martial arts town

Chapter 79 Sunrise Branch

Chapter 79 Sunrise Branch
On the street, the few people who had settled down naturally visited Xuyang City under the introduction of Brother Huo'er.

Speaking of it, it was also the first time for Lu Yu to visit these ancient style big cities, but obviously the big cities in this world are really big.

"Xuyang City is about 900 steps long, 640 steps wide, and 120 feet high. No one knows how old it is. It is said that it has a history of more than 3000 years." Brother Huoer introduced as he walked. road.

For more than 3000 years, Lin Yifan and Ye Yuncheng were a little startled when they heard the scale again.

When Lu Yu heard the question, he asked: "I heard that there is no record."

"Anyway, I've heard people say this since I can remember. It is said that the world was still in chaos at that time. Who knows, maybe some big families will have records." Brother Huo'er also spread his hands.

"Well, that's the way it is, but I heard that in previous years, the hosts of martial arts competitions were born between the Gongsun family and the Huyan family, why this year it is the Ouyang family that does not show their military strength." Lu Yu asked again.

"Most people only think that the members of the Ouyang family are good at mechanism skills, but they ignore the fact that someone can rely on mechanism skills to develop the family to the level of the other two big families." Xiaosi, because of his personality, knows a lot of people, so he has quite a lot of knowledge.

"Oh~, I would like to hear more about it!"

"The rise of the Ouyang family is a miracle. Today's big families have hundreds of years of accumulation to develop to where they are today, but the rise of the Ouyang family has only been less than a hundred years old.

Probably when my grandfather was young, there was a turmoil between the Gongsun family and the Huyan family in the north. As for the cause, no one knows. All the forces in the north were involved. The current situation is also the same as that time. Shuffled cards.

This Ouyang family also rose suddenly at that time, and it nibbled away the various forces that had lost their strength with lightning speed. Finally, when the two major forces that were fighting for power finally discovered this new rising force, their vitality was at the same time. The two seriously injured forces found that the Ouyang family, which relied on mechanical techniques, was still not something they could handle at will.

But in my opinion, the most powerful thing about the Ouyang family is resourcefulness. Just like this martial arts competition, the background and reputation of the Ouyang family are still slightly behind the other two families.

It's just that the Ouyang family didn't know how to win over some other forces going north to gain support, and finally it didn't know how to win the support of the Kyushu Business Alliance.

This made this martial arts meeting fall on the head of the Ouyang family without any suspense. "

Although it didn't mention how ingenious the members of the Ouyang family were, Lu Yu could also see what Brother Huo'er wanted to express from the side of the matter.

"Mechanism, it looks amazing. Is there anything here? Can you show me?" Qin Ningshuang didn't care about these twists and turns, but it was the mechanism that attracted her interest immediately.

"Ma'am, the city of Xuyang belongs to the Ouyang family. Naturally, it also has the mechanism designed by the Ouyang family. The people in the previous city guards were equipped with hidden hand crossbows and ropes, and not far ahead is the Ouyang family here. There are all kinds of magical objects in the branch, I believe that those who have the invitation letter of the Kyushu Business Alliance will definitely be able to visit it."

Lu Yu was also interested in ancient mechanism techniques, so a group of people came to the distribution of Ouyang's family.

Immediately, there were two people who stopped the few people who wanted to enter, "Come and stop, the Ouyang family is located, idlers are not allowed to enter."

"Two elder brothers, these are distinguished guests of the Kyushu Business Alliance. They heard about the unique skills of the Ouyang family, so they want to come and visit." Huo'er brother said, the two gatekeepers hesitated.

At this time, maybe they noticed the movement outside the door, and one person walked to the door and asked, "What's going on outside!"

"Guan Liu, these people say they belong to the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce and want to come in and take a look."

Liu Guanshi also looked embarrassed when he heard it, but seeing the invitation letter, it didn't look like a fake. Now they are in a cooperative relationship with the Ouyang Family and the Kyushu Business League, and it would be unwise to rashly offend the other party's distinguished guests.

After pondering for a while, he saw that he called another person, whispered a few words in his ear, and then formally walked in front of Lu Yu and the others.

"Several people, although this is just a branch, please don't enter some places. Yang Mingle, take a few of you for a walk, remember not to neglect a few of you."

Small families all have their own privacy, not to mention the Ouyang family, Lu Yu can understand.

"Several distinguished guests, please come with me."

Lu Yu and others also followed behind this person.

"The front is where the Ouyang family fetches water every day."

After several people walked dozens of steps along the corridor, Yang Mingle stopped here with everyone.

