The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 651 The theory of luck is a mystery

Chapter 651 The theory of luck is a mystery
Unbelievably dull!
Ever since Gu Xiao opened the envelope and started reading the letter Xiaoyaozi left for him, the atmosphere in the room seemed extremely dull.

Looking at what was written on the envelope in his hand, Gu Xiao became flustered for the first time.For him who has already honed his heart to the point where the ancient well is still, even if Mount Tai collapses in front of him, he will not change his face, it is really inconceivable that this kind of situation will happen.

His usual stern face also appeared extremely shocked for the first time.

Li Qinglu looked at Gu Xiao, really surprised in her heart, and really wanted to know what Patriarch Xiaoyao said in the letter, to be able to scare this heartless man like this!

After a while, Gu Xiao finally digested the message left by Xiaoyaozi, took a deep breath, and slowly let out a mouthful of dirty air.However, his heart was inevitably completely disturbed by Xiaoyaozi's letter.

He was not surprised by what Xiaoyaozi said in the letter, on the contrary, he already knew it.However, after getting the secret information from the letter left by Xiaoyaozi, he finally understood some questions that he had long forgotten in his heart, but new questions inevitably arose.

There are many things that Xiaoyaozi said in the letter that he knows, and there are many things that he does not know.

In today's world, there are five countries, no, to be precise, it should be six countries.The Southern Song Dynasty in the south of the Yangtze River, Xixia in the northwest, Tubo in the west, Xiliao in the western regions, Jin in the north, and Dali in the south.These six countries are entangled, forming a complex situation.

And under this situation, an unprecedented conqueror will inevitably be born in the future. This conqueror will completely conquer the entire world, and even make the world surrender under his feet!
Gu Xiao knew these things a long time ago.Moreover, he also knows that this future conqueror is Genghis Khan from the prairie. Genghis Khan and his descendants will conquer two-thirds of the known world and make this world a Mongolian pasture.

It's just that Xiaoyaozi had already guessed all of this, which shocked Gu Xiao.

The most important thing is that Gu Xiao originally thought that the birth of Genghis Khan was just a combination of chance and inevitability in history.After all, if you calculate the time, if the Central Plains goes through decades of melee since the Five Hurons, it is bound to weaken again.

At that time, the prairie wolf tribe, which has been recharging their energy for hundreds of years, will take advantage of this opportunity to take over the Central Plains again. From Gu Xiao's point of view, it is not surprising.

However, in the letter left by Xiaoyaozi, he actually learned something deeper.

Xiaoyaozi said in this letter that since the end of the Tang Dynasty, the Wang Qi of the Central Plains has been damaged by decades of warlord melee.It was under such circumstances that the two brothers Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Kuangyi reluctantly mixed the shattered royal spirit in the Central Plains and established the Zhao Song Dynasty.

However, what the Zhao and Song Dynasties inherited was, after all, the shattered royal aura.If we say that they are monarchs like Emperor Qin and Han Wu, then that's all.Unfortunately, the two brothers were both wronged in the country, and they just managed to stabilize the country, and there was no way to regroup the damaged royal spirit.

And because of the hidden dangers planted at the time of the founding of the country, the Central Plains once again fell into division after the Zhao Kuangyin brothers. Among them, the establishment of the Xixia Kingdom was the most prominent representative.

After 200 years of delay, the Central Plains has never been unified. After the death of the Zhao Kuangyin brothers, the descendants of the Zhao Song Dynasty were no longer able to suppress the Central Plains Wang Qi.If the Central Plains continues to be in such a chaotic state, it will inevitably cause Wang Qi to move outward.In the end, it will eventually lead to a chaotic situation again.

Even, according to Xiaoyaozi's conjecture, if this continues, there may be worries about Shenzhou Lu Chen!
Shenzhou will sink in the future, Gu Xiao already knew about this matter.However, what he didn't expect was that this was actually speculated by Xiaoyaozi.According to Xiaoyaozi's speculation, after he opened this letter, at most a hundred years later, Wang Qi will boil again.

At that time, the whole world will once again usher in the opportunity of unification.

And when the time comes, who will unify the world, this is what Xiaoyaozi hopes Gu Xiao will facilitate!He hoped that Gu Xiao could support a Han monarch to reunify Kyushu and reverse the ending of Shenzhou Lu Chen!

