The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 257 The Iron Bullet That Falls From the Sky

Chapter 257 The Iron Bullet That Falls From the Sky

Boom!Before everyone could react, no one could figure out why the two little beasts, Gu Xiao and Long Xingyu, appeared above their heads.Because on this Continent of Stars, almost everyone knows that a master who can fly in the air, no matter where he goes, is a peerless master who is regarded as a guest of honor by various countries!

As for Gu Xiao and Long Xingyu, these two little bastards, they are just two rookies who can be regarded as two Qi training realms!How could it be possible to fly in the sky?
For a moment, these people were all stunned!Can't figure out what's going on!

However, at this moment, an accident happened!
A round iron bullet flew down from the sky and hit the eagle on Jiang Jun's shoulder.Mixed with the strong wind, this iron bullet came through the air, leaving no room at all, it was clear that it wanted to smash this eagle to death!
"Hey!" When the crisis came, the eagle only had time to let out a cry, and then flew up from Jiang Jun's shoulder.But almost all beasts have an instinctive sense of danger, and this eagle is no exception.It's a pity that although the eagle's reaction was extremely fast, it still didn't have time to completely avoid the iron bullet.

The iron bullet hit one of the eagle's wings directly, mixed with unparalleled impact, and one of the eagle's wings was smashed to pieces on the spot!

"What's going on?" Jiang Jun exclaimed.

He never imagined that, right under his nose, such a thing would happen, his beloved pet would be abolished!

"Look at the sky!" At this moment, Princess Yufeng exclaimed.

When Jiang Jun said that puzzling sentence, she instinctively felt that Gu Xiao must have come.Just when everyone was horrified by the news brought by the eagle, and couldn't figure out why Gu Xiao and Long Xingyu appeared above her head, she raised her head for the first time, wanting to take a look This day.

I have to admit that Princess Yufeng's reaction and ability to accept is indeed very fast. Before everyone has recovered from the news brought by the eagle and the sudden attack, she spotted the sky at first glance. Something is wrong with the above.

A group of people hurriedly looked up.

Seeing this, whether it is the person who is still holding his stomach and crying for pain, or these people can't help but take a breath:
Just above their heads, at some point, there were two more things that looked like big kites, and there were vague figures on the big kites!
Without any doubt, this must be those two people!This is the enlightenment that flashed in the hearts of the people present at the first time!
In the sky, Gu Xiao looked at the people below, and these people actually raised their heads and looked at them.Could it be that they have already been discovered?
Beside him, Long Xingyu leaned over and asked: "Brother Gu, it seems that we have been discovered."

"If you are discovered, you will be discovered!" Gu Xiao was playing with an iron bullet in his hand. He was the one who threw the iron bullet just now and threw it at that damned flat-haired beast.However, what he didn't know was, was the damn flat-haired beast killed?
To be honest, among the group of people below, he is the most scruples, except for Duke Zhen, there is only this damn flat-haired beast left.Therefore, last night, he wanted to lure this flat-haired beast down and kill him!It's just, it's a pity that this flat-haired animal is very cunning, and it didn't work!

This damned eagle made him scruples precisely because it could fly in the sky.

Because, if it's an enemy on the ground, then you can kill him, but this is an enemy in the sky. Although Gu Xiao himself and Long Xingyu have also flown to the sky with the help of the hang glider, he can't guarantee it. How long can this hang glider be used?

Therefore, he had a feeling that this flat-haired animal would definitely become an obstacle to his deployment in the forest, so he wanted to get rid of this damned flat-haired animal!
"Brother Long, get ready to act!" Gu Xiao threw down the iron bullet in his hand, and then shouted at Long Xingyu beside him.

While talking, he single-handedly took out an iron bullet from his arms over and over again.During this process, Gu Xiao's other hand was always tightly grasping the joystick of the hang glider in his hand, lest he would fall if he didn't grasp it tightly.

On the other side, Long Xingyu followed suit when he saw this, and took out an iron bullet from his bosom.

For today's sudden attack, the two of them specially prepared a lot of iron bullets as spares!
Soon, right under them, there was a rain of iron bullets!

The endless stream of iron bullets kept falling from their hands, and then smashed towards the enemies on the ground.At this height of tens of feet, even a single hailstone could kill someone, not to mention the extremely hard iron bullets in the hands of the two of them!
Therefore, soon everyone on the ground was beaten into a panic.

Some pursuers who were already poisoned and couldn't dodge were beaten to have their brains burst on the spot!
"Gu Xiao, you despicable villain!" Princess Yufeng slapped away an iron bullet that was thrown towards her with one palm. Under the terrible impact force, the iron bullet immediately hit her jade palm with pain. .Princess Yufeng looked at the subordinates who died tragically under the iron bullet, and shouted loudly.

With Princess Yufeng instilling internal strength, her loud shout immediately penetrated a distance of tens of feet, and passed directly to Gu Xiao above the sky.

Gu Xiao sneered disdainfully, instilled his inner strength, and shouted: "Bitch, more than 100 of you hunted me and Brother Long to death! Do you think you deserve to say this to us?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Long Xingyu who was beside him couldn't help but let out a sneer.Even the enemies below who are being beaten passively can't help but feel a little old blushing.There's no way, Gu Xiao is right, they really have no face to accuse each other!
Princess Yufeng's pretty face alternates between blue and white, but she just can't say anything!
With the end of this little episode, Gu Xiao and Long Xingyu kept throwing the iron bullets on their bodies, watching the enemies below face their iron bullets, they couldn't dodge in time, and they wanted to run away , the two of them couldn't help but feel relieved!

For the two of them, during this period of time, being chased by these bastards was really exhausting, and they were already full of anger!

Although the two of them seem to have always firmly grasped the initiative in each other's battles, they both know very well that the two of them have sacrificed their lives for their chicness.If it wasn't for the fact that they never gave the enemy a chance to show their true strength, they should be decapitated by now.

Down below, the enemies were still running and shouting in vain.

"Ah!" Beside Duke Zhen, a subordinate couldn't dodge one by one, and was hit on the neck by an iron bullet, breaking his neck bone on the spot!

"Ah!" Duke Zhen Guo, who had been silent for a long time, saw his subordinates dying in front of him, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, let out a loud shout.Immediately after he moved his hand, a pair of bows and arrows landed in his hand.

Bending the bow and nodding an arrow, a sharp arrow immediately shone coldly under the sun.

At this moment, driven by the anger in his heart, Duke Zhen had completely exploded.He poured almost all of his skills into this arrow.Aiming at Gu Xiao and Long Xingyu above the sky, the arrow finally shot out!Driven by decades of fighting experience, his arrow did not deviate at all, and shot straight at one of the two kites in the sky!
Snapped!The sharp arrow left the string, and the longbow in Duke Zhen's hand broke immediately, and this bow was useless.

Whoosh!There was a sound of piercing through the air, and the off-string arrow, mixed with Duke Zhen's anger, flew straight towards Gu Xiao and Long Xingyu!

"What?" Above the sky, Gu Xiao and Long Xingyu were still leisurely throwing the iron bullets in their hands. After throwing them for such a long time, the iron bullets in their hands were almost used up.Gu Xiao was holding the last iron bullet on his body in his hand, and was about to throw it out, but at this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a sharp arrow mixed with the sound of wind and thunder, shooting towards him!

At that moment, Gu Xiao let out an exclamation.

This place is tens of feet high, how could the arrow shoot up?
 Tears for rewards and subscriptions!The grades are so dismal, Xueyue begged for comfort!
(End of this chapter)

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