The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 510 Great Wuxiang Gong, the covenant of the sea

Chapter 510 Great Wuxiang Gong, the covenant of the sea

In the evening, after Gu Xiao cleaned up all the messy garbage he made by himself, he was already so tired that his back hurt.

After returning to the thatched hut, Li Canghai had already prepared a very sumptuous dinner among the mountains and forests.

Gu Xiao sat wearily on his seat, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, looked at the few delicacies on the table, and said with a smile: "Master, your craftsmanship is still so good!"

To be honest, sometimes Gu Xiao really felt that Li Canghai was a very complicated person.On the one hand, she is at least 80 years old now, but she is still a childlike innocence, and she especially likes to tease her; perfect woman.

Li Canghai also picked up his bowl and chopsticks, and said with a smile, "It's been so many years, and I'm used to it."

When Gu Xiao heard these words, his expression darkened.

He has been with Li Canghai for so long, and he has never seen Li Canghai express concern for any man, and there is no man by her side.He could tell that the master he had worshiped in this life had no interest in Wu Yazi's brother-in-law at all.

In fact, this is not surprising, because according to the description in the original book, when Li Qiushui and Wu Xingyun fought for the love of Wu Yazi, she was just an 11-year-old girl.Wu Yazi would be interested in a little girl, but that little girl would definitely not be interested in her brother-in-law!
However, he could also see that this master of his must have a story of her own!
Gu Xiao asked: "Master, how is your Great Wuxiang Kungfu doing?"

The Great Formless Kung Fu was deduced by Li Canghai based on the Little Formless Kung Fu taught to her by his sister Li Qiushui.There is no fixed route for the small non-phase kung fu, as long as the master needs it, he can use the small non-phase kung fu according to any internal kung fu route at any time.

In martial arts, internal strength and martial arts are often very closely related. For example, martial arts such as Shaolin 72 unique skills, each book has its own unique inner strength.If it weren't for the exclusive inner strength method, although it cannot be said that this set of martial arts would not be able to be used, the power would definitely be greatly reduced.

But the small non-phase skill can imitate the internal power of the world.

However, in Li Canghai's view, although the Little Wuxiang Gong is powerful, it lacks its own unique characteristics.Therefore, for decades, she has been trying to create an all-encompassing Great Wuxiang Gong based on the characteristics of the Small Wuxiang Gong. After getting back the secret book, she has been referring to the peerless martial arts of these two Xiaoyao sects.

A month has passed, and Gu Xiao wants to know, how is her Great Wuxiang Kungfu doing?

Hearing these words, Li Canghai put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, and said with a confident smile: "OK, the Beiming Divine Art you brought back will be of great help to Master, and Master's Great Formless Art has already taken another step forward." If things go on like this, master's great non-phase kung fu will definitely surpass my sister's little non-phase kung fu, my brother-in-law's Beiming magic kung fu, and my senior sister's eight barren and six hegemony kung fu, and become the most powerful martial art in the world."

When Gu Xiao heard the words, he congratulated and said, "Really? Then congratulations, Master."

The master and apprentice started to discuss some things in martial arts at the dinner table.

Although Li Canghai's Great Formless Kung Fu has not been fully practiced, it is already not to be underestimated.

Gu Xiao originally planned to rebuild his Celestial Silkworm Divine Art from the very beginning, but before he awakened his memory, Li Canghai had already taught him the Great Wuxiang Art created by her.After Gu Xiao awakened his memory, because the Great Wuxiang Kungfu and his own Celestial Silkworm Kung Fu were essentially the same, they both belonged to Taoist martial arts, so they never abolished their kung fu and rehabilitated them.

It's just that although he didn't abolish his skills, he had integrated the incomparably powerful regenerative ability of the Celestial Silkworm Divine Kungfu into his Great Formless Kung Fu.Therefore, on top of this internal energy, his attainments have even surpassed his own master - Li Canghai, and he constantly revealed some essence of his internal energy to Li Canghai on weekdays.

Therefore, at the dinner table, the debate between the master and the apprentice about martial arts also came and went.

After a long time, the master and apprentice finally finished talking.

Looking at the leftovers on the table, Li Canghai smiled and said, "All right, you go and clean up the dishes, and then go to rest!"

"Yes, master." Gu Xiao agreed without hesitation.

For him, a fugitive, ranger, son of a family, and Ninety-Five Supreme, many things have already become instinctive skills, and it is useless to use them now. embarrassing.

After a cup of tea, Gu Xiao cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks, and then returned to his room.

This thatched hut is a veritable sparrow. Although it is small, it has all internal organs. It not only has a kitchen, but also a practice room for Li Canghai to practice qigong, and a bedroom for two masters and apprentices.After he finished his work, Li Canghai had already fallen asleep.Gu Xiao returned to his room and began to practice.

On a wooden bed, Gu Xiao was sitting cross-legged, constantly mobilizing his inner strength and cultivating his inner strength.

The incomparably pure Great Non-Phase Kungfu constantly wanders through the meridians in his body.

After cultivating to the innate realm, Gu Xiao's inner strength cultivation is already very deep.The most authentic Taoist zhenqi in his body wanders through his twelve orthodox meridians, eight extraordinary meridians, and some very subtle meridians.The vitality of the world from the outside world was continuously taken into his body by him, and after extraction, it was transformed into his own formless true energy.

"Tao can be said, very Tao, name can be named, very famous..." The mantra of the Tao Te Ching kept flashing in Gu Xiao's mind. Start to silently read Zhuangzi's "Nanhuajing".

In short, all kinds of Taoist mantras were constantly chanted by Gu Xiao.

Any kind of internal energy has its own mentality, which is the state of mind needed when practicing.For example, Shaolin monks must read Buddhist scriptures while practicing 72 unique skills.Their Xiaoyao Sect belongs to the Taoist sect, so when Gu Xiao cultivates his inner strength, he must maintain his state of mind in the Taoist inaction.

And reading these Taoist mantras silently is of great help to him in cultivating inner strength.

At least, Gu Xiao could feel consciously or unconsciously that in the process of his continuous cultivation, his true energy began to become more condensed and pure, and the true energy in his dantian was constantly growing , The sword intent that was on the verge of getting out of control is gradually getting under control.

At least, if his sword intent was originally a poisonous snake that could lose control at any time, now, his sword intent has become a hibernating snake.Although the snake is still a snake, within a short period of time, there is no longer any danger of losing control.

Gradually, after running his skills for twelve great cycles, Gu Xiao had fallen into a mysterious and wonderful state. He was immersed in his own state and completely forgot Everything in the outside world is addicted to martial arts.

Gu Xiao kept running his Great Wuxiang Gong, white smoke curled up above his head.

Swish!Just when Gu Xiao fell into a state of forgetting things and me, a very small voice suddenly sounded outside his door.

Li Canghai was standing outside Gu Xiao's door in white clothes. Through the sparse thatch, she looked at the disciples in the room, and said to herself: Xing'er's martial arts are advancing rapidly. It seems that the agreement between me and that old guy has also come to an end. It's time to fulfill the promise.Xing'er is the best person to help me fulfill the agreement.

 Blood Moon continues three shifts today, promising to book friends, even if Blood Moon gritted his teeth, he still had to complete it.Book friends, for the sake of Xueyue's hard work, can you support Xueyue a little bit more, there are only a dozen or so left before the [-] subscriptions promised by Bloodyue.Book friends, as long as the promise of the blood moon is fulfilled, the blood moon will definitely be updated, and I will never break my promise!

  Begging for a reward!subscription!monthly pass! ...

(End of this chapter)

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