The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 516 Bianliang blockade, little sister groom

Chapter 516 Bianliang blockade, little sister groom

Three days later, the Su residence.

Still in Su Xiaomei's room.

Su Xiaomei, dressed in light green clothes, was sitting in front of the window, reading a book.

"The Master said: Learning and learning from time to time, it is not easy to say!... People do not know but not stunned, not a gentleman!... I examine myself three times a day!... Zi Zaichuan said: The dead are like a husband, not a gentleman! Give up day and night!" Su Xiaomei held a book of Analects in her hand, and she was constantly reading, and the sound of Lang Lang's reading resounded throughout the room.

The beauty, the sound of reading, and the sunshine together constitute a beautiful picture, which seems to be a lifelike picture, and like a fairy who has strayed into the mortal world.

Su Xiaomei held the book in her hand and read it very intently, as if there was nothing more attractive in this world than the Analects in her hand.

Snapped!Just when Su Xiaomei was intoxicated by the book, a crisp sound suddenly sounded.A white shadow flashed in from the window, and landed firmly in the room. The sound was very weak, like a night cat poking its claws. Even the guards in the yard couldn't find it.

No one in the nursing home in the yard knew that a man in white had already appeared in Su Xiaomei's room within such a short period of time.

"Dugu Knight, are you back?" Su Xiaomei felt the movement behind her and asked without turning her head.

Gu Xiao was dressed in white, and his expression was no longer the embarrassment he had three days ago. He looked at Su Xiaomei who was sitting on the chair, nodded lightly and said, "I'm back."

After three days of cultivation, Gu Xiao's skill has almost recovered.After all, what he practiced was the most orthodox Taoist martial arts, and he had an advantage far inferior to other martial arts sects in terms of recovering power.

Su Xiaomei turned around and said, "What's the matter? Is there anyone still watching at the city gate?"

Gu Xiao nodded helplessly.

After these three days of cultivation, his internal strength has almost recovered.Originally, he should have left long ago.But, maybe it was because the commotion he and Zhou Tong made a few days ago was really too big.Until now, there are still people watching over the city gate.

Originally, it was just a few spies following him, so Gu Xiao didn't take it seriously at all.However, what gave him a headache was that once the spies discovered his presence, it would very likely alarm the masters enshrined in the palace.At that time, it will be difficult for me to leave!
Gu Xiao has enough reasons to believe that with the power of the imperial court, he must have investigated himself clearly by now.

After all, even though he hasn't met those big inner guards, isn't Zhou Tong still there?
Zhou Tong is different from himself, he doesn't eat the official Zhao's food, but Zhou Tong can!What's more, he wasn't Zhou Tong's friend, they were enemies, so Zhou Tong naturally didn't need to keep him secret.Therefore, Gu Xiao never thought of finding Zhou Tong again to ask him about the whereabouts of his master Jin Tai.

Because he knew very well that if he really did that, it would be no different from throwing himself into a trap!
Su Xiaomei looked at Gu Xiao's bitter face, covered her mouth with the book in her hand and smiled lightly: "I never imagined that Dugu Xing, who is known as the sword demon, would have such a desperate situation. Interested in."

Looking at the eccentric girl in front of him, Gu Xiao couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

After getting along for three days, each other also knew each other's identity and origin.

As Gu Xiao expected, the Su Xiaomei in front of him was indeed that Su Dongpo's younger sister, who later married Qin Shaoyou's Su Xiaomei.Moreover, during these three days, he also met Su Dongpo several times. Although he didn't meet him face to face, he could tell that Su Dongpo was a man of great wisdom.

In the same way, Su Xiaomei also knew his current identity and his nickname in the Jianghu world is Sword Demon!
Therefore, Su Xiaomei has been making fun of his nickname these days.

Gu Xiao said helplessly: "I really fell this time. If I was the only one, then I would naturally be able to fight it out. But if this is the case, then I will definitely have to fight against those big insiders. At that time, I'm afraid it will implicate Miss."

When Su Xiaomei heard Gu Xiao's words, she felt ashamed, her jade cheeks flushed, and she said shyly: "You are really dishonest, believe it or not, I will call you now, when the time comes, I won't believe it, you can Subdue all the nurses in the blink of an eye!"

When Gu Xiao heard this sentence, he smiled and said nothing.

After three days of getting along, he understood what Su Xiaomei was like.

This talented woman who is famous in later generations is exceptionally intelligent, but perhaps it is because her two older brothers, Su Shi and Su Zhe, love her very much.She has never had a clear concept of the dangers of the outside world. In her concept, the martial arts of the people in the world are maintained at the level of their family's nursing home.

To be honest, Gu Xiao was never afraid of Su Xiaomei's threats.Because in his eyes, as long as he shows his full strength, he can kill all the people in the entire Su Mansion at any time.Moreover, it is very easy to leave before alarming others.

It's just that he is a hero, but he is not Cao Cao who "I would rather bear the world than the world bears me", so he can't do this kind of thing.

Seeing that Gu Xiao didn't speak, Su Xiaomei felt ashamed and happy, and shouted: "Do you really want to go out?"

Gu Xiao said as a matter of course: "Of course, I have no interest in hiding in Bianliang City for the rest of my life."

After going through so many things, Gu Xiao has already fallen in love with the Jianghu, and he likes the pleasures and grievances of the Jianghu, and he is chic and at ease.Therefore, he couldn't bear to let him stay in this depressing Bianliang city all the time.

Su Xiaomei blushed and said, "If you really want to leave Bianliang, I can help you."

Gu Xiao said happily, "How are you going to help me?"

A mischievous smile appeared on Su Xiaomei's perfect cheeks, she looked at Gu Xiao's eyes as if she was looking at someone she was going to tease, and said: "It's very simple, in two days, I and a few The sisters are going out for an outing together, when that time comes, you can join our team and leave with us."

"Really?" Gu Xiao said.

To Gu Xiao, being able to leave Bianliang was really a good thing.

For the past three days, although he has been hiding in Su Xiaomei's room, after all, he is a lonely man and a widow. If he does not leave, Gu Xiao can't guarantee that his bloody body can continue to be restrained by his own reason.Facing such a beauty as Su Xiaomei, I didn't even want to eat it!
If it was the past, he would eat it if he ate it.

But after going through so much, Gu Xiao no longer has the desire to hunt for beauty. For women, he now has a mentality of gaining one's luck and losing one's life.

But, an innocent girl, if you sleep with her, can you still be irresponsible?

Therefore, Gu Xiao just wanted to leave quickly and didn't want to continue entanglement.

Su Xiaomei looked at Gu Xiao's appearance as if she couldn't wait to leave, and an unknown fire rose in her heart inexplicably, and she said with a little anger: "If you really want to leave, it's fine, just want to be wronged The Dugu hero is here!"

Gu Xiao sighed in his heart, his face remained unchanged, and said, "How?"

Su Xiaomei said: "Little sister still lacks a groom. By then, I hope Dugu Daxia will give in!"

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(End of this chapter)

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