The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 676 The Betrayal on Knights Island

Chapter 676 The Betrayal on Knights Island

South China Sea, an unnamed island.

The island originally had no name, but more than 20 years ago, it had a name of its own.

More than 20 years ago, a group of people who came to this island, after occupying the island, gave it a nice name: Knight Island!
On the entire Chivalrous Island, a total of 24 stone chambers have been opened up, and each stone chamber is engraved with an ancient poem from Li Bai's "Xia Ke Xing".No, to be precise, there should be only 23 stone chambers engraved with verses from Li Bai's "Xia Ke Xing".

Only: "Zhao Keman Huying, Wu hook frost and snow bright. Silver saddle shines on white horse, rustling like shooting stars. Killing a man in ten steps, he will not stay for a thousand miles. When it is done, go away with clothes, hide yourself and make a name. Leisurely pass Xinling Drink, take off the sword and cross the knees. Burn the Zhuhai, hold the cup to persuade Hou Ying. Three cups of sips, the five mountains are light. After the eyes are dizzy and the ears are hot, the spirit is born. Save Zhao and wave the golden hammer, Handan is shocked first. The two heroes of the Qianqiu, Xuanhe Daliang City. Even if you die as a hero, you will not be ashamed of being a hero in the world. Who can write to you, "These 23 ancient poems were engraved on the stone chamber, but the last sentence "Baishou Taixuan Sutra" was not engraved on the stone chamber.

In the stone room where the last sentence of the "Bai Shou Tai Xuan Sutra" was supposed to be engraved, now there is only a pair of tadpole characters engraved, to be precise, a meridian diagram!

At this moment, a group of people living on this chivalrous island looked at the 24 stone chambers that had been painstakingly built in front of them, and there was a trace of excitement in their eyes!
This group of people was big and small, old and young, and their ages varied. The oldest one was seven or eighty years old, and the youngest was only four or fifty years old. There were almost dozens of people in total. The one standing at the forefront was an expressionless old man.

"It's finally over!" The old man looked at the stone chambers in front of him and said calmly with a blank face.

Standing behind this old man are three old men, three old men, two men and one woman, they all look like the kind of people who were once famous and powerful in the martial arts world in their youth.It's a pity that they are just a group of poor people hiding on this uninhabited desert island now.

The only woman among the three old men looked at the stone chambers in front of her and said excitedly: "Leader Xiao, we are finally done."

"That's right!" The expressionless old man was none other than Xiao Qiushui, who had shaken the martial arts world decades ago and once became the leader of the martial arts world in the Central Plains.Because he practiced Wangqing Tianshu, he has already reached the realm of Wangqing Tianshu, and his feelings are extremely weak. Even if he finally completed what he wanted to accomplish day and night for more than 20 years, it did not cause any change in his expression. .

Xiao Qiushui looked at the stone chambers in front of him, and said calmly: "Yes, we have finally completed it. Next, it's time for our next plan."

These people standing behind Xiao Qiushui were all well-known figures in the Central Plains martial arts back then.It is no exaggeration to say that 30 or [-] years ago, each of them belonged to the kind of person who stomped their feet in the Central Plains and shook the entire martial arts world.

However, since they were wanted by the imperial court more than 20 years ago, they had to go out to sea by boat and came to this deserted island.Then gathered the strength of dozens of them, spent a whole ten years, and finally built these 24 stone chambers.

At this moment, hearing Xiao Qiushui say that the next plan should start, all of these people were extremely excited, and many of them showed expressions full of hatred.

After a while, Jiang Xiuyin, one of the three talented swordsmen, said: "In other words, the next thing we have to do is to find those talented children everywhere, bring them to this knight island, and let them study the Taixuan Sutra. Promote martial arts?"

"Not bad." Xiao Qiushui nodded expressionlessly.

Hearing the decision from Xiao Qiushui's mouth, the whole group became extremely excited.

Back then, these people gathered together to serve the country and held a martial arts conference, hoping to organize a rebel army, with Marshal Yue as the commander, leading them to the northern expedition to the Central Plains.Among them, Li Chenzhou, the head of the power gang, and others expressed their willingness to donate generously to the most critical aspect of money in the formation of the rebel army.

Unexpectedly, just when they thought everything was on the right track, Zhao Gou, the emperor they wanted to serve, sent an army to conquer them.In that battle, the Central Plains Wulin was caught off guard by an attack from the imperial court, and almost the entire army was wiped out. Marshal Yue even killed himself with a horizontal sword!
Only the top group of masters like them were killed.They fled here in order to gather strength, return to the Central Plains, kill the dog emperor Zhao Gou, and avenge the death of other martial arts comrades.More importantly, we must promote martial arts and let everyone in the world practice martial arts!
At that time, the already rotten Great Song Dynasty will also completely collapse with the promotion of martial arts!

