The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 527 Want to fight Qiao Feng, yes and no

Chapter 527 Want to fight Qiao Feng, yes and no

Xingzi Lin Zhong suddenly blew the horn three times, and the eight horsemen divided into two lines and rushed into the forest.The riders of the eight horses are all holding spears, and a small flag is tied to the spearhead.The tip of the spear is shining, and you can vaguely see the two white characters "Xi Xia" embroidered on the four small flags on the left, and the two white characters "Helian" embroidered on the west side of the right head, and there are also Xi Xia characters on the flags.After that, eight riders divided into two lines and galloped into the forest.Four of the passengers on the horse blow the trumpets and four of them beat the drums.

The group of beggars frowned secretly: "This battle is all about marching and fighting, but where is the meeting of heroes and heroes on the rivers and lakes?"

After the trumpeter and drummer, come eight Xixia warriors.Seeing the expressions of these eight warriors, Elder Xu thought that they all have excellent martial arts, and thought: "It seems that these are the characters in Yipin Hall." .The passenger immediately wore a red brocade robe, was 34 years old, had an aquiline nose and a mustache.Beside this man was a young gentleman following him, and behind them was a tall man with a huge nose. As soon as he entered the forest, he shouted: "The general of the Western Xia Kingdom Zhengdong is here, and the leader of the beggar gang is here!" See you later." The voice was strange, it was the person who spoke earlier.

"Where is Qiao Feng?" The young master who was following Helian Tieshu asked again.

His voice was not loud, but it was transmitted to every corner in the apricot forest.Anyone could hear his words, obviously, he was the one who asked Qiao Feng's whereabouts just now.

Helian Tieshu looked at Gu Xiao with great interest, and asked, "What do you mean, sir?"

Gu Xiao said indifferently: "I have heard for a long time that Qiao Feng, the leader of the beggar gang, has been so powerful in the Central Plains since Qiao Feng's Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing and the Dog Beating Stick. Naturally, we can't see him today."

"Oh! That's how it is!" Helian Tieshu nodded in agreement when he heard what Gu Xiao said, and shouted, "Where is Qiao Feng? Today, I, a master of Xixia Yipintang, intends to fight you, why don't you show up quickly?"

Gu Xiao frowned secretly when he heard Helian Tieshu's words.

Helian Tieshu expressed his intention to solicit to him many times along the way, but he has always been politely rejected by him.He has already owned everything that he can have in his life, and what Helian Iron Tree used to seduce him is nothing more than glory, wealth, wine and beauty, these things, he doesn't pay attention to them at all.

However, he didn't expect that Helian Tieshu would regard himself as a master in his Western Xia first-grade hall, which simply forced him to have no way out!

Out of the group of beggars came out an old man with white beard and hair. The old man stood at the front and represented the members of the Beggar Clan. See, we can't climb high, please general to pay a visit to our prince and official of the Great Song Dynasty, and not to meet our beggars. If you meet as a fellow martial artist, the general is a guest from afar, please get off the horse and talk about the host and guest ceremony." These few days The words are neither arrogant nor humble, neither to offend the other party, but also to take into account one's own identity.All the beggars thought: "Sure enough, Jiang is old and hot, and Elder Xu is very good."

Nu Erhai, the follower of Helian Tieshu, said: "Since the leader of your clan is not here, my general can't talk to you." He squinted and saw the stick stuck in the ground, and knew that it was an important thing of the Beggars Clan. , Said: "Well, this bamboo stick is crystal clear and green. It's not bad to use it as a broom handle." With a thrust of his arm, the horsewhip swung out and rolled towards the roe deer stick.

The group of beggars shouted in unison: "Go away!" Leaping forward, blocking the dog-beating stick, he stretched out his arms and let the whip wrap around his arms.With a twist of his arm, the man with the big nose couldn't sit on the saddle anymore, he jumped up and stood on the ground.The two of them exerted their strength at the same time, and with a slap, the whip broke into two pieces.The man picked up the dog-beating stick with his backhand, and walked away without saying a word.

Everyone looked at this man, and saw that he was bowed and bent, he was the elder of the gang.He is very skilled in martial arts, and he usually doesn't like to talk, but he stood up to defend the gang when the heavy weapon was in danger. Just now, the big-nosed man was pulled off the horse's back and the whip was broken, which can be said to have lost.

"Isn't Qiao Feng here?" Gu Xiao asked again, "Who is the current head of the Beggar Gang?"

His words can be said to be knowingly asking. Long before Xu Chongxiao stepped forward, he knew that the oldest elder of the Beggar Gang is now in power. He is the uncle of the previous leader of the Beggar Gang, Wang Jiantong. , in order to sit on the seat of the leader of the beggar gang!

