The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 792 The arrival of the Xuanbing Palace, the curtain opens

Chapter 792 The arrival of the Xuanbing Palace, the curtain opens
There is permanence in the way of heaven, if it does not exist for Yao, it will not perish for Jie.

As the saying goes, the rain is about to come and the wind is full of the building.Before the real wind and rain came, the Drunken Moon City was full of violent storms and dark clouds over the city. It seemed that the Drunken Moon City would be crushed by the dark clouds, making many people living in this city feel uneasy. Terrified, almost scared to death.

However, when the real wind and rain came, the weather in Drunken Moon City became calm and clear. After it had just rained, the buildings in the city and some vegetation were covered with dewdrops. This made the already beautiful Drunk Moon City even more beautiful.

Under this kind of scenery, to be honest, it is really not a suitable place to kill people, let alone a suitable time to kill people.

However, no matter who it is, it is very clear that many people will die in Zuiyue City today, and even the Zuiyue City Lord sitting on the throne of the City Lord's Mansion is very likely to be removed from that throne. Lift it off.All of a sudden, everyone in Zuiyue City was ready to do something and even shuffle the cards.

However, this sense of crisis only lingers on those big shots.

For the little people living at the bottom, it doesn't really matter who is their master.One must know that no matter how the Great King's Banner on the top of the city changes, the lives of these people will go on after all.Whoever acts as their ruler, let their days go by.

In a sense, the little man has the advantages of the little man, and the great man has the sorrow of the great man.

For big people, everything they enjoy every day is beyond the imagination of small people, and even the daily expenses may be enough to make a family of ordinary people live comfortably for a lifetime.However, the glory and wealth of the big man may need to use the lives of the whole family as the price!
As for the little people, although they live a humble life, they also live a very hopeful life.Running around for three meals a day, what I worry about is nothing more than firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. This kind of life is a bit trivial, but it is also very hopeful and fulfilling.

Therefore, today's Zuiyue City is not less prosperous than in the past, and it is even more prosperous.

Early in the morning, the four city gates of Zuiyue City were already full of people coming and going. Some ordinary people living outside the city and some people in the city who wanted to leave the city gathered here, coming in and out, Added three points to the prosperity of the Zuiyue City.The streets are full of bustling crowds, and there are some small merchants and hawkers on both sides of the road.

In a word, Zuiyue City today doesn't seem to be any different from the past.

However, what none of these little people have noticed is that there is now a lot of vigilance near the city gate.Groups of capable soldiers took over the defense of the city gates and guarded the four city gates so large that ten carriages could enter and exit at the same time.

Moreover, just at the East City Gate, there are already a lot of noble people in luxurious clothes. If you are a knowledgeable person, you can recognize that these people are all stomping in this Zuiyue City, and the entire Zuiyue City will shake. If you can see one of the big shots in the past, you are already lucky.

Who would have thought that they would actually gather together today and appear at the gate of the city together.

finally coming?Half an hour after the East City Gate was opened, it was sealed again, prohibiting others from entering or leaving.The front and rear of the city gate were full of people. Among the crowd, Gu Xiao was wearing a strong suit cut from black silk and satin, holding his setting sun sword tightly in his hand. With a sense of oppression, I said silently in my heart.

It's been a month!
It has been a whole month since he came to this Drunken Moon City!
According to the news he got, several disciples from Xuanbing Palace will come here today to meet Lin Sijie of Jietian Dao on behalf of Xuanbing Palace.Originally, this news had been concealed all the time, but for some reason, following Lin Sijie's high-profile appearance in the city, this news had already spread in Zuiyue City.

Now, Lin Sijie was waiting on the city wall for the disciples of Xuanbing Palace to arrive.

In the past few days, Gu Xiao also met this outstanding disciple of Jie Tian Dao, and felt that Lin Sijie's martial arts were not weak, and he was already the third-level master of the Condensing Origin Realm.If there is a real fight, if you don't make a killing move, you will at least have to use a hundred moves to gain the upper hand!

