The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 639 The Disciple Goes Down the Mountain, Vulture Palace Changes

Chapter 639 The Disciple Goes Down the Mountain, Vulture Palace Changes

Spring goes and autumn comes, winter passes summer solstice.

Time has always passed very fast. In the blink of an eye, three years have passed.

In the past three years, the situation in the world has changed once again.

Kang Wang Zhaogou had already secured the throne in the city of Hangzhou, which was now renamed Lin'an, and organized refugees from the north to form an army several times to fight fiercely with the Jin soldiers.During this process, several generals who were able to conquer and fight well emerged successively in the Song Dynasty.

Four people such as Yue Fei, Han Shizhong, Zhang Jun, and Liu Guangshi now lead the army respectively and become the four generals of the Southern Song Dynasty.

However, among these four people, there is enough distinction.Among them, Liu Guangshi was the son of the famous Liu Yanqing when the Great Song Dynasty conquered the Liao Kingdom. , is even more narrow-minded.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is Yue Fei and Han Shizhong who are really responsible for the main forces of the Song and Jin battles.

It is precisely because of their existence that half of the Zhao Song Dynasty in the south, which has become the Southern Song Dynasty, was not captured by the Jin soldiers. Zhao Gou, who has now ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, can secure his dragon chair.

It's just that three years have passed, and it's time to fulfill the agreement between Gu Xiao and Xiao to part.

On this day, in Xiangyang Sword Tomb.

"Hey!" Right in front of the cave where Gu Xiao lived, the bloated but mighty sculpture fluttered two big wings, and kept making eagle cries from its mouth. The two big wings were like The two shields are average, and they fought against a boy in white on the opposite side.

The young man in white was holding a sword with a restrained blue light. Two small seal characters "Wen Tian" were engraved on the blade of the sword. He waved the sword in his hand and performed a set of very brilliant martial arts.

In front of the cave, Gu Xiao watched the fight, with a flash of approval in his eyes from time to time.

"Ah!" From time to time, the boy in white was Gu Xiao's beloved disciple Xiao Bieli. He waved the Wentian Sword in his hand, let out a loud roar, and stabbed the divine eagle with his sword. It was extremely fast, and the sword's power was even more incomparable. The sword energy exuded a chill in the void, and the sword pierced out, as if everything in the world was about to surrender.

Even the Divine Condor couldn't help but pause in the face of his sword.The two big wings that had been waving continuously were even more sluggish in the face of this sword.He could only twist his bloated body, trying to avoid Xiao Bieli's sword.

clang!Xiao Bieli's sword was originally intended to stab at the God Condor's chest, but suddenly turned around halfway, and greeted the God Condor's pair of big wings, and the sword energy dissipated in the air inexplicably. With a sound of gold and iron, Xiao Bieli's sword slashed on the large wings of the divine sculpture, and with a single swing of the sword, more than a dozen iron feathers of the divine sculpture were broken, and the feathers fell to the ground one after another.

"Uncle Shendiao, I'm sorry." Xiao Bieli took back his sword and laughed.

Snapped!The Divine Condor hit Xiao Bieli's shoulder with a wing, and his mouth kept cooing, as if to praise him.

"Diao'er, come back." Seeing the interaction between one person and one Diao, Gu Xiao greeted.

"Bie Li, you can go down the mountain now." After Shen Diao returned to him, Gu Xiao took a deep look at Xiao Bie Li, and said lightly.

Xiao Bieli heard the words, first his face was happy, then his face became sad again, and he said sadly: "Master, you don't want me anymore?"

"Little bastard." Gu Xiao flicked his fingers, and greeted Xiao Bieli with a finger wind. This finger wind obviously did not contain the slightest smell of fireworks, and Xiao Bieli could see the trajectory clearly, but there was something hidden in it. There is a mysterious charm that makes him unable to avoid it.

Snapped!A finger wind hit Xiao Bieli's head, causing him to hold his head and cry out in pain.

"Didn't you want to go down the mountain a long time ago?" Gu Xiao said angrily, "Now, you are 15 years old. If you count the time, it's time to go down the mountain and see the world."

"Yes, Master." Hearing Gu Xiao's words, Xiao Bieli immediately lowered his arm and agreed happily.

Gu Xiao waved his hands impatiently, as if chasing flies, and said: "If you want to leave, get out, I live here as a teacher, this is your home, if you get tired anytime, you can come back. "

Now, when the battle between Song and Jin was at its peak, although Gu Xiao himself was not interested in getting involved in the confrontation between the two countries, he would not stop his apprentice.What's more, Xiao Bieli's current martial arts is already a half-step peerless, and he has to comprehend the remaining half-step by himself.Even if he wanted to teach, he couldn't.

