The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 707 Miserable Yang Kang, husband and wife reunite

Chapter 707 Miserable Yang Kang, husband and wife reunite

Does Wanyankang have any father-son affection for Yang Tiexin who has never met before?

Even if Gu Xiao thought with his toes, he would not think so, thinking that there was any father-son relationship between Yang Tiexin and Wanyankang.

You know, the father and son have never met each other.As far as Wanyan Kang is concerned, although he knows that Yang Tiexin is his own father, he is more grateful than nurturing him. He has never met Yang Tiexin, and Yang Tiexin has never fulfilled his father's responsibility to him for a day!

Wanting him to admit a father who is no different from a stranger is no different from dreaming!
The reason why he is so excited is because he finally found a way to get rid of all this now!Next, he only needs to plan for his mother to meet Yang Tiexin, and then his life experience will be revealed naturally.Then, he can leave Yanjing City as he should, head to Shandong, and the dragon ascends to heaven!

At that time, he will no longer have to live the life of being dependent on others, and he can stand uprightly!

Thinking of the joy, Wanyan Kang excitedly went down to arrange his own plan, wanting to reunite his parents without anyone noticing, and then start his own plan!

poor child!Looking at the back of Wanyan Kang leaving excitedly, Gu Xiao secretly sighed in his heart.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Yang Kang is a big villain, a traitor who recognizes a thief as his father, and a traitor of the Yang family who has forgotten his ancestors!

However, in his eyes, Yang Kang is a self-satisfied disciple, a poor man with almost nothing!

Everyone in the world only remembers that the generals of the Yang family have served the country faithfully for the Song Dynasty since the beginning of Yang Ye!But few people know that the so-called general of the Yang family has actually been a traitor since Yang Ye started!Yang Ye played for the Northern Han Dynasty in the past, and was once accepted as a adopted son by the Northern Han Emperor and named Liu Jiye!

This is the so-called origin of the name Yang Jiye!Let me ask, isn't a person who is almost equivalent to betraying his own family a traitor?

In Yang Kang's life, although he had rich clothes and fine food, he had almost nothing.Before he was born, his biological father did not know where he went, and his mother took him in her womb and remarried to his adoptive father Wanyan Honglie!Wanyan Honglie treated him badly, I'm afraid no one would think so!
But Wanyan Honglie's love is a kind of love that loves the house and Wu. He is very good to Yang Kang, but it is more because of Bao Xiruo than simply doting on his adopted son!In Wanyan Honglie's love for him, too many impure things were added!But that was the only father who gave him paternal love after all!

Gu Xiao believed that in Wanyan Kang's heart, the status of Wanyan Honglie's adoptive father was far higher than that of Yang Tiexin's biological father!
As for Bao Xiruo, she just hid in the room Wanyan Honglie prepared for her to imitate the former residence of Niujia Village and wept bitterly all day long. She has always adopted an indifferent attitude towards Yang Kang!When she saw Yang Kang, she would think of the fact that she had betrayed her real husband, and she felt a little bit of resentment in her heart!
As for Qiu Chuji, from the beginning to the end, he never regarded Yang Kang as his apprentice. In his eyes, Yang Kang was just a tool!At first, it was just a tool for him to complete the agreement with the Seven Monsters of the South of the Yangtze River. Later, he discovered that Yang Kang had become the little prince of Zhao Wangfu, and became a tool for him to promote the Quanzhen Sect.

When Ma Yu came back from the Mongolian prairie, the Quanzhen Sect discovered that the Mongols were stronger than the Jin people who had already declined, Yang Kang immediately became a little beast in the mouth of Qiu Chuji, and there was no longer the relationship between master and apprentice. A little bit of love between them!

As for the last Mei Chaofeng, the relationship between her and Yang Kang can best be described in four words: Mutual use!

Growing up in such an environment, Yang Kang's psychology has long been distorted. He began to pursue power crazily, thinking that only power can bring him warmth and security. Except for Mu Nianci, he has never given even a little bit of sincerity to anyone!
And it was precisely because of this that Gu Xiao chose Yang Kang to be the real dragon who will rule the world in the future!

For Gu Xiao, who himself was an emperor, and even worked under Qin Shihuang's subordinates, he really knows what it takes to become a truly qualified emperor. What he needs most is ruthless!The emperor has always been the most ruthless person in the world, not one of them!

In a blink of an eye, it has been more than ten years. He taught Yang Kang all the martial arts, his own understanding of marksmanship, and even the Xiao Wuxiang Kungfu of the Xiaoyao School.In the end, he also taught him all the literary skills and martial arts, leading troops to fight, and the ability to govern the country!He believes that the current Yang Kang has become the person he expected!