Only the gurgling of water could be heard. On a large open space, a deep pit built with stones was filled with clear spring water, and fine water flowed from a few bamboo pipes hanging above it from time to time.

And there are also several water pipes leading to other places on the wall of this water storage pit, but although this is rare in ancient times, it is not very rare.

"Wow, it's amazing. How did you do this? Where did the water come from?" Qin Ningshuang was naturally very curious about this novelty.

"It should be a windmill, a waterwheel, or bamboo pipes placed high and low." Lin Yifan had seen it before, and immediately guessed.

Yang Mingle also nodded and said: "Your Excellency is right, it is actually not a big deal. Please come with me, I will take a few to the model warehouse, where most of the current Ouyang family is placed. The organ object in use."

They followed all the way again, before they came to an open space again, but this open space was much larger than the one where the reservoir was placed before, and several towering siege equipment came into everyone's eyes at once.

"These are all siege equipment made by my Ouyang family, and they have been modified many times before they become what you see today. As for these wooden boxes inlaid with wheels, they are used for transportation, but the manufacturing is quite difficult. The trouble is that it cannot be promoted.”

Ye Yifan and Ye Yuncheng had only heard about it, but had never seen the real thing. They were fascinated by seeing it, but Lu Yu just looked at these things casually, and instead focused his eyes on the outside of the wall of this huge open space.

Because he clearly heard a slight rumbling sound, but it was too soft, and it disappeared quickly, making him think it was just an auditory hallucination.

'Discover the real secret of the Ouyang family's organ technique-the reward disappears without a trace.

But he asked casually: "I heard that the mechanism crossbow and mechanism rope used by the city guards were also provided by the Ouyang family. Are they in that small room?"

Yang Mingle didn't know why the other party suddenly mentioned these standard accessories, and his expression became a little cautious, but these were not secrets, and he did not hide them.

"Although the Ouyang family is one of the three major forces going north today, it is only accumulated. There are many people in the family who are not good at martial arts, so they often have some personal belongings with them, but they are useless when facing real masters. In the front room, you just don't give orders and don't enter or leave at will."

Hearing this, Lu Yu thought that the other party would prohibit them from entering, but he didn't want the other party to say again: "However, these are the distinguished guests ordered by the master to entertain them. There is nothing wrong with entering, but please don't touch other things lightly."

Lu Yu and the others assured themselves, and then Yang Mingle opened the room where these crossbows and arrows were placed.

"The Qingshui crossbow has a range of 150 steps, and it is easy to penetrate ordinary wooden boards."

"The chain crossbow has a range of 50 steps and can shoot 5 bolts at a time, but it is troublesome to load and the range is relatively short."

"The red bee arm crossbow is powerful and has strong penetrating power. Within twenty steps, even a third-rate master will be hit through the heart if he doesn't pay attention."

"Climbing lock..."

After a series of introductions, Lu Yu was really startled. This is an ordinary warehouse, which is simply an arsenal. If these things are equipped in large quantities for ordinary people, it is estimated that the second-rate and below are just targets.

And if the attacks are intensive.Lu Yu asked himself that even if he was not careful, he could only passively use his energy to defend, and eventually he would die from exhaustion of internal energy.

It's just that what really surprised him was not that the other party would allow them to visit such a confidential and important place, but that there was no one guarding such a place.

The strangest thing is that the tone used by the other party to introduce these things along the way is surprisingly flat, without the slightest hint of pride in it.

In addition, the tasks that the system issued to him on the road before have not been completed, obviously these things are not the core mechanism skills of the Ouyang family at all, and these weapons that seem to be used to support the self-respect of soldiers are just a cover to deal with others.

Presumably, since Lu Yu himself reached the first-class level, he can clearly judge that as long as he knows that the other party has these things before, it will be difficult for others to deal with a warrior like him if he is on guard.

What's more, he knows that he is not the top group of first-class people, and now he can only reach the standard of the first-class by relying on the internal strength of the acquired seventh floor, let alone those who are above him and those who are above him. People who surpass the first-rate simply ignore these things.

So if the Ouyang family can reach the level of a big family just by relying on these things, but these things will inevitably encounter prying eyes, which will make the family face annihilation, let alone let it reach the level of Gongsun Huyan with hundreds of years of experience. The big families stand shoulder to shoulder.

Lu Yu felt that there must be a reason for it, and it seemed that he had to do some sneaky things tonight.

 The chapter was eaten by the computer, it hurts, and it was thrown out again. It just feels wrong how to write it. Although the feeling is expressed, I am not very satisfied with it. I will revise it later.

(End of this chapter)

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