And these 24 stone chambers are the most important keys for them to realize all this!Among the 24 stone chambers, each stone chamber is engraved with a line of Li Bai's chivalrous action, and at the same time, there is a hidden martial arts in it.No matter who they are, they can realize profound martial arts from these 24 stone chambers.

Thinking of the things engraved in the 24 stone chambers built with the efforts of all of us, it will soon be spread.All of a sudden, everyone became a little excited.I can't wait to see the moment when martial arts are promoted, and I can't wait to see the dog emperor of the Zhao Song Dynasty trembling in front of the increasingly powerful martial arts.

"Everyone, why don't you go drink some wine and celebrate, how about it?" Someone in the crowd yelled loudly.

"Yes! Such an important moment, how can we not celebrate with a drink!"

"This suggestion is really great, I like it!"

"The old man has no opinion."

Hearing this suggestion, almost all the excited group of people agreed with this suggestion, and no one raised any objections.Now that the unanimous vote passed, what are they waiting for?

Soon, the group returned to the lobby of the Knight Island.

This group of people has lived in this knight island for more than 20 years, even if it is to make their lives more comfortable, they will not wrong themselves too much.Therefore, a hall was opened up in the mountainside of the Knights Island, where the group of people usually discuss matters and hold banquets here on weekdays!

After arriving here, some people went to prepare wine and food soon.

Half an hour later, steaming hot and fragrant appetizers and several jars of spirits were brought up.

Hurrah!The spirits were poured into the huge wine bowl, and a group of people began to drink heavily with the fragrant appetizers in front of them.Originally, there was nothing on this deserted island in the deep sea except sea fish and some peculiar smells.These people have been eating for more than 20 years, and they should have been tired of eating long ago.

But now they look at the things they have eaten countless times in front of them, and drink the spirits they have drunk countless times, but they feel that these wines and dishes are unusually refreshing, and they have a taste that they have never tasted on weekdays. The taste of life.Almost everyone ate very happily, but what no one noticed was that the sleeves of their martial arts leader Xiao Qiushui, who was sitting on the main seat, had been wet and dried many times before he knew it. !

When the group of people were almost finished eating, someone suddenly said, "How about we leave after eating this meal?"

"That's right, it's time for us to go on the road." Among the three talented swordsmen, Wen Yanyang in white said with a bit of drunkenness.

"Hahaha!" Just as Wen Yanyang finished speaking, an unusually hearty laughter resounded in the hall located in the middle of the mountain, and a yin and yang tone that everyone present would never forget echoed in the hall , "That's right, you should all be on your way. However, from our point of view, you are not going back to the Central Plains, but you should go to Huangquan Road."

Whoosh!Whoosh!Whoosh!Accompanied by the laughter that made everyone's ears tear open, an old eunuch wearing a red eunuch costume with white hair appeared in the hall. Beside him, there were several Ten men in black.This old eunuch is none other than the eunuch Sunflower who led the army to encircle and suppress people in the martial arts back then!
"Dog eunuch, how dare you come here?"

"Old eunuch, I'm going to peel your skin and cramps!"

"Old thief, pay back my relatives!"

Seeing the appearance of the sunflower eunuch, all the masters in the hall were furious. Almost everyone completely forgot the reason why the sunflower eunuch appeared here. The eunuch rushed forward and cut him into pieces.

It's just that these people just practiced kung fu, but they all felt a sharp pain coming from the dantian, and they couldn't improve their kung fu at all, and they all collapsed to the ground as soon as they got up.

"How could this be?"

"Why can't the old man improve his skills at all?"

"We are poisoned, someone poisoned us!"

A group of people quickly figured out the situation. Someone had poisoned their food and drink.At that moment, a group of people looked towards the wine table, wondering who was still sitting where.Unexpectedly, when they looked over, they found that there was only one person left sitting on the wine table.

That is: their leader - Xiao Qiushui!

Xiao Qiushui was sitting in his seat, looking at everything that happened in front of him, there was no change at all, as if everything had nothing to do with him!
"Leader Xiao, you really did a great job this time. The emperor is very satisfied with all these traitors being caught!" Sunflower Eunuch looked at Xiao Qiushui and laughed.

 The requirements for adding updates in this book are not high. To be honest, such a low threshold for adding updates is simply sending additions in front of book lovers.Book friends, please be considerate of Blood Moon One or Two, Blood Moon has to eat after graduating from university!
(End of this chapter)

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