Chapter 58
The black flame spread extremely fast, burning from the arm to the shoulder almost within three breaths, Yue Wuhua's eyes flashed a ruthless color, his right hand turned into a palm knife, and with one palm he cut off his left arm from the joint of the shoulder, This is Yue Wuhua's determination, he would rather be crippled for the rest of his life, even if burned by fire, he would kill Li Chenzhou, a monster.

This is him, Yue Wuhua, the frontier general of Daqi, and this is the last thing he can do for Daqi.

"Even if I try my best, I will kill you, the future pride of the Song Dynasty, for Daqi." Yue Wuhua yelled, and the aura in his body surged to the highest peak after burning his blood and energy. He immediately cast Da Nuoyi and arrived in front of Li Chenzhou. This speed was so fast that the naked eye couldn't catch it. Even if Li Chenzhou had a kaleidoscope, he couldn't catch the trace of Yue Wuhua.

This is him, Yue Wuhua, a loyal general of Daqi frontier.

After all, Li Chenzhou was a beat slower, Yue Wuhua punched out, hitting Li Chenzhou's chest heavily, in an instant Li Chenzhou's spiritual armor was also broken by this punch, and then this punch directly hit Li Chenzhou's chest.


Li Chenzhou flew upside down, blood forming a beautiful trace.

"Even if I abandon everything, even if my body is burned by fire, even if my body is blessed by thousands of sins, I will do one last thing for Daqi, and that is to kill Da Song's genius."

"There are many people like me in Daqi, and people are mortal. They are heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather." Yue Wuhua's energy was burning to the extreme, and her long hair slowly started from the tip of her hair. Turning white, this is the factor of overdraft of vitality.

"Open the door, open the door, open the door, open the arena door, I'm going down to rescue Li Chenzhou." Fang Jinlan shouted to the person in charge, her expression extremely anxious, no longer the coldness of the past.

The person in charge gritted his teeth, although going down to open the door would ruin the reputation of the arena, but if he didn't go down to open the door, then he would end up with the Moon Worship Sect. Song other people's imagination.

The person in charge was about to go down to open the door, when Li Chenzhou said, "Don't come down, I respect him as if he was going all out to fight me."

Li Chenzhou lay on the ground and kept coughing up blood. The golden blood had already painted the area in front of him. He shook his dizzy head. This was caused by excessive blood loss.

Li Chenzhou's words made countless people present silent. Li Chenzhou's boldness impressed countless people. He has a temperament, which comes from the pride and self-confidence in his bones.

"Can't Yuedu be used? Can Yuedu and Amaterasu be used only once a day?" Li Chenzhou staggered upright, and began to think about the key to breaking the situation. He couldn't retreat half a step, if he retreated, his true martial arts will never reach the peak.

"I really appreciate you, you are not as weak as others in Song Dynasty, Daqi is the most united and prosperous, Dayan is the most aggressive and Song Dynasty is the weakest dynasty, the warriors of Song Dynasty do not have the warrior heart of Yan people Without the unity and prosperity of Daqi, this is the reason for the decline of Song Dynasty." Yue Wuhua spoke up, he really admired Li Chenzhou, and this kind of appreciation went beyond the borders of the country.

Even though Yue Wuhua's words attracted the glaring glances of countless Great Song warriors, almost no one refuted it. This is a fact recognized by the three dynasties. Great Song is indeed weak, not as aggressive as Dayan and not as rich and powerful as Daqi.

"I'm really sorry, but it's a pity that I'm from Daqi, otherwise I would definitely beg you." Yue Wuhua laughed loudly, even though his voice was hoarse, he couldn't hide his heartiness.

"There is nothing to say now, let's see the real chapter under my hands." Li Chenzhou said weakly, he still has a trump card, which is the ban of heaven. Three breaths are enough to do many things.

This was his only hope for Li Chenzhou to turn the tables. He waved his hand at Fang Jinlan, indicating that he was fine. Relax, otherwise the end is death.

"As you wish." Yue Wuhua said succinctly, and then he rushed over like a cheetah, he didn't use any martial skills, he didn't need to use martial skills at this moment, but using martial skills felt less.

Under Li Chenzhou's full gaze, he could barely capture Yue Wuhua's trajectory, and then he was able to guard against it. The two fought against each other in an instant, and a huge force of 200 million catties hit Li Chenzhou, almost preventing Yue Wuhua's attack. , Li Chenzhou's arm bone will be shattered a little bit.

"Now I am waiting for a flaw. As long as there is a flaw, I can turn defeat into victory."

At this moment, Li Chenzhou kept chanting this sentence in his heart. This was his persistence and his last stubbornness.

The two sides fought each other dozens of times. The more they hit, the more dizzy Li Chenzhou's head became. His physical strength was already unable to keep up, and the injuries he suffered were too serious. If it was an ordinary warrior, he would have lost his fighting power long ago. , Li Chenzhou was able to survive because of his dual divine body and the top-notch Great Demon Emperor's body training technique.

"I can't procrastinate, I have to sell a flaw, otherwise I will definitely die if I procrastinate."

Li Chenzhou deliberately dodged a little slower this time, and being hit by Yue Wuhua was almost a fatal blow to Li Chenzhou at this moment, but this blow Li Chenzhou used all his spiritual power to protect this position, reducing most of his strength. Otherwise, this punch would be enough to kill Li Chenzhou.

Li Chenzhou flew upside down and fell heavily on the hard green stone ground. He looked at Yue Wuhua who was slowly approaching with slack eyes. At this moment, he only had one thought in his mind. When Yue Wuhua relaxes, that moment is Li Chenzhou's chance to turn defeat into victory. .

Yue Wuhua slowly approached Li Chenzhou's side, grabbed Li Chenzhou's left hand with one hand, squeezed it hard, and with a click, Li Chenzhou's entire right arm bone suddenly shattered.

"It's over for Li Chenzhou." Yue Wuhua chuckled lightly, showing that he was sure of winning, he was relaxed at the moment, in his opinion, Li Chenzhou would definitely die today, and no one could save him.

Fang Jinlan on the high platform almost wanted to rush down to rescue Li Chenzhou, but for Li Chenzhou's trust, she still stayed where she was and watched Li Chenzhou closely.

Yue Wuhua endured the exhaustion brought by his body, his eyes showed ferocity, his right hand turned into a palm, and slapped Li Chenzhou's heart, but the moment Yue Wuhua slapped it, he saw Li Chenzhou's face showing An eerie smile.

"The ending has not yet been decided, are you sure you can kill me?"

(End of this chapter)

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