The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 326 Waiting for the Battle of Salhu

Chapter 326 Waiting for the Battle of Salhu
The Battle of Salhu is finally here!

At night, after the tent was set up, Gu Xiao also specifically ordered his subordinates not to sleep too much, and then prepared all the traps that could be used to deal with night attacks in the barracks before returning into his tent.At this moment, in this military camp, he is already the most effective person to speak.

After all, most of the remaining soldiers and horses came from Shaanxi and Gansu, and among the soldiers and horses from Shaanxi and Gansu, almost no one had never heard of his name, Geng Shaonan.He has the most soldiers and horses, so even those general soldiers who are theoretically on the same level as him have to obediently obey his orders now in the face of his fists.

After arranging some soldiers and horses to watch the night, Gu Xiao returned to his handsome tent and began to close his eyes and meditate.

At this moment, in this handsome tent, there is no one else except himself.

Battle of Saarhu!Whether I can reverse my destiny depends entirely on this campaign!Gu Xiao sat on the handsome chair, meditating.He has now arrived at Salhu, and whether his [-] soldiers can win tomorrow's battle will affect the entire battle situation in Liaodong!

You know, the battle of Saerhu was all because in Saarhu, more than 2 elites of the main force of the Ming army and about 4 main forces of the Six Banners of Houjin made a decision here Named after the battle of victory and defeat.Therefore, tomorrow's battle is really of great importance.

Gu Xiao's mind kept flashing all his impressions of the Saarhu Battle.

The Battle of Sarhu ended with the failure of the Ming army and the victory of the Jin army.After this battle, the Hou Jin army took advantage of the momentum to capture Kaiyuan and Tieling, and conquered the Yehe tribe. The chiefs Jintaiji and Buyangu were killed, and the rest of the tribe surrendered to Jianzhou.Lord Gwanghae of the Joseon Dynasty sent envoys to Houjin to express his gratitude in the fifth month of the lunar calendar in 1619 (the 47th year of Wanli in Ming Dynasty and the fourth year of Tianming in Houjin).

The news of the defeat in the battles of Saerhu, Shangjianya and Niumaozhai spread to Shuntianfu, the capital of the Ming Dynasty, and the price of rice in Shuntianfu immediately rose sharply.

Yang Gao, the coach of the Ming army, took the blame and resigned immediately after the defeat. He was later detained and executed in the second year of Chongzhen.Juniper and Liu Ting had died on the battlefield, and Ma Lin also died in Kaiyuan three months later. Three of the Ming army's four main generals had lost three of them. That is the impeachment of officials.A year and a half later, when things in Liao Dynasty got worse, the matter was brought up again, and Li Rubai committed suicide to show his ambition.

Gu Xiao was too clear about everything involved in this war.Because from then on, until the Chongzhen period, the Jiashen change, the Ming Dynasty never won a large-scale battle against Houjin, almost all of them were disastrous!fiasco!fiasco!
Even though famous generals such as Zhao Shulun, Zhao Shujiao, Mangui, Heiyunlong, Cao Wenzhao, Cao Bianjiao, Xiong Tingbi, Mao Wenlong and so on emerged during the reign of Tianqi and the early years of Chongzhen, the initiative on the battlefield has always been They are all firmly in Hou Jin's hands.

As for Yuan Chonghuan, he was a braggart at all, and when it really started a war, it would be a complete mess.He yelled all day long that he shot the wild boar skin in Ningyuan City, but anyone with a bit of historical knowledge would know that the wild boar skin died almost half a year after the Battle of Ningyuan.

After being hit by the cannon, it can last for almost half a year. The most important thing is that during the six months, the wild boar skin has been on the battlefield twice. Is it possible that the wild boar skin is really not human?

As for other wars, it is even more ridiculous.Those so-called great victories were either not won by Yuan Chonghuan at all, but won by other people; or they were purely non-existent things.Yuan Chonghuan had been the governor of Jiliao for a year, and he kept claiming that he had won the battle, but he couldn't get a single head out.

