The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 802 Got a Treasure Again, Leaving Drunk Moon (Recommendation on Monday!)

Chapter 802 Got a Treasure Again, Leaving Drunken Moon (Please recommend on Monday!)

What is this?Under the City Lord's Mansion, Gu Xiao broke into a warehouse. In the corner of the warehouse, he found a large piece of black, reddish iron. He held it in his hand and thought in surprise.

In the blink of an eye, it was already the second day of drastic changes in Drunken Moon City.

City Lord Zuiyue still couldn't hold on in the end, just three hours after he fled into the City Lord's Mansion with his cronies and family members, the formation of the City Lord's Mansion was breached.Afterwards, soldiers and horses from all major forces swarmed in, took advantage of the situation and attacked the city lord's mansion, trying to find out the city lord Zuiyue and others, and tear them apart!

After he fled into the city lord's mansion for a while to take refuge in the city lord Zuiyue's rebellion, the major forces in the city quickly passed their information transmission channels to the main rudder, and then spread throughout the upper layers of Middle Earth!

As the true supreme rulers of this Middle-earth, the Five Righteous Sects and the Eight Great Devils have not encountered anyone who dared to challenge their majesty for many years.Therefore, after learning of the news, the thirteen forces all went berserk.Afterwards, through the space wormhole, within a short period of two hours, almost a dozen masters of the god refining realm gathered in Zuiyue City!
With the concerted efforts of a dozen or so masters in the realm of refining the gods, even if the small city lord's mansion was supported by a large formation, it would not last long at all.Within half an hour, it was completely breached.Although the family of City Lord Zuiyue and several of his cronies escaped by relying on a very secret space wormhole prepared by the mansion, but as the saying goes, a monk can't escape the temple if he can escape!

A large part of the wealth accumulated over the years in the entire City Lord's Mansion has been left behind.The major forces divided the wealth in the City Lord's Mansion, and then razed the entire City Lord's Mansion to the ground.Yesterday was still a huge mansion, but today it has been reduced to a pile of ruins.

Under the joint organization of the major forces, the entire Zuiyue City returned to calm within the shortest possible time.

Of course, during this process, Gu Xiao made a small fortune by pretending to be a soldier!At the level of Yuan Condensing Realm, he also understood that gold, silver and treasures are nothing at all, only profound stones, pills, and even some precious treasures are really valuable things.

Relying on his superior status of pretending to be a soldier, Gu Xiao stuffed a lot of good things into the Qiankun Ring he snatched for himself, including dozens of profound stones and a bottle of high-quality healing elixir.In the eyes of ordinary people, these things can already be regarded as a considerable gain.

But in Gu Xiao's view, these things were far from enough.

At the very least, none of the treasures for refining Yin-Yang and Five Elements that he desperately needed were found.That's why, the next day, he sneaked into this underground warehouse under the City Lord's Mansion again, in order to find a treasure that would satisfy him!
The warehouse is magnificent, and Gu Xiao looked around, and saw that the warehouse was full of unpacked gold and silver treasures, and the shelves and opened boxes in the warehouse were full of messy jewelry and the like.Among these things, the truly valuable things have been looted away, and the rest are things that are not worth much.

Although he was prepared to face an empty warehouse before coming here, he was inevitably a little disappointed when he saw this scene.

After finding nothing, Gu Xiao planned to leave.As soon as he moved, he accidentally kicked a big iron block, causing his feet to hurt.This immediately aroused Gu Xiao's interest, causing him to lower his head and pick up the stone.

"What the hell is this?" Gu Xiao held up the big black, reddish iron block, looked at it confidently, and said inexplicably.

At first glance, this thing looks like an ordinary piece of iron. Even if you go to any blacksmith shop, you can probably find dozens of similar things, but it can hurt him!You know, with his current physical strength, even if a hair-blowing knife is cut on his body, it is estimated that it can only break the knife, but it can't hurt even a single hair on him.

