The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 343 Attack on Horqin Grassland

Chapter 343 Attack on Horqin Grassland

Under the night, at some point, there were already five hundred kite-like things flying into the sky.

Gu Xiao flew at the forefront with the hang glider.

An extremely familiar feeling of rising into the sky once again enveloped Gu Xiao's body. Feeling the extremely familiar feeling of flying through the clouds around him, he couldn't help feeling a sense of comfort that he hadn't seen for a long time.During this period of time, his mood was really bad.

The credit that could have been obtained at first sight turned into a fate of neither reward nor punishment for no reason.

Moreover, his soldiers and horses were assigned to the imperial court. In this way, he, the number one hero of this big victory, ended up inexplicably getting nothing, and on the contrary, he got nothing. .For Gu Xiao, this was not a small blow.

It was precisely because of this that he chose to kill Yang Gao before leaving.

On the one hand, of course, it was because only the death of Yang Gao could make the army fall into a state of panic; on the other hand, it was also for revenge.

You know, Gu Xiao never thought of himself as a magnanimous person. Anyone who made enemies with him basically died in his hands in the end.Among them, there are many people with very high status, just like Princess Yufeng and Duke Zhen who have been killed by him.

Therefore, before leaving, Gu Xiao decided to stir up a mutiny.

Five hundred hang gliders were flying above the sky, and under Gu Xiao's personal leadership, each of the five hundred flying cloud riders followed closely behind him, heading towards the Horqin Grassland together. .

Horqin Grassland, a Mongolian force that had the deepest collusion with the Manchu Qing.

In later generations, the Manchu emperor could be said to be the leader of his military power group, and what he represented was never the interests of the whole world, but the interests of his small group of people.To be honest, in later generations, when Gu Xiao saw those so-called heroes in the Jianghu pursuing the so-called equality between Man and Han, he laughed from the bottom of his heart and laughed at the whims of these people.

Before you can defeat an enemy, you must first understand your enemy.

This group of people don't understand the essence of Manchu at all, and they still want to pursue equality between Manchu and Han. This is simply a big joke.

You must know that the Manchu Qing Dynasty was essentially a bandit group, and the emperors of the Manchu Qing Dynasty always represented the interests of their so-called bannermen.Any policy without the support of these bannermen is doomed to be impossible.

As the leader of a bandit group, representing the bandit leader, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, what he has to do has always been very simple, that is to protect the interests of his own bandit group.Otherwise, it will definitely be overthrown by the robbers under his hand.

The pursuit of equality between Manchu and Han, in Gu Xiao's view, is nothing more than a group of bitter lords who have been robbed by robbers all day long, find the leader of the bandits, and clamor that they want to be equal to the bandits, this is simply a joke.

However, after 200 years of robbing, the Jurchen robbers who were once extremely skilled can no longer rob them. Suppress the resistance of these bitter masters.

And at this time, these bandits from the Horqin Grassland began to become the force support of this bandit group.

In later generations, in the later period of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the entire Eight Banners had completely decayed. The so-called Wushuang of riding and archery has become a horseman who fell to the ground, and the archery arrow was shot in vain.At this time, the Mongols on the Horqin Grassland became an important military pillar of the entire Manchu Qing Dynasty.

But now, what Gu Xiao has to do is to completely destroy the Horqin grassland tribe that once became an important military pillar of the Manchu Qing Dynasty in later generations.

"Taiji, don't miss this opportunity and don't come again!" On the Horqin Grassland, under the darkness of night, a debate is erupting now.

In the royal tent of the leader of the Horqin Grassland - Borjigit Auba, a dispute is taking place.

"Father, now that the Central Plains barbarians have defeated Dajin, we must be their next target. If we don't strike first, we will just kill ourselves." Auba's son Wu Keshan sat at the bottom, trying to persuade him looking at his own father.

At this moment, in Auba's king's tent, there are five or six people, large and small.