In this era of cold weapons, people have always paid attention to using human heads to prove their military exploits. Yuan Chonghuan never took out even a single human head to prove his military exploits.Calculated in this way, how much water is there in his so-called victory, it really makes people have to put a big question mark on it!
Gu Xiao knew very well that if the Ming Dynasty did not want to repeat the same mistakes and be dragged to death by the thieves in Shaanxi and the Jian captives in Liaodong, as in history, then the battle of Saerhu would be a win and not a defeat!Because this timing determines that if this station wins, then Jianlu will never be successful again.

At this time, it was the time when Jianlu had just established the country. At this moment, Jianlu was far from the level of the later generations who claimed that "Jurchens are dissatisfied with ten thousand, and ten thousand are invincible". of fear.Moreover, even within the Jurchen, they have not been completely unified.

The current wild boar skin, it is true to say that he is the most powerful ruler in Jurchen, but it is pure nonsense to say that he has completely unified Jurchen.Moreover, the current Jurchen is divided into three parts, and the wild boar skin is just the most powerful leader among the Jianzhou Jurchen!

Therefore, if he could defeat the main force of Wild Boarskin in one fell swoop at this moment, then all the Jurchen ministries that he had just integrated within him would surely rise up to rebel.You know, the reason why the Manchus of later generations are so loyal to the Aixinjueluo family of wild boar skin.

On the one hand, it is because of the 200 years of enslavement education in the Manchu Qing Dynasty that the whole world became slaves except for the emperor. On the other hand, because of the hard-core crops of the Manchu Qing Dynasty for more than 200 years, the loyalty of the Aixinjueluo family in the entire Manchuria is extremely high.

But now, Jianlu has only just established the country, and Wild Boar Pi's internal rule is almost entirely based on his own invincible prestige.There are still quite a few Jurchen aristocrats, and they are still in a situation of half-convinced and dissatisfied with the rule of the wild boar skin.

As long as the myth of his invincibility is broken, the future of the newly established so-called Great Jin Kingdom is bound to be a catastrophe!
Tomorrow's battle will be the most thrilling battle of my life!Wanting to understand all the key points, Gu Xiao tightly clenched his Blood Dragon Sword. At this moment, he could feel that his Blood Dragon Sword was buzzing continuously, as if the Blood Dragon Sword was already unwilling Show weakness, want to drink the enemy's blood!
Gu Xiao could feel that the sword intent that was already under control on his body had begun to boil at this moment, and he seemed to be unable to control his sword intent that was already filled with killing aura.He really has an impulse in his heart now, an impulse to have a hearty, hearty, hearty fight!
Time passed slowly, and Gu Xiao never felt sleepy. He kept holding on to his Blood Dragon Sword tightly, and sat blankly on his handsome chair.

"Junmen, it's already the third watch." Finally, after an unknown amount of time, there was a burst of noise from outside the tent, and the soldiers began to get up one after another, and then they approached Gu Xiao's handsome man alone. Outside the account, report in a low voice.

Is it already three o'clock?Thinking of the order he gave yesterday afternoon, Gu Xiao finally came to his senses, and found that in his unknowing meditation, this time had really passed for a long time, and the soldiers and horses outside had already started to get up. Prepare to meet the fight that he said will definitely come.

"Pass down the order, kill pigs and sheep, and reward the three armies!" Gu Xiao walked out of his handsome tent with steady steps. At this moment, there was no trace of tiredness on his face, as if he hadn't rested all night, right? Like himself, he ordered as soon as he came out of the account.

"Yes, Junmen!" Several personal soldiers quickly ran to the auxiliary soldiers to deliver his orders.

Since ancient times, there has always been an unwritten rule in this army: Whenever facing a big battle, pigs and sheep must be slaughtered to feed the brothers!On the one hand, it is because eating meat can make the brothers stronger, and on the other hand, it is also to see the brothers off.

After all, after each war ends, there are quite a few people who will never be able to open their eyes again.

This is similar to the decapitation meal in the prison, except that after eating the decapitation meal, basically no one is alive enough to eat it again.And the good meat before the war, the brothers don't have a certain number!

Soon, a fragrant smell began to pervade the entire barracks, and almost all the soldiers were happily eating this rare, good meat that could be eaten openly.

Finally, when the sky just dawned, in Gu Xiao's ears, there was a mess of horseshoes in the distance, and the soldiers finally had enough food and drink.

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(End of this chapter)

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