The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 235 Long Xingyu's Feat

Chapter 235 Long Xingyu's Feat
What a powerful palm!Gu Xiao clutched his shattered internal organs, healed his wounds in an empty and deserted place, secretly cursing in his heart.

He still underestimated the old devil, Duke Zhen!With that palm just now, he was almost shocked to death on the spot, if it wasn't for the incomparable fierceness of Weilong Divine Palm, it would have walked in such a way of opening and closing, vigorous and ferocious.In addition, his Tianxin Zhenjue is quite effective in treating internal injuries, and he is dead now.

"Damn it, I still underestimated the enemy!" After a long while, Gu Xiao finally managed to use his Tianxin formula to temporarily stabilize his injury, muttering in his heart.

This palm can be said to have taught him a deep lesson. Although he himself is extremely smart, his opponent does not mean that he is a fool. To be precise, everyone in this world is not a fool. Maybe he is smarter than most people, but it doesn't mean that others will be played by him in the applause.

"How is your injury?" Just as Gu Xiao was doing self-criticism here, a sentence suddenly came from behind him.

Hearing this, Gu Xiao immediately jumped up from the ground, and subconsciously grasped his Heavenly Blood Sword tightly.

Although he had already recognized that the owner of this voice was Long Xingyu, it didn't mean that he would relax his vigilance because of this.

In this world, you are the only person who is worthy of your complete trust. Other people can only trust seven points at most!This sentence has always been Gu Xiao's motto in dealing with others, and now he is not sure if Long Xingyu will make trouble when he sees himself injured.

Even from his tone, he had been here for a while, but he didn't take advantage of his healing time to secretly attack him.

Following Gu Xiao's movements, Long Xingyu walked straight out of the darkness behind him, but his current situation is also not very good.Because, on his body, there are bloody and miserable scenes everywhere, and it is obvious that he has also experienced a fierce battle just now.

"What's wrong with you?" Looking at Long Xingyu's appearance, Gu Xiao noticed that there were vague marks of being bitten by wild beasts on his body, frowned, and asked in puzzlement.

To be honest, he really didn't understand who was able to make Long Xingyu look like this.

You know, although the two of them went to the camp together just now, in fact, the real masters were all attracted by him. There should be few people left who can hurt Long Xingyu. .You know, even though the people who came to chase and kill the two of them this time were all masters, Long Xingyu still had no problem dealing with a few small soldiers.

Long Xingyu noticed the sword tightly clenched in Gu Xiao's hand, and subconsciously knew that even today, his companion still did not fully trust him, and felt a little displeased right now, but no anger arose.

After all, this companion of his was born in a family, so I believe that his trust in his relatives will definitely not be too high.As the so-called people from big families are either trash or elites, this is all determined by the brutal competition within the big family.To be honest, Long Xingyu himself didn't feel that he was able to gain the trust of his companion who was born in this aristocratic family so quickly.

"I met a master!" Long Xingyu walked up to Gu Xiaode and said calmly.

Gu Xiao was even more confused when he heard the words, what kind of master can make him like this, and it seems that he has suffered a bit.

Facing Gu Xiao's eyes full of confusion, Long Xingyu smiled wryly, and began to explain, "I didn't say I met a master of fighting, I mean, I met a master of beast fighting!"

Hearing Long Xingyu's words, Gu Xiao couldn't understand even more.

Judging from the meaning in his words, it is really unbelievable that he was made into this appearance by a beast fighter.

Facing Gu Xiao's eyes full of confusion, Long Xingyu began to explain in detail.

It turned out that after the two of them separated, Long Xingyu began to grope around in that camp. His luck was not bad, he came across a very special tent just after groping for a short time.Around this tent, there was almost no guard, and it looked lonely.

Moreover, there was a continuous sound coming from the tent.

At that time, he was overjoyed, thinking that he had touched a very secret place of the enemy.

So, he touched outside the tent and listened carefully to the movement inside.

Unexpectedly, there was indeed noise inside, but it wasn't the kind of discussion sound he had imagined.

As soon as he approached the tent, he heard heavy gasps and groans coming from inside.

It turned out that the people inside were sleeping with women.At that time, he was ashamed and blushed. Instinctively, he wanted to leave, but at this moment, he heard the man inside kept calling Princess Yufeng's name.At that time, he was taken aback.

Because all along, he thought that if Princess Yufeng really wanted a man, it should be his companion Gu Xiao!
From the perspective of Long Xingyu, who didn't know the inside story of Gu Xiao and Princess Yufeng, the two of them looked more like a pair of enemies.

However, after continuing to listen for a while, he found out.

It turned out that the woman inside was not Princess Yufeng, but an unknown woman.It's just that the man in the tent seems to have some evil thoughts about Princess Yufeng, so he regards the woman beside him as Princess Yufeng.Hearing this, instinctive curiosity kicked in, and he groped in.

I want to see which man has the guts to cheat on Princess Yufeng of the Yin Kingdom.

However, what he didn't expect was that although the man inside wasn't very good at martial arts, he was good at playing with wild beasts with one hand. He was discovered just after he touched it.Although that kid was no match for him, the bunch of venomous snakes and the like he made were hard to deal with.

Beside that kid, there was even a white wolf.

If it wasn't for his own fate, at the end of the fight, after he was bitten dripping with blood, those beasts suddenly stopped attacking for some reason, and he probably wouldn't be able to come back.

But, fortunately, that kid's situation is not much better than his.

"Hahahaha!" After listening to Long Xingyu's narration, Gu Xiao immediately opened his belly and started laughing wildly.

He really didn't expect that Long Xingyu would encounter such an unlucky thing. If he was beaten like this by a master, then that's all.But the problem is, he was made like this by a group of wild beasts.Just think about the situation at that time, when Long Xingyu was bitten by wild beasts, Gu Xiao couldn't help but want to laugh.

It's just that as he laughed wildly, Long Xingyu's face became darker and darker.

"Have you laughed enough?" After a long time, Long Xingyu roared angrily.

Gu Xiao suppressed his smile and said, "Enough laughing!"

On this side, Gu Xiao and Long Xingyu were having fun in suffering, while on the other side, in their enemy's camp, they were in a hurry.

After Princess Yufeng and Lord Zhen Guo found out that Jiang Jun hadn't shown up, they immediately searched everywhere for his whereabouts.It was not easy to find him in his tent, but he was shocked to find that he was already seriously injured, and there was a mess in the tent except for a dead woman.

Obviously, in his tent, a fierce battle just happened.

Seeing this situation, Princess Yufeng and Lord Zhen Guo could only rush to heal Jiang Jun who was seriously injured.

Although the two of them longed for this person to die, they knew that this person must not die now.If they died now, even if the two of them really jumped into the Yellow River, they wouldn't be able to wash away.

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(End of this chapter)

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