Datang: I am the prince of salted fish, I impeach Li Er at the beginning

Chapter 101 Lie down, continue to lie down until the upper position

Chapter 101 Lie down, continue to lie down until the upper position
think carefully.

Li Zhi never took the initiative to plan anything.

It was Li Shimin who asked first, and Li Zhi began to answer.

But in reality, is this really the case?
Although Li Shimin couldn't find any evidence, it didn't mean that he couldn't detect the abnormality.

No matter how hard Li Zhi denied it, he couldn't easily believe it.

Li Shimin recalled the whole incident for a while, and warned with a serious expression: "In matter what you think, I hope you will think twice before acting. .”

"Oh!" Li Zhi sighed heavily, and said helplessly, "What my son said is the truth, why don't you believe it?"

Well, he admitted that he had the idea of ​​guiding the political situation, and he also deliberately guided Li Shimin's thinking to deal with the gentry class.

But this is just random, not a targeted plan.

Li Shimin asked casually, and he answered casually, the matter is that simple.

As for how it became what it is now.

It can only be said that he subconsciously regarded the nobles as the number one enemy of the royal family, and all his actions and methods were planned around dealing with this enemy.

When helping others with advice, subconsciously brought some of my own private goods, isn't that a big mistake?

Anyway, Li Zhi himself felt quite innocent.

Li Shimin didn't blame him either, he just felt a little offended.

Seeing that Li Zhi was unwilling to talk more, he didn't bother with this issue any more.

"Okay, it's already getting so late. You should go back and rest early." Li Shimin waved his hand towards him and said in a relaxed tone: "Tomorrow is the annual court meeting. You have to get up early to go to court. I won't do it. Stay longer."

"Okay, what you say is what you say, and I will leave now."

Li Zhi shrugged helplessly, what else could he say?

It's really unlucky to help others with advice and almost get into trouble.

Turning around, Li Zhi was about to leave the familiar hall.

After walking a few steps, Li Shimin suddenly heard concerned: "By the way, the court clothes newly made by Jiang Zuojian have been sent to your house, right?"

Li Zhi was just promoted some time ago, and now he is a fifth-rank member of the imperial court.

The previous official uniform must no longer be worn, and I have to change it.

Hearing the reminder, Li Zhicai suddenly thought of this question, frowned and said uncertainly: "Huang Fu seems to have mentioned this matter to Erchen, but he doesn't seem to have. Erchen is really not sure whether the official uniform has arrived."

"After all, it's the New Year's Day meeting, so you should pay more attention." Li Shimin pointed out: "There are many people waiting to see your jokes, so don't let people make fun of you because of these details."

In this era, people regard etiquette as very important.

Li Zhi himself didn't mind wearing an old official uniform to go to court, but others would take this issue as an issue.

What should be paid attention to should still be paid attention to.

Li Shimin's concern from his shoes made his mood waver.

Even his own problems that he doesn't know much about, the father has already thought about it for him in advance.

The feeling of licking a calf.

It can only be said that the relationship between people is indeed complicated enough.

"Thank you, my father, for reminding me. After I go back, I will go to check the affairs of tomorrow's court meeting. My son will leave."

After solemnly bowing his hands and saluting, Li Zhi walked out of the Ganlu Hall and returned to his mansion.

After returning, he thought carefully about what he had done during this time.

During this period of time, he was indeed a little slack.

Originally, the government affairs of the imperial court were not his concern.

Not to mention now, but also led the emperor's thinking to the game with other interest groups.

It's not that this is bad, but that it can easily arouse the fear of others.

If it weren't for the solid foundation of trust between the two, his father might feel that he had ulterior motives.

It stands to reason that he only needs to care about his own work and wait for the power to change.

But doing this now has shaken the foundation of trust between the two, which is not worth the candle.

"Forget it, just focus on what you should do."

"If my father asks me any more questions in the future, just pretend to be stupid."

"As for the original plan, let's put it aside first, and stop doing things tomorrow."

Li Zhi was originally planning to raise the banner at the Great Court Meeting, to take a clear-cut stand.

Thinking about it now, this step was a bit hasty.

If he remembered correctly, it was only six or seven years before he reached that position.

After all, he is not the master of this world yet, so he should stop doing those insignificant things to arouse suspicion.

There's absolutely no need for that.

Before going to bed, Li Zhi thought about his next plan and unknowingly entered a dream.

On the other side, in the Ganlu Hall in Daxing Palace, Li Shimin was still thinking by candlelight.

He was wondering whether he should follow Li Zhi's suggestion and compete with the nobles?

From the perspective of maintaining stability, it is obviously better to do less than to do more.

As Chu Suiliang said, it is not necessarily and is not a way to hand over the problems that have arisen to the next generation to deal with.

Some problems cannot be dealt with in a drastic way until that time comes.

If civil conflicts accumulate to the point where they are about to erupt, Li Shimin will definitely start to deal with them immediately without saying a word.

But the problem is that this drawback has just been revealed, and has not yet caused serious consequences.

Moreover, within the predictable range, it is difficult to impose a burden on the court.

In other words, the cost-effectiveness of dealing with it now is too low.

For example, this is like someone wearing a pair of dirty socks and wondering whether to use the washing machine.

Do you wait for the dirty clothes to pile up and wash them together, or just dispose of them.

Obviously, the cost performance of the former is much higher than that of the latter.

This is the advantage of procrastination. It can deal with more disadvantages at one time at less cost.

Therefore, it is a question worth pondering whether to start the layout as soon as possible and further suppress the gentry as Li Zhi said.

At this moment, Li Shimin fell into hesitation.

Because he can't figure out the ratio between risk and reward.

No one has ever tried to do this, and it's not clear how valuable it would be.

In this regard, Li Zhi's experience is extremely valuable.

If it were Li Zhi, he could make a decision instantly.

This is absolutely beneficial and harmless, and it will play a key role in the stability of Datang.

Moreover, the sooner the nobles are suppressed, the better.

Just as the Tang Dynasty needed to recuperate and stabilize its rule over the country, the gentry also needed time to take root and sprout in a new order.

In general, the longer the time dragged on, the more beneficial it would be to the gentry class.

(End of this chapter)

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