Datang: I am the prince of salted fish, I impeach Li Er at the beginning

Chapter 108 Do you know how to do farm work?then you come

Chapter 108 Do you know how to do farm work?then you come

The banquet is over.

After bidding farewell to Chu Suiliang who was almost crazy, Li Zhi returned to his residence.

In a warm room, pour out the potato seeds stored in the system space.

after that.

He lay on the table, looking at the round potatoes, lost in thought.

"Isn't it too bullying to just give the seeds without giving the planting instructions?"

"Do you think I can grow this thing?"

"Isn't that too condescending to me?"

He muttered to himself, unrealistically expecting a response from the system.

But obviously, the system didn't respond at all.


From the looks of it, I can only figure it out on my own.

Li Zhi picked up a potato seed and played with it, thinking about farming knowledge.

Calculated according to the ancient 24 solar terms.

Today is New Year's Day, so three days later will be the Beginning of Spring.

As the saying goes, a year's plan lies in spring.

The beginning of spring is an important festival to remind farmers to start farming the land.

In other words, three days before you can start trying to grow potatoes?
Thinking of this, Li Zhi still felt a little unsafe.

There were only ten potato seeds in his hand.

If all these ten seeds are destroyed, there will really be nothing left.

Just to be prudent, never put your eggs in one basket, they have to be planted separately!

Thinking that the beginning of spring was less than three days away, Li Zhi hesitated, picked up one of the seeds on the table, and walked out of the house.

Going outside the house and looking around, I saw a shovel lying diagonally in the corner of the yard, and walked over to pick up the shovel.

"From now on, one potato will be planted every ten days. If there are ten potatoes, it will be one hundred days."

"Even if most of them are wrongly planted, it should be possible to ensure that some of them will survive."

"If I remember correctly, potatoes have strong vitality and don't need careful care."

"In other words, it should be a very safe bet."

"Since this is the case, there is nothing to say, let's start taking action today!"

Li Zhi came to the center of the yard with a shovel and began to dig.

The weather is very cold now, and the ground in the yard is still melting, so it is very strenuous to dig a hole with a shovel.

But what is there to say?

Vigorously miracle!
After Li Zhi's fierce digging, he really dug a big hole.

However, the noise made while prying the soil also attracted Cui Zhiwen and Huang Fu to watch.

Seeing Li Zhi digging a hole from a distance, Huang Fu greeted in an exaggerated tone: "Your Highness, what are you doing? Just leave the menial work to the slaves. If you need anything, just give me an order."

Hearing Huang Fu's voice, Li Zhi raised his head and waved to him.

"You came just in time! Did you see the hole that the king dug?"

Li Zhi pointed to the hard-dug hole on the ground, and carefully put the potato seeds into it.

Then, he took a shovel to seal the soil again, and ordered: "From now on, sprinkle a little water here every day, and surround this place, and no one is allowed to enter, unless the king says that there is no need to do it again." , otherwise it will be maintained forever, do you understand what this king said?"

After sealing the soil, Li Zhi raised his foot and stomped on it twice.

With one step down, the entire soil layer was pressed down by more than three centimeters, and the corners of Huang Fu's mouth twitched as he watched.

"Your Highness! Planting crops can't be so rough, you have to make the land softer."

"Really?" Li Zhi raised his eyebrows and said in surprise, "Do you know how to do farm work?"

"My servant learned a little bit when I was a child. If you want to grow crops, just leave it to your servant."

As Huang Fu spoke, he rolled up his sleeves and stretched out his hand.

Li Zhi hesitated for a moment, then handed over the shovel in his hand.

"Well, since you are sure, then you can try it."

Seeing that Huang Fu was going to take over his work, Li Zhi hurriedly stepped aside to observe.

Anyway, Huang Fu is better than him, a person who doesn't touch the spring water with his fingers, right?

Since he is a bit more professional than himself, then leave the matter to the professionals.

In any case, the final result is better than his own hands.

After Huang Fu took the shovel, he began to work on the place where Li Zhi dug.

While prying open the compacted soil, he explained: "Crops need space to grow. If you compact the soil, the seeds inside cannot be stretched out, and they will easily be trapped and die inside."

"Besides, when you water, you also need loose soil to let the water seep in. If you press the ground so hard, I'm afraid even the water won't be able to flow down."

As he spoke, Huang Fu straightened up, and wiped the sweat that was seeping from his forehead with his sleeve.

"In addition, watering is not allowed during this season. Once the water seeps in, it is easy to freeze the seeds."

"Although the servants don't know what kind of crops His Highness planted, I think it will be difficult to survive if it freezes."

"So, it will take some time until the weather cools down before we can water it."


What he said made Li Zhi nod repeatedly.

The main reason was that he didn't understand this matter. No matter what Huang Fu said, he felt that it made sense.

Moreover, Huang Fu was right.

Isn’t it freezing cold around the Spring Festival?

We can't just ignore the objective environment just because of the name Lichun.

Thinking of this, Li Zhi regretted a little.

Perhaps, he should have planted the seeds later.

It would be a little too eager to start now.

Maybe another 20 days will be the best time.

But no matter what, the seeds have been planted, and it is not easy to dig a hole to take out the potato seeds.

Everything else is easy to talk about, but if you accidentally cut that precious potato, you will feel like crying.

Li Zhi nodded from time to time while listening to Huang Fu's valuable experience.

He should take this opportunity to make up for his knowledge about agriculture.

Potatoes were only the first crop he got.

In case there are similar rewards later, these valuable experiences will be useful at that time.

On the contrary, Cui Zhiwen has been in a state of bewilderment since he appeared until now.

"What are you doing here?"

Cui Zhiwen walked up to Li Zhi, squatted down, pushed his shoulder and said, "Besides, why didn't you come to look for me at Yushitai? If Mr. Ma hadn't said that you had returned home, I wouldn't have known you had come back." gone."

"Oh! Something suddenly happened, so I came back early."

After his reminder, Li Zhi remembered what he had agreed with Cui Zhiwen.

Today is New Year's Day, and he is going to Yushitai to exchange greetings with his colleagues.

Suddenly getting potato seeds made him forget about it.

(End of this chapter)

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