The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 685 A Gathering of 3 People, Shenzhou Lu Chen

Chapter 685 A Gathering of Three, Shenzhou Lu Chen

Snapped!A thin thing like a scroll was thrown by Li Chenzhou onto the stone table in front of him.

Gu Xiao looked at the thin scroll, chuckled lightly, and said, "Is this the Nine Yin Manual?"

Although what he said was a question, he used an affirmative tone.

Even if he didn't see the four big characters of the Nine Yin Scriptures written on the cover, he could still feel that there was a very weak will of martial arts permeating the scroll just by feeling.This martial arts will was somewhat familiar in Gu Xiao's spiritual perception.If there are no accidents, it should be from Huang Chang.

Already as old as an old man in his 70s or [-]s, but still full of vigor and energy, Li Chenzhou, who contained an unimaginably powerful force in his old body, nodded and said: "This is the current situation in the Jianghu. The Nine Yin Scriptures that everyone is robbing. It's a pity that no one has seen what's inside. In other words, everyone who has seen what's inside is dead now."

"That's right!" Sitting across from Li Chenzhou, the gentle and gentle Di Fei smiled and nodded, "The Dog Emperor threw this Nine Yin Manual into the rivers and lakes, making The whole Jianghu is completely crazy. Not to mention those ordinary Jianghu people, even in my Liufentang, there are many people who push me, wanting me to take action and seize the Nine Yin Manual!"

As he said that, Di Feijing shook his head with a calm expression and a bit of sarcasm.

Many people think that only powerful martial arts can create an invincible master.However, the three people present knew very well that there has never been any invincible martial arts in this world, only invincible people!This Nine Yin Manual falls into the hands of masters like them, which means they can read it once or twice.

But absolutely no one is willing to spend a lot of time practicing this Nine Yin Manual. If anyone does this, it will only prove that he is the biggest fool in the world!

The mist was heavy, the wind and snow were howling outside the stone pavilion, and the white snow covered the whole world, but inside the stone pavilion was as warm as spring.Under the urging of the three masters, the entire stone pavilion has now become airtight, and when the wind and snow approached the stone pavilion, they were all blocked.

Gu Xiao picked up the Nine Yin Manual in front of him, flipped through it, and asked, "Shen Zhou, how did you get this thing?"

So many years have passed, Gu Xiao has long forgotten the grievances and grievances towards Li Chenzhou.Now, in his opinion, Li Chenzhou, like Di Feijing, is a junior whom he values.Therefore, after Li Chenzhou sent someone to see him this time, he came to the appointment without any worries.

With him, there is also Di Feijing who has faded out of the rivers and lakes now.

Li Chenzhou said blankly: "Huang Chang gave it to me!"

With the influence of his power gang, it can be said that it is easy to seize this Nine Yin Manual.However, Li Chenzhou knew very well that Zhao Guan's family would never allow the power gang, which had already established itself in the first place, to continue to dominate the rivers and lakes like it did back then.Therefore, he did not participate in the competition for the Nine Yin Manual. He went directly to Huang Chang to get the Nine Yin Manual.

Gu Xiao said: "Really? Unexpectedly, Huang Chang is willing to hand over the Nine Yin Manual to you?"

Di Fei took the Nine Yin Scriptures from Gu Xiao's hands in surprise, and began to read them himself, saying, "What's so strange about this! Huang Chang is not a man of the rivers and lakes. It’s not as heavy as ours. What’s more, if this Nine Yin Manual falls into the hands of truly capable people, it can naturally be used for reference. On the contrary, it’s no different from a broken book!”

"Heh!" Gu Xiao chuckled lightly.

He had memorized all the contents of the Nine Yin Manual at a glance just now, so he naturally knew that what Di Feijing said was not wrong at all.Although Huang Chang wrote all his martial arts in this Nine Yin Manual, but if this scripture falls into the hands of other people, it will definitely not become the second Huang Chang!
"Okay, Shen Zhou, why are you looking for this old man, you might as well just tell me!" After Di Feijing also finished reading the Nine Yin Scriptures, they threw them away like tatters. No one would even glance at the stone table in front of him.Gu Xiao straightened his face, looked at Li Chenzhou, and asked.

Li Chenzhou sat up straight, looked at the two masters and apprentices who were sitting upright, with a trace of solemnity on his face, and said word by word: "Recently, someone in the north rose up to rebel against the gold men!"

"You should tell me, when will someone in the north rebel against the Jin people?" Gu Xiao asked back.

