The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 273 Deep Forest, 1-Step Murder

Chapter 273 Deep Forest, Killing In One Step

Night has fallen.

When this dark night fell, the scene in the originally very dark forest immediately became completely dark.Walking in this dense forest, it has almost reached the point where you can't see your fingers.In this forest shrouded in layers of shadows, there seemed to be nothing but darkness.

In the depths of the dark forest, there is another thing hidden.

That is, in this dark forest, every deep place seems to hide a monster that can devour human life, making everyone feel a chill.

Fortunately, almost every person present has at least dozens of lives in their hands, so this dark environment may bring a little bit of coldness to their hearts that have long been numb to life and death, but They will definitely not be afraid of it.

"Aww!" Led by a dozen or so wolves who had lost their masters long ago, these people headed all the way towards where Gu Xiao and Long Xingyu were sitting now.In this pitch-dark environment, the scarlet eyes of these wolves look almost chilling.

Walking in front of these wolves was a silver white wolf.

This white wolf seemed to be much more powerful than the ones behind him. He led them step by step through obstacles and bushes, heading deep into the woods.

However, even so, they still couldn't avoid the attack of the traps that Gu Xiao and Long Xingyu had already set up in the forest.Although everyone knew that it was definitely not a good idea to go into the forest late at night, but because of the darkness of the forest, it was doomed that there would be no big difference whether it was day or night.Therefore, Duke Zhen chose to give the order to enter the forest when the morale was at its peak and the soldiers' desire for revenge was at its peak.Because entering the forest now, although casualties are still inevitable, at least they can be found before Gu Xiao and Long Xingyu recover from their injuries!
"Ah!" A wolf knight, riding his own wolf, followed those wolf in front step by step, and walked forward.However, what he didn't expect was that the wolf under him didn't step on it firmly, and then he fell into a trap covered with branches and leaves.

This person only had time to let out a scream, and then disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Wow!" A miserable wolf howl sounded, and just when everyone had just reacted, a miserable wolf howl sounded, accompanied by the sound of the wolf howl, and the man who had already arrived in the trap The scream of the Warg Knight.

At the beginning, the screams of wolves and humans continued one after another, but it didn't take long for the screams to fade away.When all the people gathered around, there was no movement in the trap.Obviously, the people and wolves inside are now dead.

"What a vicious method!" The people around couldn't help being a little dumbfounded when they smelled the strong smell of blood in the trap.

Obviously, under this trap, there are things like spear points and wooden spikes. No matter who it is, once they fall into it, they can say goodbye to this world forever!
Whoosh!Whoosh!Whoosh! ...

Just when these people were startled by Gu Xiao and Long Xingyu's ruthless style, another mechanism had already been activated.At this moment, there was a sound of sharp weapons piercing the air, followed by the continuous shooting of deadly wooden spikes from all directions, enveloping these people without leaving the slightest gap for them.

All of a sudden, hundreds of wooden thorns shot at these people from all directions at the same time, leaving no chance for these people to survive.

"Ah! Scorching Sun God Fist!" Faced with the terrifying situation of stabbing arrows in all directions, Duke Zhen roared angrily. Burning blazingly, there is no hand left at all.

Snapped!Snapped!Snapped! ...

I have to admit that the old guy Zhen Guogong really lived up to his reputation. With his punch, those hidden arrows in front of him were immediately wiped out, and then they all flew upside down and hit the surroundings directly. On the tree, cleared an open space for this place.

"Let's go!" Seeing that the way of life was opened, Lord Zhen Guo let out a low voice, and left here before other stabs from the back came.

The people around, seeing that Lord Zhen had opened up a way out of the dangerous environment full of wooden thorns, hurriedly followed up with their own abilities.However, even so, there were still several people who died tragically because they didn't have time to jump out.

Several people were shot into hedgehogs on the spot!
Seeing that the brother who was still alive and kicking just now has turned into a dead body, everyone feels sorry for him.

Although these people knew very well when they walked in that this road was bound to rely on human lives to pave a bloody road, but just entering the forest, almost one-tenth of the brothers died, so let them The rest of the people felt a little frightened.

As killing tools secretly cultivated by the Three Kingdoms, these people are certainly not afraid of death, they only fear that their own death is worthless.

But now, in the eyes of these people, the dead brother is no different from the kind of dead worthless!Before they had time to see their enemies, they died under the enemy's back arrows. This made everyone present, no matter what country they were from, inevitably feel a burst of grief!

"Keep going!" Jiang Jun said coldly, and then followed his white wolf in big strides, walking towards the forest.At this moment, the annoying arrogance on Jiang Jun's body has almost been obliterated by the cruel reality unconsciously.

Because he began to learn to face up to his enemies!

In the past, Jiang Jun has always been immersed in the glory of being a sect disciple, no matter where he goes, he will be respected and flattered by others.Therefore, in his view, everything seemed so natural.However, after being stung by Gu Xiao and Long Xingyu, he finally began to learn to let go of his needless arrogance and face up to his enemies!

Among the people present, Princess Yufeng and Lord Zhen Guo were the only two people who had the same status as Jiang Jun. They were a little surprised when they saw Jiang Jun's change.

None of them could have imagined that someone as arrogant as Jiang Jun would actually let go of his disgusting arrogance, but after being surprised, their expressions turned a little bit unkind.Because for them who are destined to be enemies and not friends, an arrogant Jiang Jun is annoying, but it makes them "like" from the bottom of their hearts, but a Jiang Jun who is not arrogant, although not so annoying, makes them Moved to kill!
A group of people continued to walk towards the depths of the forest. Every step along the way was so thrilling and exciting.

In this deep forest, it seems to be full of nooses, back arrows, traps, and poisons, as long as one is not paying attention, does not step on the right place, or accidentally touches something that should not be touched , there is almost only a dead end waiting for that person!
Almost every step forward, they will die a few brothers.

As if unconsciously, this forest path has become a bloody road, which can be called a murderous opportunity every step of the way!
(End of this chapter)

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