The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 345 Goodbye!The former gold and iron horse!

Chapter 345 Goodbye!The former gold and iron horse!
The tragedy that happened on the Horqin Grassland has changed from a divine punishment in the eyes of the Mongols to an outright mutiny at some point.

All the Mongols living around Oba's king's tent were swept in one after another, turning into lunatics, as if they were screaming in the camp!
Mongols, no matter how big or how small, have all become lunatics who only know how to kill people. As long as they appear by their side, no matter who this person is or what this person wants to do, the first one The reaction was to slash with a knife.

In short, the whole night, these crazy Mongols knew nothing but total killing.

The next morning, when the light of the morning sun pierced the darkness, these red-eyed Mongols, who only knew how to cut people tirelessly, gradually regained their calm under the sunlight, but what appeared in front of them , It is already a king's tent that has been completely reduced to ruins.

The tens of thousands of Mongols who originally lived here, after experiencing the great changes last night, have less than [-] left.

The Mongols who survived by luck looked at the scene in front of them, whether they were bold or timid, they were completely frightened, and they didn't dare to repeat to anyone what they experienced last night. up.Some timid people were frightened crazy on the spot.

However, although these people didn't say anything, the latecomers still heard a common concept from their mouths: everything that happened last night was the sin of the Longevity!

Almost [-] Mongols, as long as they can still speak with their own mouths, almost all say the same sentence in common, which immediately makes the Mongols around after hearing the news feel that they have already declined. Changshengtian's awe has deepened a lot, and the Lamaism that was originally prevalent on the grassland has also weakened.

The Mongols are nomads. Where there are rich pastures, there are Mongols.

On the Horqin Grassland, it is impossible for there to be only the Mongolian tribe of Auba, but these Mongolians living on the Horqin Grassland respect Auba as the main one.After this great change, those tribal chiefs who were originally obedient to the Auba family immediately discovered this fact.

Obama is dead!

Auba's son Wu Keshan also died!
The people in their family are almost dead!
The Oba tribe, which was originally the most powerful, is now completely finished!

In an instant, those tribal leaders who were originally loyal to Auba immediately pounced on them like a pack of wild wolves, biting at the remaining population and wealth of Auba tribe. In order to compete for what was left of the Oba tribe, a fight broke out on the spot.This Auba is dead, who should belong to the throne he left behind is what these people care about.

In short, after Auba's death, in just a short period of ten days, the Horqin Grassland completely boiled.

All the Mongolian tribes have been involved in this hegemony one after another either willingly, unwillingly, or willingly, and no one will propose any attack on the Ming army in Liaodong.For these red-eyed guys, the most important thing is who should belong to the throne left by Auba after his death.

Of course, all of this is just an afterthought.

Three days later, at the junction of the Horqin Grassland and the Liaodong border.

Gu Xiao saw that there were only more than 800 soldiers and horses left in front of him. They were all standing in front of him with their heads held high, but Gu Xiao could clearly see that the soldiers in front of him were very strong. Every one of them was so tired, as if they hadn't slept for three days and three nights.

In fact, they did not sleep for almost three days and three nights. You must know that during the nearly ten days, the warriors in front of them kept fanning the flames on the Horqin Grassland, which single-handedly caused The chaotic situation on the Horqin Grassland.

Everyone present is very tired now.

"Do you hate me?" Gu Xiao looked at the subordinates standing in front of him, and suddenly said such a sentence.

"Junmen, what are you talking about? Without you, the brothers would have starved to death a long time ago. How dare we hate you?" As soon as Gu Xiao finished speaking, Zhang Shan immediately stood up and said.

dare not?That's still there, right?Gu Xiao smiled wryly in his heart.

Gu Xiao looked at the subordinates in front of him, and shouted: "Brothers, I know that during this period of time, brothers don't understand what I, Geng Shaonan, wanted to do? I don't even understand why I, Geng Shaonan, brought You came all the way here to attack these Mongols!"

