seeing that he couldn't hold back a word for a long time, Li Zhi waved his hands at him a little funny.

"Go, go back and get ready, we'll try again in two days."

The reason why this experiment failed, the result is obvious, is actually because the temperature is not enough.

The melting point of quartz stone is around 1700 degrees, and it is impossible to do it with charcoal alone.

So Li Zhi planned to use earthen kilns and blowers to increase the combustion temperature.

Because of the limitations of technology, he can't think of many ways, it seems that this is the only way?
Li Zhi pondered for a while, then went out and called Huang Fu in.

Huang Fu ran over quickly, and Li Zhi ordered: "Go to the Palace of Renzhi and find some charcoal. It doesn't need much, just a bullock cart is enough."

As a prince of a country, many things are very convenient to do.

For example, the Renzhi Palace in his mouth refers to Tongchuan in later generations.

Carbon charcoal is actually coal.

The reason why Li Zhi feels that the temperature is not enough may not only be the problem of the stove not working.

If the next test fails again, he plans to try another coal.

That was a high temperature of nearly [-] degrees, and just thinking about it gave people a headache.

This makes Li Zhi, who can't even light a fire, find a perfect plan.

He could only try various solutions and keep experimenting.

Whether it can happen or not depends on God's will.

Anyway, being idle at home is idle, so it’s good to do something, isn’t it?
It's better than sitting around the potatoes all day, waiting for them to sprout.

Speaking of it, being a prince is really depressing enough.

Especially as a prince valued by the emperor.

Before he was enthroned, he really couldn't do anything.

I can only kill time with these things that have a major impact on people's livelihood.

(End of this chapter)

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