The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 401 Heavenly Blood Sword Break, Madman Xuanda

Chapter 401 Heavenly Blood Sword Break, Madman Xuanda

"I lost!" Gu Xiao raised the half of the Heavenly Blood Sword in his hand, looked at Ouyang Xuanda opposite, and said calmly.

For a swordsman, when his sword is broken, he naturally loses.Seeing that there was only half of his love sword left in his hand, Gu Xiao really had mixed feelings in his heart for a moment.Since he got the golden finger, it was the first time that he was defeated in a fair fight among his peers.

He could even vaguely feel that his sword intent was about to lose control for a while.At the same time, there was a faint tingling sensation in the meridian, obviously his meridian had been injured, a mouthful of blood reached his mouth, and he swallowed it back.

On the other side, an abnormal flush appeared on Ouyang Xuanda's face. The broadsword in his hand was also severely damaged. There was only a gap the size of a copper coin, but now it has become a hole on the sword itself. A sword mark appeared in the center of the sword spine, and a huge gap appeared in the broad sword from the sword spine.

"I won." Ouyang Xuanda said excitedly.

For a martial artist, defeating a master is always a very exciting thing, and he is of course no exception. He even feels now that the bottleneck that has been troubling him has begun to loosen, and his breakthrough is imminent. .

Gu Xiao said: "I lost, then my life is yours. Come and get it yourself!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Xiao closed his eyes very simply, making a gesture of closing his eyes and waiting for death.For people in the Jianghu, they might give away their lives at any time. Since they lost, and it was agreed in advance, then Gu Xiao was naturally ready to die.

However, what surprised him was that after a while, he did not wait for the deadly sword.

"Why didn't you kill me?" When Gu Xiao opened his eyes, he looked at Ouyang Xuanda and asked.He didn't understand, since Ouyang Xuanda wanted to kill him, why he didn't kill him now that he had let him kill him.

Ouyang Xuanda raised his own scarred sword, and said eagerly: "You lost today, not because of martial arts, but because your sword is not as good as mine. Therefore, I will not kill you .In the future, if you find a magic soldier, you can fight against me again."

Gu Xiao is silent, of course he is aware of this.This battle was not a crime of war, but a loss because my weapons were not as good as the opponent's.Thinking of this, Gu Xiao's desire to find a magic weapon became stronger in his heart.As soon as he came back this time, he found that his Heavenly Blood Sword was no longer so handy, after all, he had already stepped into the innate realm.

But he still didn't expect that his Heavenly Blood Sword would be destroyed in just a fierce battle between masters of the same level.

"Okay, if I find a magic soldier in the future, I will definitely fight you again." Gu Xiao said sharply.

"Go on!" After saying this, Gu Xiao turned around and walked towards the foot of the mountain, but what he didn't expect was that at this moment, Ouyang Xuanda's words came from behind him. , and then a gust of wind broke through the air.With a backhand copy, a black token fell into his hand.

"What do you mean?" Gu Xiao asked Ouyang Xuanda puzzledly while holding the token in his hand.

He didn't understand what Ouyang Xuanda meant by giving him this token.Could it be that he intends to invite himself to join a certain organization?
"This is the token to pass through the space wormhole. With it, you can pass through the space wormhole of my Beastmaster Sect and enter Middle Earth at any time." Ouyang Xuanda said calmly.While speaking, he was still observing Gu Xiao's expression, wanting to verify the news he knew.

As expected, a ray of pain flashed across Gu Xiao's face.

Gu Xiao grabbed the token in his hand, turned around and left.When Ouyang Xuanda was observing him just now, he was also paying attention to Ouyang Xuanda's expression. Of course he understood what Ouyang Xuanda meant. His old lover - Gu Shuang'er.

For a behemoth like the Emperor Beast Sect, Gu Xiao dared to bet that all his information should have already appeared in front of Ouyang Xuanda.The ambiguous love history between himself and Gu Shuang'er must not be able to hide from the people of the Beast Sect.Of course, I believe that most people are more interested in why he jumped from a rookie in the body training state to the innate state in less than a year.

If it had been replaced by another person, he might have been taken down on the spot, and then he would be forced to ask all his secrets.However, Ouyang Xuanda was obviously not in the category of such people.