"I, Geng Shaonan, will tell you right now that everything I do, Geng Shaonan, is only for the sake of the brothers! If I don't do this, the brothers will never get the rewards they deserve! Brothers, you must have never forgotten , We have won such a big victory this time, but how did the gang of corrupt officials in the court treat us?"

Speaking of this, Gu Xiao deliberately paid attention to the expressions of his subordinates, and indeed, there was almost hatred in the eyes of these subordinates.

"The gang of corrupt officials actually yelled that we are equalizing our merits and demerits? What an absurd thing this is! Those of us soldiers who fought bloody battles ended up with a meritorious demerit and could not even get a penny reward! Those who died in battle The brothers have no pension! If there is no disturbance, the imperial court will definitely not give us the reward we deserve!"

"As for why I brought you here to attack the Mongols here, the reason is simpler! Brothers must have had trouble with wages!" When talking about this, Gu Xiao paused again, "If you have trouble with wages If the Mongols sneak attack at that time, the brothers must know what will happen."

Hearing this, almost everyone showed a scared expression.

Shaanxi and Gansu have been barren since ancient times. No one knows how much the military households living in the Shaanxi and Gansu areas have been owed. However, everyone knows that this must be an astronomical figure.Therefore, almost every once in a while, some military households who are so poor that they are about to starve to death will make some noise, wanting to get their own salary.

These people under Gu Xiao's command all lived in the Shaanxi-Gansu area, and everyone knew what would happen if they were attacked by the Tartars during the wage dispute!
Is the military gate arguing for our salary?Almost all of these people said so in their hearts.In fact, it’s not bad for them to think this way, because after the 10,000+ army in Liaodong is making a fuss, not to mention Emperor Wanli, who is a wily and calculating emperor, even if he replaces the well-known Emperor Chongzhen with great ambition and talent, he has to hurry No pay!

However, whether he can leave Liaodong after receiving the silver reward is another matter.

The war horse neighed. In the chaos of the past few days, there were quite a few war horses scurrying around on the Horqin grassland. Therefore, when these people left, they could almost have a war horse in hand.

"Junmen, let's go!" Zhang Shan walked to Gu Xiao's side and said.

At this moment, almost all of the more than 800 soldiers were already on their horses, leaving only Gu Xiao who hadn't mounted his horse yet.

Holding a torch in his hand, Gu Xiao said, "You guys go first, I'll follow after a while."

With that said, Gu Xiao pointed to the pile of hang gliders that had piled up beside him.

Since he did something bad, the evidence must be destroyed first.Therefore, the people present almost showed a tacit expression upon seeing this.As for whether Gu Xiao could catch up, that wasn't a problem at all.Hundreds of kites are naturally conspicuous and suspicious, but if there is only one kite, there is no problem at all.

"Junmen, take care." Zhang Shan looked deeply at the last hang glider at Gu Xiao's feet, and said solemnly.

Gu Xiao also said: "Take care!"

There was a loud sound of horseshoes, and more than 800 soldiers got on their horses and ran towards the distance.

Crackling!Flames began to blare from above the pile of hang glider, and in an instant, the blazing fire engulfed Gu Xiao's side, those hang glider who made great contributions this time.Gu Xiao looked at the paragliders that had lost their value that had been ignited by himself, and suddenly felt that he was really similar to these paragliders.

They are all the kind of things that will be discarded after losing their use value.

Goodbye, my once golden and iron horse life!Looking at the hang glider that had turned into a pile of small volcanoes, Gu Xiao said in his heart.At this moment, he no longer has the slightest nostalgia for the life of the gold and iron horses. On the contrary, there is only a kind of relaxation left.

It seemed that his own subconscious was rejoicing at his decision.

 The protagonist has finally completely left the officialdom. Book friends, are you also happy for the protagonist's decision?If so, please send your tip!subscription!Vote!
  Delivered at midnight today, Blood Moon will never break his promise!
(End of this chapter)

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