Datang: I am the prince of salted fish, I impeach Li Er at the beginning

Chapter 105 When the sun sets, the heartbroken man is at the end of the world

Chapter 105 When the sun sets, the heartbroken man is at the end of the world

Li Zhi originally planned to pass this court meeting in a low-level manner.

It's just that he never thought that Li You, a bastard, would dare to provoke him in public.

Since you want to humiliate yourself, then I will satisfy you.

Anyway, after a while, I still have to do it.

Early or late, it makes no difference.

Li Zhi put down the chopsticks in his hand, patted the table and stood up.

"You said you wanted to hear me compose a poem on the spot? Then I'll write one for you, what do you think?"

Li You snorted coldly, and said with disdain: "All ears."

How can it be so easy to compose a poem that can be read?

From ancient times to the present, which one of the best lines through the ages has not been slowly figured out?

Li Zhi dared to say that he wrote a poem on the spot, but Li You didn't believe a word of it.

His eyes were full of joking, and he obviously didn't take it seriously.

But the attitude of others, the officials of the imperial court cheered up and listened attentively.

But those who are in the officialdom don't know that this King Jin has three magic weapons: slander, poetry and impeachment!
Among them, the most famous one belongs to the underworld poem in the eyes of the courtiers.

Li Zhi's literary talent is indeed outstanding, but no matter how outstanding, in the eyes of this group of ministers in the officialdom, it is just icing on the cake.

But the poetry of the underworld is different. It can frighten hundreds of officials with a single move, and many courtiers are shivering.

Except for Li Zhi, they have never seen this ability from others.

The king of Jin obviously intends to teach the king of Qi a lesson today, maybe he will come up with a unique skill!
Seeing this while watching the play, even Li Shimin became interested, and looked at Li Zhi calmly.

Under the attention of the world, Li Zhi started to recite with a clear voice with a slight smile.

"Withered vines, old trees, faint crows."

When the first sentence came out, the officials were stunned, and they discussed in low voices.

"This is not like an ordinary poem. The first sentence is six characters. How should I fill in the rest?"

"The brand-new carrier of poetry seems to have a little taste, let's listen to it again."

"With King Jin's talent, he will definitely not disappoint us. This poem is not like a doggerel. You should look forward to it."


The court ministers are quite confident in this brand-new carrier of poetry.

But Li You didn't understand. He counted and found that the first sentence was only six words, so he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Do you know what poetry is? You don't even know the most basic rhythm, and you have the nerve to call yourself a master of poetry? Don't be ridiculous."

Li You originally thought that as soon as these words came out, everyone present would agree.

But when he saw the concentrated expression of all the officials, he couldn't hold back.

He stared at Li Zhi fiercely, he wanted to see what good poems Li Zhi could write.

Under the gaze of everyone, Li Zhi curled his mouth and uttered another sentence.

"Little bridge and flowing water."

As soon as the second sentence came out, the rhythm appeared.

The form of poetry is like this. As long as the first two sentences appear together, there will be some kind of wonderful rhythm and the reading will be much smoother.

After Li Zhi finished reciting, there was another brief pause, as if he was preparing the next sentence.

The officials took this time to communicate quietly with the people around them.

"The rhyme is there, full of charm, but the verses are a bit straightforward, and they are all describing the scenery. I don't know if there will be a reversal in the end."

"From scene to emotion, this doesn't look like King Jin's handwriting. King Jin's works have always been full of artistic conception to the end. How could he use such a loose poetic structure?"

"The King of Jin himself said that it is difficult to condense the 'meaning' with this kind of structure. Could it be that the King of Jin thought of a more subtle technique? This makes people look forward to the whole picture of his poem."


Li Shimin was originally wary of Li Zhi's shocking poems.

At this time, when I heard the first two sentences, I couldn't help feeling suspicious.

Could it be that this kid has reformed himself and plans to write poetry?

But...he also said that he didn't want to spoil everyone's interest on the festive day.

No matter how you hear this, why is it wrong?

It always feels like things are not that simple.

There was a little uneasiness in Li Shimin's eyes, and he looked at each other with his eldest grandson Wuji and Fang Xuanling who were closest to him.

Seeing the same surprise on their faces, they continued to listen with curiosity.

Just at this time, Li Zhi recited the third sentence.

"The ancient west wind thin horse."

As soon as this sentence came out, many people couldn't help it and took a breath of cold air.

Heart: here we come!
If the first two sentences are just a pure description of the scene.

So this sentence gives people the feeling of decay coming towards them.

From the ordinary scenery, it suddenly turned into a gray and ruined scene.

The ancient road, the west wind, and the thin horse.

When the three words come together, a desolate emotion rushes over the face, making one's scalp tingle.

At this time, Li Zhi uttered all the poems in one breath.

"Sunset, heartbroken people in the horizon."

Whoa! !

As soon as the last two sentences came out, the audience was in an uproar.

On the ancient road, the westerly wind is leaning on the horse, the sun is setting in the west, and the heartbroken man is at the end of the world.

The two sentences are connected together, even making people feel numb.

How miserable must this be, to be reduced to such a situation, and to make people have such a miserable lament?
Starting from the third sentence, the style of the entire poem takes a sharp turn, turning directly into a lament.

The poetry was condensed at once, even more shocking than the artistic conception throughout the audience!
It is not appropriate to describe the last paragraph of reversal as "exquisite".

The artistic conception is so miserable, and adding more oil and vinegar to it, somewhat destroys the overall taste.

But other than that, they couldn't find a better adjective.


Ingenious and natural, it is more suitable to describe this poem.

"What a poem!"

Sun Fujia slapped the table, full of praise for this poem.

"The first sentence has vaguely revealed the content behind it, but it's just a taste, and it doesn't go deeper."

"The second sentence, Xiaoqiao Liushuirenjia, completely covers up all the decayed atmosphere, making people mistakenly think that the direction of the poem is upward, not downward."

"When it came to the third sentence, the foreshadowing that had been planted before was completely exposed, and the whole poetic flavor took a sharp turn, which made people unprepared."

"And when it came to the phrase 'sunset', it became a wonderful pen, making readers mistakenly think that the author was relieved."

"But in fact, these four words are full of despair, and they instantly turn into a heartbroken person at the end of the world."

"It's really wonderful!"


Those officials who originally only thought the poems were subtle but didn't know where the subtlety was, immediately realized it when they heard Sun Fujia's explanation.

For a while, the ministers in the court praised Li Zhi, and bowed their hands to Li Zhi one after another.

The appearance of this poem added a legendary color to this court meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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