Even though it was only the first contact, Gu Xiao already understood what kind of person Ouyang Xuanda was.This is a true madman, he only has the belief of invincibility in his heart, other than that, he doesn't pay attention to anything else.Otherwise, he would not ignore Jiang Jun's hatred and let himself go.

Gu Xiao held the token in his hand, held upside down the half of the Heavenly Blood Sword, and walked straight down the mountain.

Now that Ouyang Xuanda has delivered the token to him, the most important thing he should do now is to take care of his injury first.Then, you can leave Western Border and enter Middle Earth.Thinking about it this way, the pain caused by the broken love sword can't help but reduce a lot.

middle earth?I must be there, shine brightly, and let everyone know my name, Gu Xiao.But before that, I should do one more thing!Gu Xiao thought with great pride in his heart, but then, he noticed the broken love sword in his hand, and a cloud of darkness couldn't help appearing in his heart.

The Royal Beast Sect stretches for hundreds of miles, with mountains and peaks, birds singing and flowers fragrant, it can be said to be a very rare fairyland on earth.Of course, there is still a very important premise in this, that is, you must first ignore the birds and beasts that are almost everywhere on this mountain.

"Damn, what the hell kind of place is this?" After finally getting out of a forest, Gu Xiao had many scars on his body, and cursed angrily.

He still underestimated this damn place, it was full of those damned beasts, just now he just didn't want to leave directly from the gate of the Beastmaster Sect, so he got into this forest.Unexpectedly, the bad luck fell immediately, and as soon as he entered the woods, he encountered a group of wild wolves, which were almost a size bigger than the wolf Jiang Jun had played with, and the group of wild wolves rushed to him as soon as they saw him Coming up, it was hard for him to get rid of these damn beasts.

Fortunately, these beasts are extremely disciplined, or regional, and they stopped attacking once Gu Xiao left the woods.Otherwise, Gu Xiao wondered if he needed to kill all these beasts before he could safely leave this hellish forest.

"Damn it, it's no wonder that the Beastmaster Sect's security is so loose. Does this mountain full of beasts have the best guards?" Gu Xiao thought as he glanced at the forest behind him with lingering fear.Ever since he left the mountain where Ouyang Xuanda was, he hadn't met a few disciples of the Beast Controlling Sect.

It seemed that those disciples of the Beast Controlling Sect were all nestled in their own residences and could not come out. He was still wondering why the guards of the Beast Controlling Sect were so lax, but after he had seen the power of the beasts all over the mountain, He understood why the guard was so relaxed.In the hundreds of miles of the Beastmaster Sect, the birds and beasts all over the place are the best guards!

However, this method of defending with the help of beasts all over the mountain naturally has its shortcomings, that is, if the beasts all over the mountain get out of control, then Gu Xiao would bet that this beast-controlling sect would immediately become history, and then No matter how powerful a master is, he can't resist the wild bombardment of so many beasts.

With that in mind, Gu Xiao still walked down the mountain step by step.When he was on the Flying Eagle, he had already inquired with the people from the Tianjiu Chamber of Commerce. Next to the Emperor Beast Sect, a few dozen miles away is the capital of the Yue Kingdom, Jidu, which is also the most beautiful place in the entire Western Xinjiang. A bustling place, if you want to buy something, it's the first choice.

Now, Gu Xiao desperately needs to buy a sword. Although he doesn't have much money, he doesn't believe that with his own ability, he can't get a satisfactory sword for himself?

At the moment, Gu Xiao kept shuttling through the area of ​​the Beast Controlling Sect, not only avoiding the disciples of the Beast Controlling Sect that he met along the way, but also not daring to easily walk into any forest Among them.After all, this is the territory of the Beastmaster Sect, and he didn't want to get into trouble for no reason.

Finally, when the sun went down, he finally left the area of ​​the Beastmaster Sect.Looking back at the continuous, towering and undulating mountains of the Royal Beast Sect, Gu Xiao strode towards the capital of the Yue Kingdom, Jidu.

 No matter how powerful a person is, there will be a day when he loses. The protagonist loses for the first time in a fair fight among his peers. This doesn't mean anything.

  Book friends, there is not much written in Blood Moon in this volume, and there are only a few days left before the end of the month. Book friends, please support me!Whoever has extra monthly tickets in their pockets, please vote for Blood Moon!
(End of this chapter)

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