But it was such a seemingly inconspicuous piece of iron, but it was able to hurt him.It seemed nothing at first glance, but upon closer inspection, Gu Xiao found that the big iron block was covered with complicated patterns, as if carrying a very strange magic power, which made him feel like a blur before his eyes.

It's as if this thing itself is a handicraft, but it's just a handicraft with rough workmanship!

"Could it be that this is still some kind of treasure?" Gu Xiao secretly practiced his skills, imbued his skills in his hands, and wanted to see if he could crush this piece of iron, and this thought crossed his mind.

One success!The iron block has not changed in any way!

Two successes, still not even a fingerprint left!
With three successes, the iron block seems to be a little loose, but it is still extremely strong!

When the power of five successes was used, a clearly visible white palm mark was finally left on the iron block.

Gu Xiao withdrew his skills, heaved a sigh of relief secretly, and thought: It seems that this thing is indeed a rare treasure, and it is very likely to help me transform to the third level of Yuan Condensation Realm!

With his current skill, even a piece of hundred-refined refined steel can be crushed into powder with only one piece of refined steel, ensuring that even a little bit of larger iron powder can't be found arrive.But now, he used five successes of power, and unexpectedly only left a white mark on the iron block.

This made Gu Xiao confirm his guess, this thing is indeed a rare treasure!
I want to collect and refine the seven treasures of Yin-Yang, Five Elements, and use the treasures of heaven and earth to complement the Yin-Yang and Five Elements in my body. According to legend, only immortals can reach the Tongtian Realm, get ready!
This time it can be regarded as a big harvest, getting such a rare treasure.

At that moment, Gu Xiao raised the iron block in his hand, pointed it at the Qiankun Ring he snatched from Lin Sijie on his left hand, and threw it vigorously.

Swish!A huge suction force came from the Qiankun ring, and then the iron block shrank rapidly, and a layer of purple light lit up from the Qiankun ring, quickly engulfing the iron block.Gu Xiao probed in with a trace of divine sense, and saw that in the center of the inner space of the Qiankun Ring, the iron block and the Huoyuan stone he got each accounted for half of the country, as if they were fighting against each other.

And those mysterious stones and elixirs around them couldn't be compared with the Huoyuan stone and this piece of iron at all, and the invisible aura emanating from them weakened a lot.

It seems that Zuiyue City did not come in vain this time. I got these two treasures. The next thing I need to do is to find a secluded place and refine the power of these two treasures.Then, go find the remaining four treasures.After breaking through to the third stage of the Condensed Origin Realm, even if that bitch leads the elite from the Xuanbing Palace, I may not be incapable of fighting!
Gu Xiao's mind turned, and he was ready to leave.The city lord Zuiyue has already collapsed, and Gu Xiao is sure that the Martian who was on the fuse of the downfall of the city lord Zuiyue will pay attention to him in a short time.At the very least, the people behind Tianjiu Chamber of Commerce and Yueji will never let him go.

Therefore, if he wants to leave this Drunken Moon City alive, now is the best time.At this time, the major forces are busy taking over the property and forces left over from the downfall of City Lord Zuiyue, and have no time to take care of him.But if they digested all these things, it would not be as easy for him to leave Drunk Moon City as it is now!
Wanting to understand everything, Gu Xiao left the warehouse in a flash.

Three hours later, at the north gate of Zuiyue City, a large group of people were huddling together to leave the city. A white-haired old man was mixed in the crowd, leaning on a walking stick in his hand, panting heavily every few steps. It looks like it can die at any time.

In front of the city gate, someone has already taken over the defense of the city gate, while maintaining law and order, while searching to see if there is any suspicious person.When it was the old man's turn, the searching soldiers saw that the old man was panting and about to die at any moment, so they just glanced twice and waved their hands impatiently, indicating that he could go out.

At that moment, the staggering old man thanked him and continued heading out of the city.However, what no one noticed was that shortly after the old man left the city, there was no trace of this slow-moving old man in the crowd. He seemed to evaporate out of thin air and disappeared from the crowd!
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(End of this chapter)

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