In Yanjing City, there are red buildings and painting pavilions, embroidered households with rich gates, carved chariots competing to station, and horses competing to gallop.The huge shop with high cabinets is full of strange goods and foreign things; the tea house and wine shop are full of luxurious clothes and pearl shoes.The road is really full of flowers, the flute and drum are noisy in the sky;

On this day, in the long street of Yanjing City, there was a lot of noise and applause.There is a large open space in the middle, and a pennant is planted on the ground, with red flowers on a white background, embroidered with the four gold characters of "Contest for Marriage".A seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl in red, tall and graceful, although her face is dusty, she has bright eyes and white teeth, and a beautiful appearance.The pennant fluttered and fluttered in the new wind, covering the girl's face flickering.

There was a middle-aged man standing beside the girl in red. The middle-aged man stood up and made a square bow to the people who gathered around him, and said loudly: "My surname is Mu Mingyi, and my surname is from Shandong. Passing through the expensive land, firstly, not seeking fame, secondly, not for profit, just because the little girl is old enough and has not yet married her husband. She once made a wish, not to hope that her husband and son-in-law will be rich, but to be a hero with outstanding martial arts, so The above is a bold competition to recruit relatives. Anyone who is under 30 years old and has not yet married can beat the little girl with a punch, and the next will betroth the little girl to him. The father and daughter, from the south to the north, have gone through seven roads, just because of fame All the heroes are married, and the young heroes are seldom willing to look down on them, so they have never found a good relationship." Speaking of this, he paused, clasped his fists and said: "Yanjing is the land of crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and the high-ranking heroes Shi Biduo, I am acting absurdly, please forgive me."

Hearing that it was a martial arts contest to recruit relatives, there were people competing on stage one after another, but the martial arts of this girl in red was quite good, although she was not taught by famous masters, she knocked down several masters who took part in the martial arts competition.Among the crowd, Guo Jing and Huang Rong, who followed him all the way to the north, secretly thought it was funny when they saw this scene!
Yang Tiexin, whose alias was Mu Yi, saw that his precious daughter failed to find a good husband this day, and was secretly anxious.

At this moment, there was a sound of shouting from the west, and more than a dozen soldiers and servants held rattan canes and beat on both sides to drive out the idlers.Everyone stepped aside one after another.I saw six strong men coming around the corner carrying a big sedan chair embroidered with gold and red.

Around this big sedan chair, there are four or five masters in the world standing on both sides, and some people shouted: "Get out of the way, stop the princess from offering incense, can you people take the responsibility?"

The one who could hear it was a princess, and a large group of people who had gathered in the field all avoided, fearing that they would be whipped and there was no place to complain.Seeing this, father and daughter Yang Tiexin and Mu Nianci hurriedly moved out of the way.

This place is just not far from a temple full of incense, and not long after, the big golden red sedan chair was carried to the gate of the temple.A bare hand first came out, and then a **** came out with the support of several maids. She was about [-] years old, her posture was weak, and her eyes were moving. Three points of delicate and charming!

Who is this person, and why does he look almost exactly like me?When Yang Tiexin saw this princess, he was startled immediately.

For more than ten years, he has been looking for his lost sister-in-law Li Ping, nephew Guo Jing, his wife Bao Xiruo, and his child Yang Kang!I don't know, but there has been no news.He originally thought that his wife and children must have already suffered an accident.How could he know that today he actually saw a person so similar to his wife here?

tread!tread!tread! ... At this moment, there was only a clear sound of horseshoes, and a young man in brocade clothes came towards this side on horseback and whip.Seeing this, everyone hurriedly avoided.Guo Jing and Huang Rong saw that this young man in brocade clothes was handsome and unrestrained, but there was no trace of frivolity on his face, and his body exuded an aura of iron and blood. He looked like the kind of person who had been on the battlefield!

"Mother, why don't you tell me when you come to offer incense, my boy will offer incense with you!" , there was a well-hidden sarcasm in his eyes, and when he raised his head, there was only Rumu left in his eyes, and he said respectfully.

The concubine let Ai'er hold one of her jade hands, and said lovingly: "Kang'er, don't you have other things today? Why do you come to accompany your mother to offer incense?"

"The bridesmaid is the most important thing, other things are not important." Wan Yankang said with an attitude that no one could pick out the slightest flaw.

Kanger?Could it be that they are really my wife and children?Yang Tiexin in the distance couldn't help being shocked when he heard these words. First, he saw a princess who was exactly like his wife, and then the princess's child was also called Kang'er. All these made him have an extremely bad association!

However, without anyone noticing, the sarcasm in Wanyan Kang's eyes flashed away.

 After an analysis of Yang Kang, Xue Yue feels that the character of Yang Kang is first pitiful, then pathetic, and finally hateful!
(End of this chapter)

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