The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 724 Yang Kang raised troops, intrigue

Chapter 724 Yang Kang raised troops, intrigue

The world has changed!

Wanyan Honglie, the most talented Zhao Wang in Jin Kingdom, led his masters to the Song Dynasty to seize Wu Mu's suicide note. In the Wulin of the Great Song Dynasty, the eyes of the loyal people were all attracted to the relationship between Wanyan Honglie and the Western Poison Ouyang Feng. body moment.Yang Kang, who had been silent for a long time in Shandong, finally showed his fangs!

The [-] elite troops from the land of Qilu, under the personal leadership of Yang Kang, marched towards the belly of the Kingdom of Jin with lightning speed.

Yang Kang used his troops like a god, and the [-] elite soldiers were unstoppable. After the [-] elite soldiers set off from Shandong, they captured more than a dozen cities in the Kingdom of Jin in just a short period of ten days.Hundreds of thousands of gold soldiers were completely vulnerable to the attack of Yang Kang's [-] elite soldiers.

Under the attack of Yang Kang's [-] soldiers, the one hundred thousand gold soldiers were defeated at the first touch, but they were defeated by him in just one battle.

After a hundred years of peace in the Central Plains, today's Jinbing is no longer as brave as it was when the country was just founded. Although today's Jinbing can barely be regarded as a soldier, it is only better than that of the Song Dynasty. It is purely relying on the soldiers and horses with blood and courage to be stronger.

If they were asked to suppress the rebellion of the Han people, they would barely be able to suppress it.However, to let them confront Yang Kang's elite soldiers who fought on the battlefield would be to die!

In just over a dozen days, Yang Kang broke the encirclement circle formed by the Jin Kingdom since he separatized Shandong, and displayed his prestige.All of a sudden, Yang Kang became so powerful that no one dared to regard him as a dying dog anymore!
Following Yang Kang's official rise of troops, many Han Chinese who had already endured the tyrannical rule of the Jin people all rose up to respond. In a short period of time, his territory almost doubled in size!
And the news of his rebellion spread to the whole world through various channels, making it the first time that everyone in the world really knew his name!


Song Dynasty, Lin'an Palace.

After receiving the battle report from Shandong, Emperor Ningzong of the Song Dynasty immediately slapped the dragon case in front of him, and laughed loudly: "Good! Good! There are still my great Song righteous men in the Central Plains. The gold thief is now in decline. It's not my Da Song's threat anymore. The day of my Da Song's shame is finally coming!"

Right in front of Emperor Ningzong, Shi Miyuan, who is recognized as the number one minister of power in the Song Dynasty, heard this, and immediately flattered him, flattering him: "Your Majesty, this is the right place for Longwei with you and our ancestors of the Song Dynasty. Lie Zong’s blessing is the only way to achieve this great victory! Yang Kang is the adopted son of the gold thief Zhao Wang Wanyan Honglie, and even he raised troops to rebel against the gold people. This just shows that the gold people are unpopular, and the fate still belongs to me Song's!"

"That's right! What Aiqing said is absolutely right. My Great Song Dynasty is a state of etiquette, and how can it be compared to barbarians like gold thieves!" Emperor Ningzong smiled proudly while holding his beard.


Dajin, Yanjing Palace.

Unlike Lord Song who was ecstatic when he received Yang Kang's rebellion, Jin Zhangzong Wanyanjing, the gold master of the Great Jin Kingdom, was furious after receiving the news of Yang Kang's formal rebellion.

"You bastard! You bastard!" Wanyan Jing, who had white beard and hair, was so angry that he jumped up with his beard and smashed everything in front of him to pieces, "This white-eyed wolf! This shameless white-eyed wolf! I am so It is such a favor to treat him and let him become the little prince of my Dajin Zhao Palace as a Han, but he dared to betray my Dajin, I must kill him! I must kill him!"

"Ahem!" At the end, Wan Yanjing was so angry that she coughed repeatedly.

"Your Majesty, don't be too angry." Beside Wanyan Jing, there is a graceful and luxurious lady. Seeing the wrinkles in the corners of her eyes, this lady is about 50 years old this year, but she is well maintained. Very good, looks only 30 years old.

This noble lady is none other than Wanyan Honglie's biological mother, Wanyan Jing's favorite concubine—Li Yuanfei, Yang Kang's nominal grandmother!