Among them, in addition to Auba and his son, there is also the oldest son of the wild boar skin who escaped from Jianlu - Azig.In addition, there are a few of Obama's cronies.

"Father Khan, Ming barbarians are extremely arrogant and think they have won the battle. As long as we attack suddenly, they will definitely not be our opponents." A confidant of Obama also said.

The supreme leader among the Mongols on the Horqin Grassland immediately showed a hesitant expression after hearing the persuasion from his subordinates.

As a veteran who had been riding a horse all his life, he could certainly tell that the Ming army gathered in Shenyang City had become a proud soldier.If I were to send troops now, it would probably be no problem to win.It's just that his family knows his own affairs.

Compared with the [-] to [-] veteran elites under Ye Zhupi's hands, the Mongolian cavalry under his own hands really didn't have much advantage in front of these elites of the Ming army.

What's more, the Mongols on their Horqin Grassland are nominally still the vassals of Daming. If they attack by themselves, there will be no room for maneuver between him and Daming.

Auba thought and thought, looked at his son Wu Keshan, and said: "Our troops are insufficient, if we attack rashly, we will not be the opponent of Ming Manzi's 10,000+ elite soldiers at all!"

Hearing what Auba said, Azig, who was sitting at the bottom, immediately showed a joyful expression on his grim face. In his opinion, Da Khan was finally persuaded by them.

"Taiji, please don't worry, my nephew still has nearly [-] elite soldiers and horses here, which are worthy of a battle." Thinking of this, Azig was the first to stand up and shouted.

As a well-known martial artist, Azig certainly doesn't have much brains. Ever since his father who was brave and invincible in his heart was killed by the Ming army, although Azig is not afraid of Ming people because of this, he has never He hoped that he could restore his father's inheritance by relying on himself.

Therefore, after the city of Hetuhala was breached, Azig, who was determined to take revenge, immediately rejected the suggestion of his subordinates to return to the jungle to recuperate, and instead brought the last elite of the Jianzhou Jurchen here. On the Horqin Grassland, he took refuge in Auba and his son, who had a close relationship with the wild boar, and wanted to rely on Auba and his son to help him avenge himself.

Hearing Azig's words, Auba and his son immediately exchanged a tacit look.

Azig would jump out, which was originally planned by them.Of course, the father and son knew that now was the best time, but they were afraid of hitting the Ming army's guns again.So, I decided to use Azig as a gun.If the war goes well, then they can naturally follow the example of the wild boar skin and dominate Liaodong.

If the battle doesn't go well, Azig and the Jurchen will be the ones leading the way anyway, so just push them out at that time.

In a word, the calculation of the father and son can be described as very shrewd.

Seeing that Azig really jumped out, Auba immediately put on a hesitant look, and said seemingly hesitantly: "Okay! My nephew wants to avenge his father, I understand. It just so happens that this dispatch requires a vanguard. I don't know my nephew..."

"My nephew is willing to be the pioneer of my uncle." Azig, a well-known warrior, naturally would not understand the twists and turns in the hearts of Auba and his son. Hearing Auba say this, he immediately became the first one again. Stand up and say that you will serve as the pioneer of Obama and his son.

However, whether this pioneer is really a pioneer, that is a question!

Wild boar skin has been smart all his life, how did he give birth to such a stupid son?Almost all the people present had this question in their minds by coincidence.

Boom!In Auba's king's tent, when Auba and the others had their own ghosts, there was a loud noise outside the tent, and along with the sound, there were continuous screams.

"What's going on here?" Auba cried out, and then rushed out of his king's tent first.

Boom!Boom!Boom! ...

The continuous explosion sounded continuously, and everyone was stunned.Because in this dark night, for some reason, in the sky, things like fire pots suddenly fell one after another. As soon as these things fell to the ground, they immediately made explosions.

Continuous explosions are constantly raging on Oba's tribe, turning the originally peaceful tribe into a sea of ​​flames in an instant!
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(End of this chapter)

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