The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 507 The Peony Flower Fair, the Name of the Sword Demon

Chapter 507 The Peony Flower Fair, the Name of the Sword Demon

Luozhou, Iron Fist Gate.

Since Iron Fist Gate has such a name, the people inside will naturally not be too polite.

In fact, behind the scenes, people in Luozhou call them Mad Dogs. If the gang of thieves in Qinjiazhai still know the truth that rabbits don’t eat grass beside their nests, and won’t cause harm to the local people, then the Iron Fist Sect All one-punch maniacs.He knows how to fight and cause trouble all day long, causing harm to the people.

It's just that all the top and bottom of this Iron Fist Gate are martial arts practitioners, plus this group of mad dogs know how to manage the place, and they feed this Luozhou up and down all the year round, up to Zhizhou, and down to the government officials. .Therefore, this Iron Fist Gate has always been the local emperor of Luozhou.

I don't know how many people in Luozhou are looking forward to their bad luck, but the people of the Iron Fist Sect are living better and better every day!
It's a pity that the good days of Iron Fist Gate have come to an end today.

On this day, a figure in white strode into the Iron Fist Gate.

Immediately afterwards, one after another screams came from the Iron Fist Gate, and the pedestrians coming and going were startled, and they all gathered at the door, wanting to know what happened inside.Why, is it possible that these disasters will finally be punished?

Half an hour later, Dugu Xing strode out from the gate of the Iron Fist Gate. The white clothes on his body were not even a speck of dust, and he looked like a student who had just returned from spring.However, if someone with a sharp eye notices what happened behind him, no one would dare to regard him as a literati.

Because just behind him, the hands of the people who used to run rampant in Luozhou City's Iron Fist Gate are now lying on the ground in disorder. The most arrogant and arrogant Iron Fist The master of the gate, Mr. Zhang Sanye, known as the invincible Iron Fist, has now been nailed to the wall.

However, judging from the appearance of that third master Zhang, he should still be alive, but if someone who knows martial arts takes a look, he will find that the tendons of this third master Zhang have been picked.In other words, all the martial arts of Mr. Zhang have been abolished now!

As for their disciples, they were not much better than him, and each of them seemed to have to lie in bed for at least several months.

"May I ask what the young hero's name is?" Dugu Xing strode towards the distance.

As a Jianghu person, he naturally has no lack of ambition.In fact, every Jianghu person has a dream of becoming famous in the Jianghu.This time he went to Dali to handle errands. After the errands were done, he planned to walk the rivers and lakes before heading back to the mountains.

However, after arriving in Luozhou City, he heard about the evil deeds of this mad dog family, and needless to say afterwards, this mad dog family was picked by him.

Although he is not a good person, he doesn't mind doing something good if he has the conditions.

However, this time, he had just walked out a few steps when he was stopped by a middle-aged beggar in ragged clothes with a bad smell all over his body.The middle-aged beggar has thick palms, and he is obviously a martial arts practitioner.

Dugu Xing lowered his head, looked at the middle-aged beggar in front of him, and said, "Dugu Xing, what's the matter, is this friend of the Beggar Gang okay?"

Anyone who walks the rivers and lakes knows that there are four kinds of people in the rivers and lakes who should not be provoked.The first type: monks, the second type: women, the third type: children, the fourth type: beggars!
Among these four types of people, the reason why the first three types of people cannot be provoked is because these three types of people belong to disadvantaged groups, and being able to hang out in the rivers and lakes proves that they all have their own abilities.The fourth type of beggars is because ninety-nine out of ten beggars in the Jianghu are members of the beggar gang.

If it is said that Shaolin is the largest sect in the world, then the Beggars' Gang is the largest sect in the world.There is absolutely no force in this Jianghu that has more people than the Beggars' Clan. Qiao Feng, the current leader of the Beggars' Clan, is even known as Bei Qiaofeng. He is as famous as Nan Murong Murong Fu who inherited his father's name. They are both masters of the new generation of martial arts!
Therefore, although Dugu Xing was not afraid of the Beggars' Gang, he did not want to provoke members of the Beggars' Gang for no reason.

The middle-aged beggar smiled and said, "Young hero is too polite. The beggar stopped you because I have something to tell you."