Although the Jin people and the later "My Qing Dynasty" are both Jurchens, and there is no difference in the way they treat the majority of Han people, but in Gu Xiao's view, the methods used by the Jin people and "My Qing Dynasty" to treat the Han people are still the same. There is a gap.Compared with the "I Daqing" of "foolish people", "weak people" and "slave people", the methods of the Jin people are much more brutal, and they are far behind!
Therefore, over the past few years, almost every year in the north, people have stood up and launched an anti-gold uprising!
For this kind of thing, the three people present have come from the time when the Northern Song Dynasty fell, and they have long been familiar with it.Therefore, for Li Chenzhou's words, both Gu Xiao and Di Feijing felt very strange, why should such a trivial matter be said!
"This time is different!" Li Chenzhou said solemnly, "I got news that there was a man named Wang Zhongfu in the north who raised a flag of righteousness, fought against the Jin soldiers, occupied cities and lands, and established a vigorous career in the Central Plains. Now, The court of the Southern Song Dynasty is discussing whether to send troops to help this person!"

The name Southern Song came from Gu Xiao's mouth.Anyone who has heard him say this will feel that his title is indeed a good one.Therefore, these people around him now refer to the Zhao Song Dynasty, which is now in a peaceful corner, by "Southern Song Dynasty".

Gu Xiao raised one hand, supported his chin, and said with piercing eyes, "You mean, you want to help Wang Zhongfu?"

"That's right! As a Han Chinese, I naturally don't want to see foreign bandits wreaking havoc on our land in the Central Plains." Li Chenzhou said with firm eyes and a tough attitude.

Of course Li Chenzhou is not a good person, to be precise, he is a hero.Anyone who knows about Li Chenzhou will not doubt this point.But for things like the country and the nation, he takes it very seriously.Otherwise, he wouldn't have risked offending the imperial court to rescue Yue Fei back then!

"I advise you to give up!" Gu Xiao could tell that Li Chenzhou wanted him and Di Feijing to come out of the mountain together and support the rebel army with him.However, he just thought about it for a while before rejecting Li Chenzhou's proposal.

"Why?" A sound of surprise reached Gu Xiao's ears, but the person who spoke was not Li Chenzhou, but Di Feijing who was beside him!
Di Fei stared at Gu Xiao in shock. He was also paying attention to this rebel army. The situation is indeed good now, and it is indeed necessary to support it.It's just that I don't understand why this master, who always makes people confused, what is going on in his mind, refuses this proposal, and persuades Li Chenzhou to give up too!
Facing the four sharp questioning eyes, Gu Xiao said frankly: "It is impossible to drive the Jin soldiers out of the Central Plains by relying on a rebel army. What's more, the world is in chaos today. Even if you drive them out of the Central Plains, you won't be able to unify the world."

Li Chenzhou and Di Fei were shocked when they heard this sentence, they were both silent.

The two of them are not stupid, on the contrary, they are rare smart people.Therefore, they are also very clear that what Gu Xiao said is not wrong at all.It is simply impossible for the current Great Song Dynasty to send troops to the Northern Expedition and dominate the world.

"What do you mean, master?" Di Fei asked in shock.

Gu Xiao said: "Sooner or later, the world will be unified, but not now, but four or fifty years later, at that time, the God of Destiny will be born!"

"What?" Hearing Gu Xiao's words, Li Chenzhou and Di Fei were shocked.

Gu Xiao looked at the two of them and said, "I watch the sky at night. Four or fifty years later, the world will usher in an opportunity to unify the world. At that time, the prairie wolves will once again invade the Central Plains. If there is no way to stop it, Shenzhou Lu Chen, It's already inevitable."

After thinking about it, Gu Xiao decided to tell them what he knew and let them know.

"What? Shenzhou Luchen?" Hearing Gu Xiao's words, Di Fei, who had always looked calm, couldn't help turning pale.

Li Chenzhou's face was also pale with fear.

They all knew what Gu Xiao meant by Shenzhou Luchen. It clearly meant that the land of Shenzhou would be completely conquered by foreign races in the future, which was simply unimaginable for the two of them.You know, this kind of situation did not happen during the period of the Five Husbands!

However, they also know that this old guy is not a person who likes to be aimless. Since he said so, there are nine out of ten such things will really happen!
Li Chenzhou was surprised: "Did you stop Shenzhou Luchen from happening?"

"Of course there is, a Qin Emperor and Han Wu appeared!" Gu Xiao said seriously.

"Qin Huang Han Wu?" Hearing these four words from Gu Xiao's mouth, Li Chenzhou and Di Fei looked at each other in shock, with a flash of clarity in their eyes.They were all thinking, maybe I already understood what this old guy meant!

(End of this chapter)

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