Gu Xiao took a deep breath, will China sink?This..., to be honest, he doesn't care much!Because after so many lives in reincarnation, and once incarnated as Geng Shaonan, who single-handedly promoted the demise of the decadent Ming Dynasty, Gu Xiao no longer cared about his identity as a Han.

However, in this letter, Xiaoyaozi also vaguely revealed something that Gu Xiao had to take to heart.That is, he said: As long as the ending of Shenzhou Luchen can be changed, a lot of merit can be accumulated.Then, you can increase your own profound luck, which is of great benefit to martial arts cultivation.

Luck?Naturally, Gu Xiao was no stranger to this term.

In some fairy tale worlds, a person's luck is often related to his future achievements.If there is no luck, maybe walking on the road, you will be crushed to death by a stone falling from the sky. On the contrary, if you have strong luck, even if you fall from the cliff, nothing will happen, and you may get some adventure.

In short, after getting this news from Xiaoyaozi's letter, Gu Xiao couldn't help being moved by it.His instinct told Gu Xiao that what Xiaoyaozi said was true!As long as I can reverse the direction of the future, I will definitely accumulate a lot of luck.

However, after reading the letter, a question couldn't help but arise in Gu Xiao's heart.

That is: Who is Xiaoyaozi?

Even now, when thinking of Xiaoyaozi, Gu Xiao often has an unfathomable feeling.This kind of unfathomable is not unfathomable in martial arts, but unfathomable in spirit.Logically speaking, with Xiaoyaozi's martial arts and means, even though he is about two hundred years old, he should not have been an unknown person during the founding of the Song Dynasty in the past!
However, Gu Xiao had never heard of such a person in that period.He seemed to have jumped out of a crack in the rock, and his whole body was covered with a layer of mist.

What's more, in this letter, he also mentioned the theory of luck.Seeing Xiaoyaozi mention luck, Gu Xiao suddenly felt a sense of time and space disorder!It was as if he himself was not in this world, but came to the legendary fairyland!

His intuition told him that what Xiaoyaozi said was true.But, who is this old ghost?

It seems that in the future, I will have to be a grandfather again, and cultivate a wise king who can rule the world in the future!Gu Xiao took a deep breath, remembered all the news from Xiaoyaozi's letter in his heart, and at the same time secretly made such a decision in his heart.

boom!The flame ignited, and the letter in Gu Xiao's hand suddenly ignited spontaneously, and the thin letter instantly burned into a ball of fire.Gu Xiao shook his right hand and threw the letter in his hand on the ground, still falling on the ground with ashes.

"What are you doing?" Seeing that Gu Xiao burned the letter and even scattered the ashes in his room, Li Qinglu, who has always been happy and clean, couldn't help but frowned and said dissatisfied.

Gu Xiao sighed, "You haven't read this letter, have you?"

"Of course not!" Li Qinglu had no interest in what was written in this letter before, and flatly denied it.

"That's good. If you have read this letter, then I'm sorry, I can only kill you." Gu Xiaochang sighed.

"Really?" Hearing what Gu Xiao said, Li Qinglu was shocked immediately. Although she guessed that this letter must be very important, she didn't expect that it was so important that after being read by others, she would kill her. .

"Sister Qinglu, are you alright?" At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door, followed by Wang Yuyan's anxious voice.

Gu Xiao looked at the lit sandalwood in the room. When he first came in, the sandalwood had just been lit, but now there was only a small piece of sandalwood left.Unexpectedly, before he could react, an incense stick of time had already passed.

Hearing the anxiety in Wang Yuyan's tone, Gu Xiao's heart warmed up, and he said, "Okay, come in!"

Suddenly!Wang Yuyan pushed open the door and walked in. As soon as she came in, she first looked at Gu Xiao and Li Qinglu to make sure that nothing had happened between them, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.Looking at Gu Xiao, he stuck out his tongue embarrassingly, and said, "You guys haven't moved for a long time, so I thought something happened to you."

"It's okay." Gu Xiao looked at Wang Yuyan and said calmly.

adulterer****!You adulterers ****!Li Qinglu clenched her fists and cursed crazily in her heart.

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(End of this chapter)

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