The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 789 Killing Yue Ji, Discovering Hands and Feet

Chapter 789 Killing Yue Ji, Discovering Hands and Feet

"Should die!" Gu Xiao's sword shook away the layer of pink gas lingering on Yue Ji's body, and with a flick of the Setting Sun Sword, the sharp sword light turned into a bunch, and the long sword used a kind of It pierced towards Yue Ji's heart at a frightening speed, and shouted loudly, leaving no room for it.

"No! You can't kill me!" Seeing Gu Xiao's sword pointing towards her heart, under the threat of death, Yue Ji was so frightened that her face paled, and she screamed in shock. road.

"There are not many people in this world that I don't dare to kill!" Gu Xiao commented disdainfully with a sneer on the corner of his mouth when he heard the last words of this woman when she was about to die.Then, the long sword in his hand continued to stab at a speed three minutes faster than before, piercing the woman's heart directly.

Pooh!When the long sword entered his body, all the hidden sword lights in Gu Xiao Setting Sun's sword erupted, smashing all of Yue Ji's internal organs into powder in an instant!Ever since that bitch who killed Princess Yufeng back then, due to carelessness, let that bitch escape with his life by chance.

Since then, when he killed people, he always wanted to kill that person after he couldn't even save the gods!
Now, Yue Ji's internal organs have been completely smashed by him, Gu Xiao can't believe that there is still someone who can save this bitch at this point!

A sword smashed Yueji's internal organs, and Gu Xiao pulled out his setting sun sword with his backhand, and the blood wrapped in the internal organs spewed out immediately, like a fountain.

Boom!Yue Ji's body fell to the ground, and the layer of pink gas on her body dissipated after Gu Xiao took her life.The whole person completely lost its luster, and that charming face was full of surprise, fear and unwillingness.Obviously, until she died, she didn't want to believe that she would die in Gu Xiao's hands!

However, whether she wanted to believe it or not, her death at Gu Xiao's hands had become a fact!
Gu Xiao bent down and groped around Yue Ji's body.Not long after, he took out a sachet and a few booklets.

"Unexpectedly, is this woman quite rich?" Gu Xiao opened the sachet, only to see that there were several pieces of mysterious stone scattered in the sachet, all of which were rare and high-grade. Suddenly, he felt a surge of vitality from heaven and earth, which made him refreshed for a while.

In addition, there is also a stack of bank notes. At a glance, all of them have a denomination of at least 10 taels.

Carefully putting away his loot, Gu Xiao threw away the empty sachet in his hand, and then strode away.Before leaving, he looked at a corner not far away meaningfully.He fought Yueji just now, and almost all the buildings within a five-mile radius were razed to the ground by them.

However, there are still a pile of ruins in this corner, which is really strange!
"Brother, he seems to have spotted us?" Just as Gu Xiao left, two black shadows jumped out of this corner.Unlike Gu Xiao himself, he only wore a night clothes, which did not cover his head.The two men in black were all dressed in black, covering their entire body tightly.

At this moment, a shorter man in black asked his companion.

"Of course!" Another man in black said angrily, "With the martial arts he showed just now, it's no wonder he couldn't find us!"

"Then what shall we do next?"

"What else can I do? Just go back and return!"

Swish!Swish!The sound of clothes ripping through the air sounded, and the two men in black turned into two black shadows and disappeared.

It really is his!Just after the two men in black left, Gu Xiao, who had already left, suddenly appeared in the scene again. He looked at the direction in which the two men in black left, and said to himself with a thought.

Ever since he stepped into the Zuiyue City, he has been able to sense a depressing atmosphere.It was an aura that was about to rain, and he found that the seemingly peaceful Zuiyue City was actually not peaceful at all.At least, the Drunken Moon City Lord who kept silent in the dark was terrifying.

Moreover, his activities in this Drunken Moon City were too smooth.As if there was a hand helping him in the dark, all this told Gu Xiao that his actions had already fallen into the eyes of another person.Originally, he was still wondering, who is this person?
But when he killed the woman Yueji just now, the commotion he made was not small at all, but it didn't alarm the city guards, and the behavior of the two men in black, all of this was told to Gu Xiao. The hand behind it is none other than the city lord of Zuiyue City!
It seems that I have probably become a pawn in the hands of the Drunken Moon City Lord!After Gu Xiao figured everything out, he couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart.

Although I have already seen the essence of this world clearly: the strong prey on the weak, the strong make the rules, and the weak abide by the rules!However, every time he becomes stronger, he has to find that he is actually still weak, and that there is another person above his head trying to manipulate him, which makes him feel extremely uncomfortable!

That's all!It's nothing more than mutual use. The Drunk Moon City Master wants to use me to confuse the situation in Drunk Moon City, and I can also use him to facilitate my actions in Drunk Moon City.All in all, I can’t even say I’m at a disadvantage!Gu Xiao laughed at himself, and then his whole body turned into a phantom, completely disappearing here.


"City Lord Qi, that woman Yue Ji is dead." Not long after Gu Xiao left, in the City Lord's mansion, the two men in black also appeared in front of the City Lord Zuiyue and reported the news to him.

City Lord Zuiyue raised his head and said lightly: "Really? That woman is finally dead!"

"City Master, what should we do next?" There was a green-clothed scholar standing beside Zuiyue City Master. After hearing the news that Yue Ji was dead, this green-clothed scholar approached Zuiyue City Master and asked.

City Mistress Zuiyue crossed her arms and said calmly: "Do nothing! Although the situation in the city has begun to become chaotic, it is not as we expected. What's more, Yueji died, and the people behind her It will definitely jump out, what we have to do next is to wait and see what happens!"

"City Master, what do you mean to provoke Jietian Dao, Xuanbing Palace, and..." the scribe in Tsing Yi asked tentatively.Just halfway through speaking, City Master Zuiyue interrupted him with his hand.

City Lord Zuiyue said: "It's good that you know, you don't have to say it."


call!Sure enough, no matter where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, no matter where there are intrigues and intrigues!Gu Xiao disguised himself again, disguised himself as a middle-aged man with a yellow complexion, and found a new inn to live in. After he settled down, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He had already guessed what City Lord Zuiyue wanted to do, it was nothing more than wanting to stir up internal strife among the major forces in the Middle Earth, so as to profit from it!No one likes to be riding another person on top of themselves.Although City Lord Zuiyue's status is not low in the whole middle land, it's just that the status is not low.

In front of the Five Righteous Schools and the Eight Demonic Ways, the Drunken Moon City Master is nothing more than an ant, the only difference is that he is bigger.And if he wants to improve his status, the easiest way is to stir up conflicts between these major forces, so as to benefit from it.That's why he turned a blind eye to his activities in the city.

The purpose is to let myself become this chess piece that provokes the conflict without realizing it!
It's just that it's not that easy to use yourself!At least, Gu Xiao never felt that he was a person who could be easily used by others.Now that he has already guessed the plan of the city lord Zuiyue, whether the situation will develop according to the plan of the city lord Zuiyue is not certain!
Thinking of this, a gleam of light flashed across Gu Xiao's sword eyes, and he sat cross-legged on the bed, fully performing his Immortal Changchun Kungfu, and the pure and vast true essence swam between his meridians and viscera , slowly recovering some of the skills that had been lost in his body!

Not long after, Gu Xiao devoted himself to his cultivation, completely forgetting everything about the outside world!
(End of this chapter)

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