The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 264 The Decision of the Enemies

Chapter 264 The Decision of the Enemies
"What a terrible sword!" The same sentence came from another person's mouth.

On the lips of Lord Zhen Guo, a stream of blood slowly flowed down from his mouth, soaking his gray beard, and slowly dripping down.

However, Lord Zhen didn't seem to realize it, he didn't raise his hand to wipe off the blood from his mouth, but looked into the distance with a serious face.

He still underestimated Gu Xiao's sword just now, and Gu Xiao's sword was full of terrifying murderous and sword energy.At the moment of the fight, Duke Zhen already discovered that this sword is the most suitable sword move to appear on the battlefield, or in other words, only on the battlefield can this sword truly exert its great power!

He really couldn't imagine that a kid who was on the fourth level of the day after tomorrow, who was close to the fifth level, would be able to exert such great power, and make himself a ninth level after the day after becoming famous for many years. The big master was injured!
Although the kid was hurt more than himself, it was absolutely unacceptable to the respected Lord Zhen Guo!
The most important thing is that Lord Zhen is sure that the sword just now is far from the greatest power!If the strength of that little bastard reaches the fifth level of Houtian, then he may have the capital to fight with himself; if he goes further and reaches the sixth level of Houtian, then Lord Zhen can't guarantee it. , Can I get out of my body!

Thinking of this, Duke Zhen's heart was already filled with strong killing intent and greed.

The killing intent was because he knew very well that no matter whether it was the Shi country or himself, or even the surrounding three countries, they had already become endless enemies with Gu Xiao. If he escaped, with the ability this kid has shown now, It is estimated that he will become a natural master in the future.

With the existence of such an enemy, I believe that no matter who it is, it will not be happy, it will only be full of killing intent.

The greed is because of the things on Gu Xiao.

In the beginning, they chased and killed Gu Xiao and Long Xingyu just to silence them and get back the secret book.It's just that after seeing Gu Xiao's unique skills, he really wasn't sure if that secret book could beat Gu Xiao's unique skills.

If he can get the martial arts from him, what it means to Shi Guo, Duke Zhen really knows all too well!

However, thinking so, Lord Zhen knew very well that he and Shi Guo had no chance to monopolize it!
Because now, the people here are not only people from their Shi country, but also people from Du country and Yin country.And even if this is the territory of the Stone Kingdom, it won't help.Because since so many people have seen it, even if I take advantage of the geographical advantage and kill Jiang Jun and Princess Yufeng first, the secret cannot be kept after all.

Once this matter is leaked, what awaits Shi Guo must be the joint crusade from Du and Yin.

If it's a single country, then that's fine, Shi Country will not be afraid at all!But facing the two countries, the hope of the Shi country to survive is really slim.

Therefore, after repeatedly weighing the pros and cons, Lord Zhen Guo had no choice but to give up the very tempting idea of ​​black eating black.

"You two, I think we should have a talk." Lord Zhen Guo walked to Princess Yufeng and Jiang Jun, and said leisurely.

Hearing this, both Jiang Jun and Princess Yufeng nodded silently.

Princess Yufeng can really describe it with mixed feelings in her heart. She never dreamed that a person she had never really paid attention to was so powerful.Thinking of Gu Xiao's one move and one sword move just now, Princess Yufeng couldn't help but panic in her heart!

Because she knew very well that her Bainiaochaofeng swordsmanship was useless in front of Gu Xiao's move, which had gathered murderous aura and sword aura, and it was a sword that existed for killing.Even if she uses this move, she is bound to die under this sword!
And Jiang Jun has now put away his disgusting arrogance, or the same sentence, he is just arrogant, but he is not a fool.After witnessing Gu Xiao's powerful sword moves, he is still terrified in his heart.Because as a disciple of the sect, in a sense, he has seen a broader vision than the old and mature Lord Zhen Guo, and the scheming Princess Yufeng.

This is why he has always been very arrogant.

Because he thinks that he is a person who has seen the world, while Princess Yufeng and Duke Zhen are two country bumpkins who have never seen the world. This is why he has always put his airs on such a high level. It's just that after seeing the power of Gu Xiao's sword now, he can only temporarily put away the arrogance in his heart reluctantly.

Because under such a terrifying sword, he really has no reason to be arrogant!

"Your Highness, have you ever seen such a terrifying sword?" The three of them found a secluded place and started talking. With the first sentence, Duke Zhen asked straight to the point.

Hearing this, Princess Yufeng shook her head decisively.

Of course she knew what Lord Zhen Guo was asking. He wanted to know if this sword was the Gu family's family swordsmanship, or if she had seen Gu Xiao perform it before.However, Princess Yufeng knew very well that although the Kuangfeng swordsmanship of the Gu family had a good reputation, it was still impossible to use such a powerful sword!

What's more, Gu Xiao has been in the Gu family for a long time. Although he bears the name of a direct descendant, his status in the Gu family has always been very marginalized.Therefore, Princess Yufeng knew very well that even if the Gu family really had such powerful swordsmanship, he would not be able to learn it.

Seeing this, Jiang Jun asked back: "Then how did such a powerful swordsmanship come about?"

Since it wasn't the ancient family's martial arts, how did this seemingly simple family member learn such powerful swordsmanship?

This question is also what Princess Yufeng and Duke Zhen want to know!

"By the way, is it the secret book?" Princess Yufeng called out abruptly.

As the one who was most familiar with Gu Xiao among the people present, the only way she could think of was how Gu Xiao obtained such a powerful martial arts, and there was only one explanation.

Upon hearing this, Lord Zhen shook his head immediately and said, "No, that's a gun manual, not a sword manual!"

As the only person present who has read the secret book, he can be regarded as the one who has the most say, because even though the secret book in his hands is only one-third, he can still see that it is in his hands. My secret book should be just a gun manual, not a sword manual with such powerful sword skills!

"Then how did this sword technique come about?" Jiang Jun asked blankly.

Immediately, he denied the possibility that Gu Xiao was also a sect disciple, because he knew very well that this possibility was unlikely.If Gu Xiao is really a disciple whom Lie Xin likes to accept when he goes out, then there must be a token on him.

He will definitely not fall into the current situation where he was almost reduced to a sacrifice and was hunted down.

"No matter how he got this martial arts, he is a threat!" Zhen Guogong asserted.

Princess Yufeng and Jiang Jun nodded upon hearing this.

"We must get rid of him, as well as that Long Xingyu!" Princess Yufeng said.

Jiang Jun said: "We can't let them escape, otherwise there will be endless troubles!"

"Since the feud has been completely settled, and there is no possibility of reconciliation, there is only one choice now!" Duke Zhen made the final conclusion.

Unanimously, the three of them had completely determined to kill Gu Xiao and Long Xingyu. Since these two young people had offended them to death, they had no choice but to kill them!

 Thanks to the book friends for the rewards of the fish that ate the birds, Xueyue once again begged for the rewards from the book friends!subscription!Vote!Tomorrow is Christmas, and Blood Moon wishes all book lovers a Merry Christmas in advance!

(End of this chapter)

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