The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 99 Terrible evil spirit

Chapter 99 Terrible evil spirit
Gu Xiao ran desperately.

Behind him, a terrible danger is constantly hitting him.

In his entire life, counting the time when he was chased and killed by Lian Po and Li Mu, he had never been so afraid.

Now, fear has filled his heart, he only has one thought now, and that is to run for his life!

Even though he had known for a long time that this stone tomb was bound to contain great danger, he still never imagined that those bastards could be so vicious!

He actually planned to use the lives of these 3 people to offset the evil spirit on the stone tomb.

As a warrior, he has now recognized what the thing behind him is!

This thing is evil spirit!

It sounds very similar to murderous aura, but it is actually ten times and a hundred times more terrifying than murderous aura!

According to Gu Xiao's knowledge, this evil spirit can only be born in places where many people have died.This evil spirit often contains great grievances.For example, in Changping, he didn't dare to go at all.

Because in Changping, the souls of the more than 40 dead and injured Zhao Jun have never been relieved, and they have always been lingering there. If his white blood steps into that place, he will probably be bitten to death by thousands of ghosts.Fortunately, he is no longer of Bai Qi's blood, so as long as he pays attention in the future, he will not have any worries about this.

But even in Changping, although the evil spirit is dense, it has not reached the point of devouring people's flesh and blood. At most, it is nothing more than a serious illness.

But now the evil spirit behind him was so terrifying, even if he had already looked down on life and death, Gu Xiao couldn't help but feel cold hands and feet, and sweat profusely.

Under his frenzied whipping, the war horse under his crotch kept running towards the distance. Now, in order to escape for his life, he didn't care so much, he could only run desperately for his life.

However, what Gu Xiao didn't see was that on a hill not far away, a group of people headed by Princess Yufeng were pointing fingers at him.

"Girl, that person looks familiar to me?" King Zhenshan pointed to Gu Xiao who was at the head of the frantically fleeing crowd, and asked with great interest to Princess Yufeng behind him.

Princess Yufeng glanced at Gu Xiao and replied, "Uncle Emperor, that's Gu Xiao."

"Gu Xiao?" King Zhenshan immediately felt more interesting when he heard the words. Over the years, the rumors about the relationship between Princess Yufeng and Gu Xiao have spread throughout Yin Kingdom, and he has also heard about it, "It's you The deadly enemy of yours?"

When Princess Yufeng heard the words, a trace of unnaturalness flashed on her jade face, and she herself had always kept the matter secret from the beginning.The grievance between her and Gu Xiao was also caused by this incident, and now King Zhenshan said so, it was tantamount to touching her scar.

King Zhenshan noticed Princess Yufeng's unnaturalness, and while cursing himself for talking too much, he smiled apologetically at Princess Yufeng, and didn't say anything more.

After all, he, the uncle who watched Princess Yufeng grow up, knew how much the incident back then had hurt Princess Yufeng, and he had seen it with his own eyes.

"Zhang Yang, do you think these people have a chance to survive?" Someone asked Zhang Yang curiously.

Zhang Yang replied coldly: "Death is certain!"

Zhang Yang's answer was very cold, without any emotion.

For him, there was really no need for him to feel guilty.Because of the deaths of the people in front of him, although he could bear a little responsibility, it was not a big responsibility.

After all, he just put forward such an opinion, but it was these people in front of him who finally put this opinion into practice, and they also sent the [-] soldiers to a dead end.What's more, even if he didn't say anything, there was no guarantee that these people would not use such cruel methods as blood sacrifice.

Therefore, for Zhang Yang, he thought that he didn't need to bear any guilt for the cruel and cruel scene in front of him.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!"...

The screams continued to come from behind Gu Xiao, and his heart became more and more anxious.

As a person who knows something about evil spirit, he really understands what this evil spirit is going to do.

As the saying goes, blood for blood, tooth for tooth!
Their fierce battle just now has aroused the most terrifying anger of this evil spirit.

What this evil spirit wants to do now is to devour all the [-] soldiers and horses, so as to resolve the injustice in the evil spirit.If he couldn't escape before this evil spirit stared at him completely, then he would definitely become a sacrifice to this evil spirit.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!"

The screams kept ringing from behind Gu Xiao, and Gu Xiao could even guess the tragic situation of those people behind him when they were dying.

However, it is important for him to escape now, so he can only keep mobilizing his horse and fleeing forward.

It's a pity that no matter how he fled, the screams behind him became less and less.

Gu Xiao knew what was going on behind him without looking back.

The soldiers behind him are almost dead!
"Ah!" Just as Gu Xiao was fleeing desperately, right in front of him, a bright red aura appeared in front of him at some point.This made him utter a scream, and in the end he still couldn't get out of the dangerous situation.

In the eyes of those big figures who planned this scene, they only saw that the evil spirit had completely enveloped the entire battlefield, and all the soldiers who remained on the battlefield were now enveloped in it.From a distance, it looks like a blood-red hood.

However, this blood-red cover does not have the slightest sense of beauty.

Because at this moment, in this hood, there are continuous screams.

These screams were full of despair and unwillingness, like the screams of a dying person.

In fact, this is indeed the last cry for help of some dying people.

However, none of the people present were interested in trying to see if they could rescue the people inside!
(End of this chapter)

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