Wan Yanjing pushed Concubine Li Yuan away impatiently, and said angrily: "Humph! How can I not be angry? Over the years, I have treated that little bastard Wanyan Kang well, but how did he treat me? How dare he treat me like that?" To rebel, to rebel against my grandfather, this is simply treason!"

After a long while, after realizing that Wanyan Jing's mood had stabilized, several close ministers on the side braved up and said: "Your Majesty, now that the matter has come to an end, the most important thing we should consider is how to solve this matter. Your Majesty , you should hurry up and come up with an idea, should we fight Wanyan Kang or make peace?"

"Make up your mind?" Wan Yanjing roared angrily, "Now we have to guard against Temujin in the north of Dajin, and guard against the Southern Dynasty in the south. There is a Xixia in the west, and a Xiliao in the Western Regions. The hinterland of the Central Plains is empty. You let How do I make up my mind?"

Hearing that Wanyan Jing was not confused by anger and was able to analyze the current situation, everyone present secretly breathed a sigh of relief.Since the emperor is still clear-headed, it proves that he already has an idea in his heart. Now, the best way for Yang Kang is to appease him and stabilize him temporarily.

"Your Majesty, I have a solution, I wonder if Your Majesty thinks it is feasible?"

"What way?" Wan Yanjing said impatiently.

"I implore your Majesty to appoint His Royal Highness King Zhao as the crown prince and Prince Zhao's son Wan Yankang as the grandson. After His Royal Highness Zhao returned from the Southern Dynasty, he ordered His Royal Highness Zhao and his son to go to the north to pacify the iron king. Muzhen is rebelling!" At the end, the minister who spoke had lost his confidence.

However, to everyone's surprise, upon hearing this method, Wanyanjing didn't fly into a rage, on the contrary, there was a gleam in his eyes, "What do you mean, drive away tigers and devour wolves, let Wanyan Kang Evil, and King Zhao is going to deal with Temujin, and after they are both defeated in the fight, will I come to clean up the mess?"

"Your Majesty, there is no better way now." Concubine Li Yuan said earnestly.Under such circumstances, only she dared to intervene.

When the ministers on the side heard Concubine Li Yuan's words, they also showed an expression of approval.

Wan Yanjing fell into silence, waved her hand after a while, and said: "You all go down, let me think about it!"

Hearing these words, everyone including Concubine Li Yuan obediently retreated.

The next day, a canonization edict was issued from the city of Yanjing: Zhao Wang Wanyan Honglie was appointed as the crown prince, and Zhao Wang's son Yang Kang was the emperor's grandson. Then it spread throughout the Kingdom of Jin.


"Hehe, it seems that the old man underestimated Wanyan Jing. I never thought he would have such a skill." Gu Xiao chuckled lightly after getting the news.

What Wanyan Jing's intentions were, he was too clear.It is clear that he wants to drive away the wolf and ask Yang Kang to help him deal with Temujin.This trick is not clever, basically anyone can see it.However, it is very difficult to decipher, because Wan Yanjing is tantamount to throwing the Jin Kingdom's throne in front of Yang Kang, and it depends on whether he is tempted or not.

Lin Chaoying was sitting beside Gu Xiao. They were in a small town on the border between the Kingdom of Jin and Tubo. Hearing Gu Xiao's words, he said, "Do you think your apprentice can do it?" Live this temptation?"

"I can't resist it!" Gu Xiao shook his head, he really knew his apprentice too well, Yang Kang was not a person who could resist the temptation, he was very clear about this.

Lin Chaoying smiled softly: "Since you know he can't resist, what are you going to do?"

Gu Xiao said lightly: "Do nothing!"

"Do nothing?" Lin Chaoying didn't understand, "Why?"

Gu Xiao proudly said: "It is true that he cannot resist the temptation of the King of Jin, but he has the ability to swallow this tempting bait without biting the hook. This old man is also very clear."


The development of the situation did not go as expected by Gu Xiao. After receiving the news that Wanyan Jing had canonized him as the grandson of the Emperor of Jin, Yang Kang apparently called a truce, expressing his acceptance of Wanyan Jing's edict.In fact, he seized the time to sort out the territory he had laid down, stayed in his lair, and refused to go north for a long time.

As a result, Wanyan Jing's plan to use him to deal with Temujin was on the verge of shattering!

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(End of this chapter)

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