Therefore, letting him go down the mountain is also a good choice.

"Yes, Master." Xiao Bieli said in a deep voice.

Finally, I'm leaving here, going to the outside world, to kill Jin Bing.When this long-awaited wish came true, Xiao Bieli felt a sense of reluctance in his heart.After all, this is his home no matter what, and it's not very pleasant to leave home.

"Stop acting like a kid, just leave if you want!" Gu Xiao said lightly.

"Master, the disciple is leaving." Xiao Bieli took one last look at Gu Xiao and the divine sculpture standing beside him, as if he wanted to imprint them in his mind, then turned and walked down the mountain.

"Hey!" The divine eagle was taught a martial art by Gu Xiao. Although he can't speak, he has already been psychic, and his wisdom is not much worse than that of humans.Seeing Xiao Bieli leave, it wailed sadly, and its bloated body revealed a look of sadness.

"Sigh, parting, master has already taught you everything that master can teach you. You can only choose your own path in life, and walk on your own. Even if master wants to help you, he can't help you." Gu Xiao sighed in his heart.

He is ruthless, but he is not disrespectful.In any case, Xiao Bieli was his apprentice for more than ten years, and he and Li Canghai had never had children in this life.Therefore, after more than ten years, although they are masters and apprentices in name, they are like father and son in love.

Seeing his son leaving his side, even though Gu Xiao was hard-hearted, he couldn't help but feel a little sour.It's just that chicks have to leave the nest after all.It is impossible for him to shield Xiao Bie from the wind and rain for the rest of his life.What's more, Xiao Bieli is still a young man.Therefore, when this day comes, he has long been mentally prepared.

"Why, are you reluctant?" At some point, a woman in white came up behind Gu Xiao and said calmly.

Gu Xiao turned around and looked at the white-clothed woman who appeared behind him. This white-clothed woman was almost exactly the same as his deceased beloved wife, but it was not his beloved wife, but Wang Yuyan!
Gu Xiao looked at Wang Yuyan and said, "Why are you here? Don't you still have your Five Poison Sect to take care of you?"

Before Wang Yuyan walked behind him, he had already discovered her existence.However, he knew very well that with Wang Yuyan's martial arts, he couldn't hurt himself.That's why he chose to let Wang Yuyan walk behind him.Otherwise, with his ability, he could kill Wang Yuyan before she got close to him.

Wang Yuyan said softly, "What? Don't you welcome me?"

Gu Xiao sneered and said, "If you have something to say, you might as well just say it, why hesitate."

Although they had the closest contact with each other, Gu Xiao didn't have any feelings for Wang Yuyan.In his opinion, what happened between them can only be regarded as a transaction.He got Wang Yuyan's body, and Wang Yuyan kept a trace of his sister's and brother-in-law's blood, and also got a big backer.

Therefore, he didn't feel that he owed Wang Yuyan anything, nor did he think that there was cause and effect between them.

"I'm here because I want to tell you something." Wang Yuyan was not angry at Gu Xiao's very indifferent attitude, but continued to speak to Gu Xiao with a tender attitude.After decades of ups and downs in the world, this old lady in the boudoir has now become a veteran of the world.

She has now learned to hide hatred with a smile; to hide her strength with weakness; to suppress the anger in her heart with tenderness.

Gu Xiao said: "What is it?"

"Li Qinglu took over Tianshan Vulture Palace." Wang Yuyan broke the news very simply.

Gu Xiao was a little surprised and said, "Really?"

Today, it has been more than 20 years since Wu Xingyun, the Tianshan Child Elder, passed away. After losing the Tianshan Child Elder, the momentum of the Vulture Palace has also been greatly reduced.He didn't pay attention to the Vulture Palace at first, but he didn't know that the Vulture Palace fell into Li Qinglu's hands.

Now that the Vulture Palace fell into Li Qinglu's hands, it was self-evident to Gu Xiao what she would do with the Vulture Palace.

After trying to understand the key point, Gu Xiao's always indifferent brows could not help but frown.

 I'm sorry, book friends, Blood Moon is extremely sorry, it's a bit embarrassing to modify the anti-theft chapter to be wrong.Here, Blood Moon expresses its 12-point apology to all book lovers!

(End of this chapter)

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