The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 644 In Vulture Palace, Experts Gather

Chapter 644 In Vulture Palace, Experts Gather

Who is speaking?Gu Xiao couldn't tell the difference for a moment.

He could hear that this sentence came from the mouth of the Four Swordsmen, but he couldn't tell which one said it.

In fact, this is also a very normal thing.

The Four Swords Attendants, Plum Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum, are twin sisters of the same mother. The four of them not only look exactly alike, but also have the same voice.In addition, although they had been in contact with each other back then, Gu Xiao didn't take them too seriously.Therefore, for a while, he couldn't figure out who said this sentence.

However, even though it is not clear which one said this sentence, he has already paid attention to this sentence.

If Li Qinglu really found a helper, it wouldn't be surprising.

Decades have passed, and Gu Xiao himself doesn't know how powerful he will be if he unleashes all his strength.However, he can say with certainty that once he unleashes all his strength, it will be impossible for this world to accommodate him anymore.

This point is absolutely beyond doubt!

You know, as early as decades ago, if Gu Xiao wanted to shatter the void, it might not be impossible.Because every time he makes a shot with all his strength, he can feel that in the void around him, there are signs that the void is breaking from time to time.

Back then, his strength had already approached the limit that this world could accommodate.

Now, after decades of hard work, he doesn't even know how much his strength has improved.The only thing he can be sure of is that once he unleashes all his strength, the world will no longer be able to accommodate his existence.

There is a limit to the maximum power that each world can accommodate.Once this limit is exceeded, under the influence of the world, this person will no longer be able to continue to survive in this world.This point, after so many reincarnations, he has already discovered it.

Therefore, it is not a simple matter to deal with him.

He knows it, Wang Yuyan knows it, and Li Qinglu knows it too.If you want to use Li Qinglu's ability to deal with yourself, it is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg, which is a fantasy.Therefore, Li Qinglu found some helpers to deal with herself.

Indeed, within expectations, within reason!
"Oh, I didn't expect that there were people from the Ming Cult coming. This really surprised me." Ever since Four Swords Servant got the news, Gu Xiao began to use his spiritual sense to sense the place not far in front of him. The movement in the main hall, want to find out who is there.

At this moment, his martial arts are so high that he is invincible in the world.

Even though in the hall, except for Li Qinglu, the other masters were almost trying their best to hide their aura, trying to hide his spiritual sense, but they still couldn't hide it from him.When Gu Xiao moved slightly, he felt that in the hall, apart from Li Qinglu's almost undisguised, unpredictable and phaseless aura, there was also an aura of yin and yang, and an upside-down aura. Who knows, there is such a breath of martial arts in this world, only the Mingjiao's universe has moved!As Mingjiao's subjugating divine skill, Qiankun Dayi has always been qualified to practice only the leader.Presumably, the one inside is the leader of Mingjiao generation.

In addition, there is a very domineering fist and a well-hidden water vapor!

On the other side of the main hall, an almost fearless, domineering fist, almost facing Gu Xiao's spiritual sense, rushed towards him.In his spiritual sense, a clenched fist seemed to be punching him, and the fist was full of domineering and self-importance.

Could it be that kid from the power gang?Feeling this fist, Gu Xiao thought to himself.

Compared with the Supreme Fist of Jintai that he had experienced back then, although this kind of boxing intention is somewhat inferior in terms of skill, but in terms of power, it seems to be superior. It must be someone who specializes in boxing.In today's world, the only one who can practice boxing so well is the power to help the current gang leader, that unfilial illegitimate son of Yan Kuangtu, who is known as the king of the world-Li Chenzhou!

As for the best hidden moisture, it is even more unpredictable. It looks strong and domineering on the outside, but Gu Xiao can feel that under the domineering appearance, there is actually a feminine aura hidden in it.If there is no accident, this person should be one of the three famous arresters of the Six Gates on the surface, but in fact he is the leader of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River's Twelve Chain Docks'Zhu Great Heavenly King' - Zhu Xiawu!

Li Qinglu, the leader of Mingjiao, Zhu Xiawu, Li Chenzhou!