It's just that Gu Xiao has always been indifferent to people who rely on the old and sell the old. In his opinion, the face in this martial arts is earned by himself through martial arts, not by his age.Xu Chongxiao is more than 80 years old, but his martial arts can only be described as ordinary. Even if he is allowed to sit on the position of the leader of the beggar gang, he is nothing more than an old tortoise!
As Gu Xiao expected, Xu Chongxiao stood up without hesitation, and said in a tone that should be taken for granted: "It is the old man, the leader of this gang is not here, and the old man is the uncle of the former leader Wang Jiantong. Therefore, the gang is temporarily replaced by the old man. Acting as an assistant. Why do you want to find the leader of this gang?"

Gu Xiao glanced at Xu Chongxiao, as if he was looking at a dead person, and said: "I have heard for a long time that Qiao Feng, the leader of the Beggar Clan, is very powerful in martial arts, and he is the number one hero in today's martial arts world. Who knows, he is not here , this gang of beggars has actually been reduced to let an old turtle take charge of the house!"

"Hahahahaha!" Just as Gu Xiao finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter in Xixia Yipin Hall.

A few narrow-minded ghosts also shouted: "Young Master Dugu, what you are saying is that beggars are just a bunch of shrinking turtles?"

"Boy, you're arrogant!" Xu Chongxiao lived to be in his eighties, and he could almost be regarded as a group of people with the highest seniority in this martial arts world.Now, being ridiculed by Gu Xiao as an old tortoise on the spot, he was furious, and stretched out his skinny palm to poke towards Gu Xiao's neck on the horse's back.

The wind of his claws was sharp and his strength was condensed. When he stretched out his claws, all the heroes present nodded secretly in their hearts: Isn't it all because of his highest seniority that this old man can become the current head of the beggar gang?

Seeing Xu Chongxiao's paw poking towards him, Gu Xiao sneered disdainfully, "I really don't know how to live or die!"

Boom!He sat on the horse's back without moving his body, he kicked out, Xu Chongxiao felt his chest was like thunder, he was kicked by Gu Xiao on the spot, and then Xu Chongxiao's skinny body was ruthlessly kicked. The ground kick flew out, drew an arc in the air far away, and fell heavily among the beggars.

puff!Several beggars were hit by Xu Chongxiao's bar on the spot, and they were shocked to death by the force that Gu Xiao borrowed from Xu Chongxiao's body on the spot. Blood spurted out, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and their death conditions were extremely miserable!

"Elder Xu!"

"Elder Xu!"

Seeing that Xu Chongxiao was kicked to death in just one encounter, the heroes exclaimed on the spot, and the members of the Beggar Clan were even more resentful. Holding the bamboo sticks in their hands, they rushed forward to fight Gu Xiao to the death!It's just that Gu Xiao kicked Xu Chongxiao to death with one kick just now, and even hired a few beggars to accompany him. His martial arts skills are amazing. Although these people have heart, they have no guts!
"Your Excellency's attack is too cruel, isn't it?" After a long time, a middle-aged beggar walked out of the group of beggars, looked at Gu Xiao on horseback, and shouted with a bit of hatred.

Gu Xiao lowered his head, looked at this person, and asked, "Who are you?"

"The law enforcement elder of the beggar gang!" The middle-aged beggar reported himself.

Gu Xiao said: "I'm only interested in Qiao Feng, you people are not qualified to talk to me at all!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Xiao didn't even look at the heroes in the arena, making it clear that he didn't take these people seriously.

Seeing that Gu Xiao was so defiant, all the heroes felt angrily in their hearts.However, they all have self-knowledge, knowing that their own martial arts are no match for this young man, so they can only hold back the anger in their hearts and say nothing.

"Who is this person? He is so arrogant!" The group of heroes exchanged privately below.

"do not know!"

"Maybe it's the newly promoted young master of Xixia?"

"I know who he is, he is the Sword Demon Dugu Xing!" Someone among the heroes suddenly shouted.

When Gu Xiao heard someone point out his name, he immediately looked over and saw several beggars not far away, pointing at him.

"Dugu Xing, you actually don't know what to do with the Xixia Tartars!" A dark-faced middle-aged man heard someone point out Gu Xiao's identity, and immediately pointed at Gu Xiao on horseback and cursed angrily.Behind this person, there were five other men with similar faces.

Gu Xiao said lightly: "I didn't seek refuge in Xixia Yipintang. The purpose of my coming is to compete with Qiao Feng. As for them, they can only be regarded as some fellow travelers!"

Helian Tieshu heard this and shouted: "Young Master Dugu!"

Gu Xiao waved his hand and said, "No need to say too much, my uncle just asked me to come with you, I didn't join you."

"No and no!" Just as Gu Xiao and Helian Tieshu had an argument, a sentence suddenly rang out from the crowd that made Gu Xiao feel like vomiting just after hearing it!Among the heroes, a middle-aged man with an ugly face and a bloated figure suddenly appeared. He looked at Gu Xiao on horseback and cried out.

"No, no! Your Excellency was wrong just now!" The middle-aged man who emerged from the crowd was none other than Bao BuTong, one of Murong Fu's four great generals. Bao BuTong walked up to Gu Xiao and yelled stand up.

Gu Xiao looked at Bao BuTong, and said with great interest, "Where did I say something wrong!"

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(End of this chapter)

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