Chapter 140 Hypocrisy
The teaching building is like a planet floating in the universe.

Alone, dilapidated, lifeless.

Except for this planet, the rest of the world is a dark void.

Mo Rang walked in this boundless darkness, but he did not feel panic or fear in his heart, but felt a sense of comfort.

He casually put away the knife and kicked away the monster who just tried to grab his ankle with his foot.

"If you want to deal with me in the dark, it's really wrong. After all, darkness is not just your special event."

Mo Rang can be said to be strolling in the darkness, walking towards the glowing "planet" far away.

Although it seems that his steps are slow, in fact, his movement speed is extremely fast, and he has already used the Liyun ghost step on his feet. In addition to the ghost energy consumed by the movement, he even removed all the camouflage techniques. The appearance is complete, like a ghost.

His pale face is dotted with a pair of blood-red eyes, and the pupils are like turning red wheels, hiding the hellfire that burns the world.

For a moment, that spot of light was within sight, but there were more and more monsters blocking him.Although the strength of these monsters is generally low, it also seriously affects his speed.

"I don't know what the situation is outside, but we still need to deal with it as soon as possible."

Mo Ren's face was somber, and he wiped off the white powder on his index finger. The pale golden imprint of peach blossoms shone in the darkness, like a blessing from the gods.

He didn't have the energy to use the sealing technique at this time, but he could still use the trapped beast.

I saw him stretching out his finger, where he pointed, there was golden light and generous!When the monster saw the golden light, it curled up and turned into a red soul orb, but before Mo Rang reached out to pick it up, it dissipated like ashes again.

"These monsters are all illusions...Damn it, how much ghost energy I have lost, I will get it back from that evil ghost!"

Gripping the long knife in his hand tightly, there were no obstacles on the road at this time, Mo Rang could be said to have arrived at the light spot unimpeded, and now, he was able to see clearly what the light spot was.

--equipment room!

Mo Rang frowned, he didn't even think that it was here, and he couldn't help but become more confused.

The red paint on the door that says equipment room is mottled, revealing the moldy and blackened wood inside. There is a notebook hanging on the door lock with the name of the teacher on duty written on it.

Don't let the knife drop with your hand, just cut off the iron lock directly.


The heavy lock fell to the ground, and the boy in the dark blue school uniform cautiously pushed the door open with his hands.

When he saw the scene inside, there was a trace of understanding between his brows, " it was you."

His voice seemed to be recalling something, and his eyebrows became gentle.

equipment room.

On the dusty concrete floor, a girl in a navy blue school uniform was kneeling quietly, with her head bowed, her long hair like water falling on her well-developed chest, even though there were piles of deflated footballs piled up messily beside him. There is a ping pong racket that was half eaten by a mouse, and it does not cover up the light on her body in the slightest.


A drop of blood fell from the girl's hair.

Sensing Mo Rang's arrival, she slowly raised her head.

At this time, there was a bloodstain on the girl's face, which flowed from the ruptured wound on her forehead. Along that pure and beautiful face, it added a softness and beauty.

"She"'s eyes were full of anticipation, as if seeing the savior, her voice seemed to be trembling with fear, but with excitement that couldn't be concealed, "You're finally here!"

"Well, here I am."

Mo Rang nodded, the tenderness in his brows disappeared, and his tone and expression were as usual.

The girl's eyes flickered once in doubt. "Your reaction..."

“What’s wrong with my reaction?”

"It's so nonchalant."

The girl covered the wound on her forehead with a handkerchief, and looked at Mo Rang with a condemning look.

"Indifference? This is my normal reaction to others. Then you might as well tell me what your relationship is with me."

"..." The girl bit her lip.There was an irresistible request on her pretty face, as if she was begging herself not to go on.

But Mo Rang, who has already been tricked once, has long recognized her true face.

Seemingly recognizing Mo Rang's ruthless face, the girl gave Mo Rang an angry look, "We are a couple!"


Mo Rang's reaction was still indifferent, and he looked at the mobile phone in her hand, "Have you called Wang Ruliang yet?"

He used affirmative sentences, not interrogative sentences.

The girl's face froze, "...what are you talking about, why would I call that bastard!"

"Heh." Mo Rang stood up, "Have you pretended enough?"

As he said that, he drew out his knife and took a few steps back quickly.

The girl's expression was pitiful, "I didn't pretend! I really didn't contact Wang Ruliang!"

"Stop pretending, fight!"

Don't be expressionless.

Realizing that the other party had pierced her disguise, the girl's face froze instantly.

"How did you find out I wasn't hallucinating?"

"That woman is more hypocritical than you."

Mo Rang twitched the corner of his mouth, a trace of disgust flashed across his eyes.

"She and I have never admitted this relationship. Even when they tricked me into the equipment room that day, they just found a good place for the Wang family to teach me a lesson."

"you guessed right."

The evil ghost's face froze, his eyes kept emitting ferocious green light, and he instantly changed back to his original appearance. The delicate face was instantly elongated, and together with the body kneeling on the ground, it finally turned into a bird. It was a tree-shaped evil ghost, with bumps and blood vessels growing on its rough blue-black skin, and only one miserable green eyeball remained on its face, and the eyeball was always the size of a human head.

At the same time, the environment in which the two lived suddenly changed.

Don't let the mental strength be strong, and when you look closely, the dilapidated equipment room seems to be collapsing, all turned into white fragments, rising into the sky, and finally dissipating into bloody spots, and the environment they are in has become A palace full of blood.

This place is definitely not the palace when they first entered the door. I don't know how long I have been running in the illusion, and I have left the original place long ago.

Just behind the evil spirits stands a huge golden gate, in front of which are piled countless human corpses, blood-smeared paw prints and sprayed blood are all over the gate, it can be seen that everyone died before death. After a fierce battle, it seems that he died guarding this door.

"Have you seen enough?"

The evil ghost shaped like a ghost tree said with a smile, it was so angry that it hadn't been seen through at all.

"Jie Jie - I saw your illusion -"

Mo Rang didn't care, "So what."

"The negative stone ghost king will definitely be very interested in the origin of your soul—!"

"Whether he is interested or not, I really don't want to know." Mo Rang's calmness surprised the evil ghost, and then he saw this person flying towards him like lightning, and his cold voice rushed into his ears with a knife——

"As long as I kill you, no one will know."

(End of this chapter)

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