Dugu Xing paid attention to the attire of this middle-aged beggar, there were six bags hanging on his body, obviously he belonged to the six-bag disciple of the beggar gang.Among the gang of beggars, six bags is a watershed, below six bags are the disciples of the beggars' gang, while those with more than six bags are the elders of the beggars' gang.

This middle-aged beggar can hang six bags on his body. Obviously, his status in the beggar gang is not low, and he is probably the helmsman of the beggar gang here!

Knowing the identity of this middle-aged beggar, Dugu Xing asked: "This friend of the beggar gang, if you have something to say, you might as well speak up."

The middle-aged beggar said in an old-fashioned way: "Young people are impatient, beggars will tell you. Next month, my gang leader Qiao Feng will meet the heroes of the world at the main helm in Luoyang. Young man, if you are interested, you might as well go too Take a look."

Is this about to start?Dugu Xing was shocked, and said on the face: "Really? I have heard the reputation of Beiqiao Peak for a long time. If there is a chance, I will definitely go there."

Saying goodbye to the middle-aged beggar, Dugu Xing walked slowly towards the outside of Luozhou City alone.As for his own safety, he didn't have to worry about it at all.

Although he picked the Iron Fist just now, he didn't kill anyone. Regarding these grievances in the Jianghu, since ancient times, what the government has pursued is non-interference.What's more, as the local tyrants, Iron Fist Gate must have gathered a lot of gold and silver, even though they must have a good relationship with the local government on weekdays.However, now that they are in trouble, those officials who usually call them brothers and sisters must want to take the gold and silver they gathered for themselves.As for avenging them?Oh, isn't that a dream?
What's more, he is more concerned with another matter now.

The middle-aged beggar told him just now that the Luoyang Peony Fair will be held next month.If he remembered correctly, it was at this Peony Flower Festival that Qiao Feng, the leader of the beggar gang, met Mrs. Ma Kang Min, because he didn't even look at her, which led to his own tragedy in the future!

He was reduced from a beggar gang leader admired by thousands of people to the Khitan Hulu who was shouted and beaten by everyone!

However, he has no interest in interfering with this matter!
Because Qiao Feng's life experience had already doomed his own tragedy, the incident with Kang Min was nothing more than a trigger!Neither Xuanci nor Xiao Yuanshan would allow him to live in the name of Qiao Feng for the rest of his life!Because from Xiao Yuanshan's point of view, he couldn't tolerate it. His son has been used as a knife for Han people to kill his own people all the year round. Sooner or later, he will expose his son's life experience!
As for Xuan Ci, in Dugu Xing, no, it should be Gu Xiao, this person is a better hypocrite than Yue Buqun. If so, then Xuanci can be said to have been a hypocrite all his life, and even washed away his stigma when he died.He turned Xiao Feng into Qiao Feng, and then turned Qiao Feng into a knife in his hand to kill Khitan people. Once he felt that the Beggar Gang might threaten his status in Shaolin Temple, or the knife was about to get out of control.I believe he will reveal everything without hesitation and send Qiao Feng to hell.

What's more, although Gu Xiao admired Xiao Feng's personality, he was not interested in being his nanny.He still has his own things to do now, and he doesn't want to get involved in Qiao Feng's affairs.

After leaving Luozhou City, Gu Xiao headed north all the way.

Along the way, he met many famous people in the Jianghu, and with his own Qingming Sword, he can be regarded as winning a lot of famous people in the Jianghu.Soon, the name of Dugu Xing also began to resound in the Jianghu.Some people even gave him a nickname behind his back: Sword Demon!

The nickname comes from his style of conduct.Gu Xiao has always firmly believed that when dealing with any kind of person, he should use whatever means.Therefore, along the way, if the person he challenges is someone who has a good reputation in the Jianghu, then he will stop it as soon as possible to save face for the other party.However, if it is the kind of person who is notorious and intends to rely on the many to win, then don't blame him for being merciless.

Originally, according to his style, some people would tell him to "repay the other with the same way", but there is already a Murong Fu in the world.Therefore, "Sword Demon" became his nickname, describing his weird behavior style and extremely powerful swordsmanship!
On this day, Gu Xiao walked all the way to the border between Song and Liao.

 Yesterday, Xue Yue encountered a very unlucky thing, Xue Yue's notebook was broken.Today's update was sent by Blood Moon through someone else's computer.Book friends, for the sake of Xueyue's hard work, please support Xueyue a lot!

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(End of this chapter)

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