Chapter 13
After meditating for a day and a night, he finally returned his true energy to a perfect state. After carefully recalling the last two battles, Song Pingsheng discovered a very serious problem. Because he only knew one swordsmanship, he used too many methods to fight against the enemy. Single, secondly, in terms of internal skills and mental skills, although Tiangang Shengong is a Xuan-level martial arts, it only focuses on health preservation and foundation building in the early stages. The reason why its Qi recovery speed is so fast is because its level is far beyond ordinary mental skills.

Although he was able to practice the four mental methods, but because he didn't have the fragments of the primordial spirit, he could only practice one for now and make plans when he was in the innate state.

Turning on the Undefeated System of Martial Arts, Song Pingsheng carefully checked the harvest. Among them, Director Wu contributed 277 Yuanshen Fragments alone, which made him very happy.

As for the assassin, although his strength was considered to be top-notch in the early stages of forging, he was still a small level behind him. He was only given a total of 41 points in rewards, which was really unsatisfactory.

After calculating the remaining 170 Yuanshen fragments before, plus the 318 this time, I have a total of 488 points.

Looking at the Yuanshen fragments in the system, Song Pingsheng felt that his breathing was a little short. After trying to calm down, he thought about how to use so many fragments to improve his strength.

After some consideration, I decided to spend 260 points to exchange for six true-level fragments of mental skills, and improve the Tiangang Divine Skill to the level of perfection, which is the cultivation level in the later stage of body forging.

Due to his previous experience, Song Pingsheng didn't feel any discomfort during this promotion. He only needed to practice more in the future, and it wouldn't take long for him to be completely familiar with and master his current strength.

There were more than 200 Yuanshen fragments left, and Song Pingsheng searched carefully in the system, and finally found one of the most rubbish real-level martial arts moves that can be exchanged for only 73 points. He directly exchanged three copies, and then took I went to upgrade the Lifeless Sword Technique.

With some enlightenment in his mind, Song Pingsheng found that the moves he used before had many shortcomings. If he used the Wuming Sword Art that he had mastered now, he would be able to kill him without using his sword at all. With Director Wu, this is the gap between the comprehension and application of swordsmanship.

In the following days, Song Pingsheng stayed in the mansion, practicing swordsmanship diligently during the day, and meditating at night to practice Tiangang Divine Skills.

Although there is a systematic reason, as long as the exchanged exercises can be directly cultivated, but his strength has improved too fast during this period, and he has cultivated to the late stage of forging in just one month. There are many things in it that need to be carefully explored And familiarity, only in this way can we truly display the corresponding combat effectiveness.

While he was cultivating behind closed doors, major families in Yiyang County sent greetings one after another, hoping to meet him.

I didn't bother to talk to these people who were ignorant of the wind, so I handed it over to my third uncle Song Kun to deal with them, and told him not to be embarrassed to speak up, if our Song family wants to take root here, don't be afraid to offend these bullying people. The interests are not ambiguous at all.

If there is a family or power that does not know how to praise, Song Pingsheng happens to be short of Yuanshen shards, and when the time comes, he will directly take action and kill everyone.

After dismissing the third uncle, he felt that after practicing for a month, he could completely control the sudden increase in strength, Song Pingsheng ordered his servants to prepare a carriage and headed to the Cangqionghui's residence in XC District, Yiyang County.

In order to prevent others from being suspicious of him, he deliberately hid his cultivation. On the surface, it looked like he was still at the middle stage of physical training.

Relying on the Tiangang Divine Art, as long as he doesn't attack with all his strength, or takes the initiative to show his strength, the existence below the Xiantian realm will not be able to perceive his true realm at all.

Pedestrians along the way, seeing the carriage of the Song Mansion, retreated to the side in panic. Recently, the most discussed topic in the entire county was the battle of Cuiwei Pavilion that day.

As the saying goes, three people make a tiger, and some things will only become more mysterious as they spread.

Now ordinary people hear that the well-known Director Wu of Weiyuan Hall was stabbed through the heart by the young master Song Pingsheng of the Song family during the decisive battle. With the help of sword energy, he instantly killed two powerful assassins.

Song Pingsheng had heard all the news spread outside, but he didn't take it seriously, nor would he be complacent about it.

No matter when strength is the most important, if the strength is not enough, he will die at that time, and in that case, the story circulating now will be that Manager Wu killed the Song eldest son who didn't know the world with one move.

It only took half a quarter of an hour to arrive at Cangqionghui Branch. After getting off the carriage, Song Ping's servants sent him a greeting card. He was now outside carefully looking at the recently built courtyard.

The two-foot-high wall encloses the whole sub-helm tightly, and there are watchtowers at the four corners. The highest house inside is only three stories high. thing.

It's no wonder that it is a powerful force in the land of Xiongdata, and it's really amazing that just one sub-helm stronghold is built so tightly.

When Song Pingsheng was lamenting for the Sky Society, Xu Bei led several servants and came out with smiles on their faces. Their expressions were kind and gave people a feeling of spring breeze.

After exchanging a few simple greetings, the two walked in. Along the way, Xu Bei kept introducing some surrounding buildings and scenery to Song Pingsheng, with a hint of arrogance in his words.

Xu Bei understood that the other party must be here today to discuss something, so he didn't go to the guest room to chat, and took him directly to the study.

Song Pingsheng sat on the chair, looked around the room casually, and then spoke first: "Master Xu, in addition to thanking you for your previous care, I also want to ask you something."

Seeing that the other party came to thank him, Xu Bei waved his hands indifferently and said: "Song Shaoxia don't care, Xu is just a little effort, all of this depends on you killing the other party in the decisive battle that day."

Then he changed his tone and asked suspiciously: "I don't know what question Song Shaoxia wants to ask me, as long as Xu knows it, he must know everything and talk about it."

Seeing Xu Bei's generosity, Song Pingsheng brought out all the puzzles in his heart and asked: "I have always been a little confused, why does Weiyuan Hall keep targeting our Song family? Is it just for the money and property? There are even a few strong people in the innate realm in the Yuantang, no matter what, they won't be interested in our family fortune."

Xu Bei didn't expect that Song Pingsheng would see the problem so quickly. He was truly a gifted person, and even his thoughts were extraordinary.

Thinking about the previous plan in his heart, since this son has already noticed something, it is better to follow the plan and reveal a little information to him in advance, maybe he can really gain something and save himself time at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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