The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 794 The city lord takes action, 4 masters

Chapter 794 The city lord makes a move, the four masters

"Kill!" The masters of the various forces in Zuiyue City instantly fought with the masters under the master of Zuiyue City.Dozens of Yuan Condensation Realm masters and hundreds of Congenital Realm minions immediately launched the most thorough fight in this Zuiyue City.

Master meets master, soldier meets soldier.

Pairs of top masters are fighting fiercely, their palms are strong and domineering, and their swords and knives are flying together. For a while, within the range of these masters fighting, no one dares to approach them except for masters of the same level. up.The originally incomparably solid buildings in Zuiyue City have been turned into the aftermath of these masters fighting.

Buildings were continuously and completely smashed to pieces, and sawdust and brick fragments were scattered everywhere, making the entire Zuiyue City seem to have entered the apocalypse for a while, and no one dared to approach it at all.Even, countless people who lived nearby but did not have time to retreat became cannon fodder, with blood and broken limbs flying around.

Rumble!Rumble!Rumble! ...

Earth-shattering roars sounded continuously, and hundreds of Yuan Condensation Realm masters in Zuiyue City started fighting. At the same time, the hundreds of thousands of troops under the command of the Zuiyue City Master also started to move towards the area where the major forces in the city live. After rushing forward, a small group of soldiers and horses were separated, and rushed towards the major places in the city, trying to take over Zuiyue City in its entirety.

It's just that, through the series of changes in the city during this period, the major forces in this city have long felt that there is an undercurrent surging in this city, although most people can't guess that the city lord Zuiyue is so bold , with the influence of a small Zuiyue City, they want to uproot the influence of their major forces in this city, but they are all ready.

Therefore, when City Lord Zuiyue launched his long-planned offensive, the major forces reacted quickly.Afterwards, all the major forces launched a counterattack against the army and forces of the city lord Zuiyue.The two sides were evenly matched in the fight for a while. Although the city lord of Zuiyue did his calculations intentionally and unintentionally, the major forces were not vegetarians either.

Therefore, in a short period of time, the two sides have formed a stalemate in Zuiyue City, and it is impossible to tell the winner.

It's just that under the intensity of the fighting between the masters of both sides, the buildings in Zuiyue City were destroyed countless times, and countless ordinary people became pond fish.In a blink of an eye, the entire Zuiyue City turned into a sea of ​​blood, with blood and broken limbs everywhere, making people shudder.

Buzz buzz!The two sides fought for a while, and almost one-tenth of the buildings in the city were destroyed by them, and at least hundreds of thousands of people became cannon fodder in the fight between the two sides' masters.And at this moment, the entire Zuiyue City began to tremble.

Drunken Moon City, which was originally dark and had nothing strange in it, flashed a layer of bright light at this moment, and then all the buildings in the city were covered with a layer of colorful luster, which made all the buildings in the city appear. It is protected so that no matter how fiercely the masters in the city fight, they will not be able to damage these buildings.

And the ordinary people hiding in the buildings in this city can be considered to have recovered their lives, so they won't be killed when these people are finished beating them.

Sitting on a tall blue-gray horse, the city lord Zuiyue watched the surrounding battle with all his attention. He saw that all the buildings in the city were protected by the protective array, so that the people living in the city would not continue to die like this. Going down, he nodded in satisfaction.

What he wants is to overthrow the constraints of the major forces in the city, but not to destroy the city.You know, this Zuiyue City was earned by his ancestors with their blood and lives.To the major forces, maybe a small Drunken Moon City is nothing, at most it is just a loss of a stronghold.

However, for him, this Zuiyue City is the root of his family, looking at the entire continent, he is the last person who does not want to see accidents in this Zuiyue City.

Therefore, he was relieved after seeing that the protective formation had played a role and protected the city.

"It's time for me to make a move!" City Lord Zuiyue saw that the masters cultivated by his family for more than a hundred years were still unable to gain the upper hand in the confrontation between the masters of both sides, so he planned to make a move himself now, since he had already reached the level of refinement. Looking at the cultivation base of the divine realm, no one can compete with him in the entire Zuiyue City.

