The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 762 Sword Demon Secret, the Final Battle Begins

Chapter 762 Sword Demon Secret, the Final Battle Begins

"Sword Demon Dugu seeks defeat!" Today, in the entire martial arts world, there are not many people who still remember these six words.At least, besides Lin Chaoying who was the person next to Gu Xiao's pillow, almost none of the Liujue Grandmasters present still remembered these six words.Moreover, even Lin Chaoying didn't know what these six characters meant.

Only Master Yideng of the Duan family in Dali showed a bit of confusion on his face, and his white eyebrows were tightly frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

"You are the sword demon Dugu seeking defeat?" After a long while, Master Yideng finally pulled out a dusty memory from his mind, looked at Gu Xiao, and shouted in an unbelievable tone.

Gu Xiao nodded, and said, "This old man is Dugu seeking defeat!"

Master Yideng still didn't believe it, and asked: "Are you really the sword demon Dugu Qiubai who is the same generation as the old man's grandfather?"

What?He was actually a figure of Master Yideng's grandfather's generation!All of a sudden, the heroes in the arena looked at Gu Xiao with strange eyes.

A person of the same generation as Master Yideng's grandfather, wouldn't he be at least over 100 years old this year, maybe even two hundred years old!Calculated in this way, this old ghost is a character who came from the Northern Song Dynasty, but he is still so young, he is an old monster at all!
Gu Xiao sneered and said, "That's right, I'm the Dugu Qiubai who abolished your grandfather Duan Yu's martial arts!"

"What?" Upon hearing this sentence, Master Yideng was shocked, and his whole body couldn't help taking a step back. After hearing Gu Xiao's words, he no longer had any doubts in his heart.The white-clothed man in front of me is really a figure of my grandfather's generation, but an immortal who has lived for almost two hundred years!

"Wow! How do you practice martial arts? How about teaching the old naughty boy?" The old naughty boy Zhou Botong didn't think so much, he jumped in front of Gu Xiao and shouted happily.

"Go away!" Gu Xiao had landed on the stage at this time, and the divine sculpture stood beside him, facing Guan Qiyao who also fell from the sky.Lin Chaoying and little Guo Xiang stood on either side of him, one on the left and one on the right. The old naughty boy jumped right into Gu Xiao's aura, causing his aura to stagnate for a moment. When he breathed out, the old urchin The naughty boy Zhenfei went out and scolded in his mouth.

puff!Compared with Gu Xiao's martial arts, the old naughty boy's is really far behind.When Gu Xiao vomited his inner breath like this, he couldn't take it anymore, his whole body flew out involuntarily, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Amazing!Sure enough, it is worthy of the title of Dugu Qiubai!When Huang Yaoshi and the others saw this, they all sighed in their hearts convinced.

If it was said that when Gu Xiao appeared on the stage, he showed his ability to walk in the air, they could still deceive themselves and others into thinking that it was a kind of cover-up.But now, without moving his hands or feet, Gu Xiao easily wounded Zhou Botong, whose martial arts were obviously half a step higher than theirs.

Then this kind of martial arts has simply reached the point where they can't catch up.

Therefore, even if he is as arrogant as Huang Yaoshi and vicious as Ouyang Feng, he has to admit that the title of Dugu Qiubai is really suitable for him!

"Stop playing, the old urchin can't beat you, stop playing!" Although the old urchin was injured, but the injury was not serious, Gu Xiao just wanted to give him a little pain, but didn't mean to kill him.Therefore, he just rolled a few times on the ground before standing up and shouting.

"Chaoying, back off." After knocking the old naughty boy away, Gu Xiao concentrated all his attention on Guan Qi, worked secretly, and prepared for the last battle in this life.At the same time, he sent a voice transmission to Lin Chaoying beside him.

"Well, be careful." Lin Chaoying took a deep look at Gu Xiao with her beautiful eyes, as if she wanted to imprint this man in her heart forever. It could be seen that she was obsessed with this man, she pulled Guo Xiang step by step with her back to the audience, and retreated.

An old bastard who eats tender grass!Under the stage, Huang Yaoshi and his disciples couldn't help cursing secretly in their hearts.

That old man was Huang Yaoshi's master, Di Feijing. Di Feijing saw that he hadn't seen him for decades, and naturally there was another mistress younger than himself, so he couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart.And Huang Yaoshi used to admire Lin Chaoying in the past, seeing her fall into the arms of this old man who should be regarded as his ancestor, he was naturally upset!