However, even so, he has nothing to fear!

Compared to Lin Sijie, who has always been aloof, and the female disciples of the upcoming Xuanbing Palace, he has been secretly inquiring for news these days.Although I dare not say that I already know all the inside stories in Zuiyue City, I dare say that I already know more than half of it.

This meeting between Jie Tiandao and Xuanbing Palace has become a fuse, which is about to ignite the gunpowder that Zuiyue City has hoarded for a long time.Once the gunpowder explodes, the old forces in the entire Zuiyue City will be completely destroyed, and the forces in the entire Zuiyue City will be reshuffled.And I am the spark that ignited the fuse, and will cause a storm in Zuiyue City!
It's just that Gu Xiao is not reconciled to being just a spark, he wants to be a fisherman who makes money even more!

Swish!Swish!Swish! ... Just when Gu Xiao was mingling among the crowd, thinking about how he could get the most benefit, there was a sound of piercing the sky above the sky, and the sound of the wind howled, as if it was going to bring about endless wind and waves, attracting the original All the people gathered under the city subconsciously raised their heads to watch.

so big!Right above their heads, there are aircrafts about tens of feet in size flying from afar. Each aircraft is about the size of a small house, with complicated patterns engraved on it, supporting these aircrafts in the sky. fly above.The appearance of the aircraft is extremely beautiful and colorful, but it does not look luxurious and conventional, but very beautiful.

Looking at these aircraft, many people present showed envious expressions.You must know that although you can fly when you reach the Yuan Condensation Realm, compared to the number of fighters in the entire Star Continent that can definitely be counted by tens of millions, there are only a few masters who can fly.

It was under such circumstances that this aircraft was born. It was carved out of extremely light and solid wind spirit wood, and then some formation masters specially carved patterns on it that were sufficient to support the flight of the aircraft.It is conservatively estimated that the price of an aircraft should be at least over a hundred profound stones.

Several female disciples of Xuanbing Palace use this extremely expensive aircraft when they travel, which in itself has proved their wealth.

On the city wall, Lin Sijie, who had arrived early today, looked at the aircraft in the distance, and couldn't help but feel a trace of satisfaction in his eyes.Originally, he still had doubts about his choice of Xuanbing Palace as a partner, but now that he has seen how rich and powerful Xuanbing Palace is, he has begun to be extremely satisfied with this partner.

It's finally time for me to show up!Among the crowd, Gu Xiao looked at the aircraft that were getting closer and closer, his eyes were flickering, and he disappeared from the crowd in a flash. Without anyone noticing, he just disappeared from the crowd. Leave, don't know where to go.

Snapped!On the city wall, several aircraft finally landed.Through the windows made of crystal on the aircraft, one can vaguely see a beautiful girl in a white palace dress sitting in almost all of these aircraft.

Swish!Swish!Swish!The thin door of the aircraft was opened, several cold and beautiful girls jumped out of the aircraft, stood in a row, facing Lin Sijie and other people on the city wall.

"I've seen some fairies from Xuanbing Palace." Lin Sijie stepped forward and said loudly.

"I've seen Mr. Lin." Among the disciples of Xuanbing Palace, the leader was a tall, slender girl with a three-point cold breath lingering between her brows. It was crystal clear, and there were several plum blossoms carved on the sword body. She took a step forward and said politely to Lin Sijie.

We finally met!This is the common thought in the hearts of many people present at this moment.

Along with the meeting between Jie Tiandao and the disciples of Xuanbing Palace, it also marked that the curtain in Drunken Moon City will be opened, and the bloody storm will finally break out!Many people began to leave the city wall quietly, not knowing where to give orders.Not long after, all the people in Zuiyue City were mobilized, and the Zuiyue City was put under martial law!
 Among the anti-theft, Xueyue has already stated clearly his own conditions for adding updates. If you want to make more bloody moons, please support Xueyue!

(End of this chapter)

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