"Ah!" A loud shout came from the mouth of the city lord Zuiyue, and then the city lord Zuiyue, who was originally an old god, jumped up from the horseback, and his whole body turned into a bolt of lightning, which made people feel dizzy at all. Unable to catch his figure, he threw himself into the battle group where the masters of the two sides were fighting.

puff!A master from another faction was fighting with a Drunken Moon City master, but suddenly he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then he was punched heavily on the chest, his whole body was like a bullet Like a cannonball, he was sent flying out. While the person was still in mid-air, the fragments of internal organs sprayed out with a mouthful of black blood.

one strike!Just one hit!
This master whose strength has reached the Yuan Condensation Realm was shattered by the city lord Zuiyue, and his internal organs were all shattered, and he was dying!
Killing a Yuan Condensation Realm expert with one blow, the City Lord of Zuiyue didn't change his expression at all, and with a flash of his figure, he rushed towards other hostile experts in the field.With his advanced cultivation level that has reached the state of refining gods, no one in the entire Zuiyue City can compete with him.In an instant, four or five Yuan Condensation Realm masters died in his hands.

Originally majestic, anyone can be regarded as a real master of the Condensation Realm who is the enemy of ten thousand people. In his hands, he can only be described as vulnerable, almost no better than Xiaojizai.Every punch and kick can take away the life of at least one Yuan Condensation Realm expert.

Under the personal action of the city lord Zuiyue, the morale of the city lord's mansion was boosted for a while, and the soldiers below launched a counterattack against the troops of the major forces as if they were dead. A master of refining the gods personally held the battle, and the balance of victory had already tipped in their favor.

tread!tread!tread! ... Just when the balance of victory and defeat seemed to be tilting towards the city lord's mansion, a burst of crisp footsteps sounded suddenly, from the southeast, northwest, and four sides.Under the fighting of nearly a million troops, the sound of these quiet footsteps was not covered up at all, and it clearly reached the ears of nearly a million people.

Here comes the real master!When City Lord Zuiyue heard these footsteps, his originally relaxed expression became dignified, and all the skills in his body were activated, and he was ready to do it.Originally, according to his budget, he could completely defeat the other forces in the city by virtue of his strength in refining the gods despite his intentional calculations.

Afterwards, even if the major sects reacted and wanted to destroy themselves, they could rely on their already prepared countermeasures.Unless the major sects can completely wipe out the entire Zuiyue City from the Middle Earth at all costs, otherwise, I don't need to worry about their revenge afterwards.

It's a pity that the plan can't keep up with the changes!
Although City Lord Drunk Moon's calculations were sound, he still underestimated the infiltration and control of the various forces on Drunk Moon City.Just when he had just started, at least four masters of the god refining realm had already dispatched.The city lord Zuiyue could feel that in his southeast, northwest and four directions, there was a master of refining gods attacking him.

Their aura has already firmly locked themselves, making them unable to move at all for a while.All the city lord Zuiyue can do now is to wait for the four masters of the god refining realm to appear, and fight against the four masters of the god refining realm with one against four.Otherwise, what is waiting for him is bound to be a joint blow from the four masters!
City Lord Zuiyue is conceited but not narcissistic, he doesn't think he can take the joint blow of these four masters!
"Ah!" A yell came from the mouth of the city lord Zuiyue again, the golden crown on his head burst open, his thick black hair danced in the wind, his whole body was disheveled, he looked like a lunatic, all dressed in The skill boiled up, forming a layer of substantial burning flames on the body surface, and the whole person was like a Vulcan descending from the earth.

At this moment, City Lord Zuiyue had already pushed his own power to the limit, and he was ready to die, and the determination to succeed or succeed had arisen in his heart.Now that things have happened, there is no other way to choose, only desperately!
tread!tread!tread!tread!At the moment when City Lord Zuiyue was ready to desperately prepare, four crisp footsteps sounded, and then four masters appeared around him, all four masters came from Yu Kong, and they seemed to be I can't feel even the slightest breath of a strong man, but it brings an extremely dangerous feeling to City Lord Zuiyue!

(End of this chapter)

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