"Okay, it's time for us to start." Looking at Guan Qi in front of him, Gu Xiao couldn't help feeling a strong fighting spirit in his heart, wishing he could fight him now.Clenching his hands tightly, a terrifying sword intent came out of his body, signaling to Guan Qi to fight.

Guan Qi stretched out a hand, made a pause, and said, "Wait a minute!"

"What are you waiting for?" Gu Xiao asked back.

After the two of them showed up one after another, this so-called martial arts conference has completely become a joke.No matter who it is, they can only be described as vulnerable in the face of their god-like and demon-like peerless martial arts.Gu Xiao has nothing to worry about now, he just wants to have his final battle happily.

However, Guan Qi obviously still has concerns!

Guan Qidao: "Dugu Qiubai, I've wanted to ask you a question for a long time, today you and I will fight, no matter the winner or loser, we are destined to leave this world. So, I hope you can give me an affirmative answer!"

What Guan Qi said was very certain, and Gu Xiao knew it well.

With the two of them's current martial arts, once they unleash all their strength, the world is doomed to be unable to accommodate them any longer.This battle between each other is another decisive battle that is destined to never end. Although the loser will die in hell, the winner will also leave this world.

Therefore, some things have come to the present, and it is time to say them.

Gu Xiao nodded slightly, and said: "If you have anything you want to ask, just ask. For a dying person, I don't mind fulfilling his last wish!"

In his heart, Gu Xiao asked himself that he might not be able to win this battle with confidence, but he has always been a confident character.Even if you know that this battle is evenly matched, you still have the strongest confidence in yourself.This is his character, and it is also the source of his invincibility for more than 100 years!

Guan Qidao: "It's very simple, I really want to know, why didn't you kill me after you wiped out my entire clan, instead you accepted me as a disciple and taught me the innate sword spirit of breaking the body and invisible?"

In the past, Guan Qi was just a wolf boy raised by a pack of wolves. It was Gu Xiao who killed the pack of wolves, prompting him to step into human society.In a sense, Gu Xiao is both his benefactor and his enemy!
"What?" Only now did everyone in the audience understand the relationship between these two people. They are actually a pair of master and apprentice, and they are also masters and apprentices who have the hatred of annihilation!All of a sudden, the eyes of many people looking at Gu Xiao became very strange. After destroying the whole family, accepting him as an apprentice is simply the behavior of a lunatic!

And a group of self-proclaimed chivalrous people headed by Hong Qigong and Guo Jing's master and apprentice looked at Gu Xiao with a bit of contempt in their eyes. Naturally, these people would not take the murder in the rivers and lakes seriously, but It is still unacceptable for them to kill the family.In their view, although Dugu Qiubai's martial arts is high, he is just a scourge on the rivers and lakes!
Gu Xiao seemed unaware of other people's eyes, and chuckled lightly: "It's very simple, because I feel that you may be someone who can defeat this old man!"

"You want me to beat you?" Guan Qi was stunned and asked back.

Gu Xiao nodded, and said with interest: "Invincibility is a very lonely thing, so I don't know since when, the old man has a habit of cultivating opponents for himself, and let some opponents who are qualified to challenge the old man grow up. Get up, wait until their martial arts have reached the limit, and then kill them. To this day, the old man has killed Huang Shang, Fighting Wine Monk, Sunflower Eunuch, and Wan Yanyong successively. These people can be called masters of the generation , but no one can meet the old man's expectations, and the person most expected by the old man to defeat the old man is you!"

"Really?" Guan Qibao yelled, "I will not only defeat you today, but also kill you! Let you know that playing with others will only lead to fire!"

Boom!Accompanied by his loud shout, the aura on his body lingered around his body like a black flame, and his whole body was like a demon god who came out of the depths of hell.With a flash, he came to Gu Xiao's face, grabbed the high platform paved with bluestone with both hands, and smashed it into pieces, and there was a loud noise on the high platform.

"Everyone, retreat quickly!" Seeing this, the masters standing in the front of the stage waved their palms to resist the gravel like light rain, and shouted loudly, feeling the pain from their palms, all the masters were a little bit heartbroken. shock.

These two masters are simply not human, and they made it so hard for them to make a move. People like myself, who are known as the world's six masters, turned out to be just watching the sky from a well!
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(End of this chapter)

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