Four peerless masters, it seems that my troubles this time are really not small?Gu Xiao sneered in his heart.

In the past few decades, although he has been living in seclusion in the mountains and has not walked around the rivers and lakes, it does not mean that he is ignorant of the affairs of the rivers and lakes.As a person who has held great power for several generations, Gu Xiao knows very well that no matter how high a person's martial arts is, if he doesn't have wings, no matter how advanced his martial arts is, no matter how smart his mind is, he will be tricked by others sooner or later.

Therefore, in these years, he has apparently retreated to the mountains and forests, but in fact, he has been learning about the news in the world through a well-hidden dark thread.Therefore, he knows no less than anyone else about the affairs in the Jianghu, and he can even be said to have a wide range of ears and eyes.

tread!tread!tread!Crisp footsteps sounded.

At the same time that Gu Xiao was secretly preparing to do something, he, the Four Swords Attendants of Plum, Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum, and Wang Yuyan had already passed through the not so deep corridor of the Vulture Palace, and came to the main hall.

Swish!At the same time that Gu Xiao stepped into the main hall of the Vulture Palace, dozens of eyes shot at him undisguisedly, all fiery eyes were fixed on him, as if they wanted to make dozens of holes in his body Generally, the emotions contained in each gaze are also different.

At the same time, as soon as Gu Xiao stepped into the hall, he released his attention indifferently and began to observe the people in the hall.

As he expected, there were many people in this hall at this moment. Although he had never seen them before, he recognized the identities of everyone worthy of his attention at a glance.

A man in white, followed by a beautiful woman in palace attire, and a man in green. The breaths of these three people are highly compatible. One look at him can tell that the tacit understanding between these three people has gone deep into the bone marrow. Once they make a move, The power of their joint efforts must be earth-shattering.

A strong man like an iron tower, clothes like iron, hands like iron carvings, and a face like iron carvings, all tensed without a smile.

A middle-aged man, his whole body looks extraordinarily ordinary, ordinary appearance, ordinary dress, ordinary temperament, in short, this person belongs to the kind of person who is thrown in the crowd and will never be found again.However, Gu Xiao could feel that the qi mechanism on his body was constantly turning upside down, and the yin and yang qi were constantly changing on his body.

That's all for these people. The one who attracted Gu Xiao's attention the most was of course Li Qinglu who was sitting on the chair at the top of the hall.

The last time we met was almost ten years ago. In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed, and Li Qinglu still hasn't changed at all.Her appearance is still so beautiful, her eyes are still full of hatred, and her whole body is filled with an icy aura, which can freeze people to death.

It was just that when she saw him appear, Li Qinglu's eyes inevitably flashed a trace of excitement, but when she saw Wang Yuyan, the king of the five poisonous gods who followed him behind him, and the inseparable five-poison king Wang Yuyan, there was an unforgettable feeling in her eyes. The general look of resentment, the flames of hatred ignited in her beautiful eyes, it was almost to the point where she wished to turn Wang Yuyan into ashes.

Gu Xiao took a deep look at Li Qinglu who was sitting on the main seat, and then glanced at all the masters in the hall.At this moment, there were naturally quite a few people gathered in the hall, but apart from Li Qinglu, only those five people could attract his attention, and he didn't even bother to look at the others.

"Qinglu, we haven't seen each other for many years, is that how you welcome me?" Looking at the masters in the hall, Gu Xiao said lightly.

Hearing Gu Xiao's words, Li Qinglu immediately sneered, there was no way to be happy in the laughter, only cold resentment, and sneered: "Hahahaha, do you think I should welcome you?"

As if Gu Xiao didn't understand the hidden meaning in Li Qinglu's words, he said calmly: "That's natural, after all, we haven't seen each other for so many years. What's more, the matter between us can be resolved in private, you now Get this group of people, what do you mean?"

As he said that, Gu Xiao glanced contemptuously at the masters in the palace, making it clear that he didn't take these people seriously.

"Hahaha, I've heard for a long time that the sword demon Dugu Qiubai is arrogant and conceited. Seeing him today, he really deserves his reputation." In the hall, he said without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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