The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 196 In front of the sword worship platform, the curtain opens

Chapter 196 In front of the sword worship platform, the curtain opens
My heart is hardened!When Gu Xiao stepped away, he said to himself.

He found that the hostility caused by being betrayed by his own country and his family had not dissipated after such a long time.

For more than 20 years, his hands have been stained with blood, and even he himself does not know how many people have died in his hands in the past 20 years, and how many people died inexplicably and tragicly because of his calculations .

Gu Xiao sometimes asks himself, he is more ruthless now than when he was Bai Sheng in the past!

Back then when he was Bai Sheng, he didn't really kill many people, most of them were executed by his order.Although these blood debts are all on him, it doesn't mean that he will feel guilty about it.As a person who knows the historical trajectory, he knows very well that the return of Qixiong to Qin is the real general trend.

Therefore, when he killed these people, he was not moved in the slightest.

Because in his opinion at the time, the deaths of these people were all sacrifices that had to be made in order to win a truly peaceful practice.

Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice the interests of a small number of people for the benefit of the majority!This is something that a superior must learn.

But this life is not the case, because this world is not the end of the Warring States period, this world is a comprehensive world, there is no so-called historical track for him to use as an excuse to act as a shield!In other words, he has no idea how the world should develop, and has no reason to intervene.

But he still chose to intervene. To be precise, he should have chosen to turn the world upside down and make the whole world into a mess.As long as he is sure that doing so will benefit him, he will choose to implement his crazy plan without hesitation!
In this regard, no matter how many people are sacrificed, he will not feel the slightest guilt in his heart.

What even Gu Xiao himself didn't know was that at some point, that ruthless, cruel and vicious belief had been rooted in his heart, making him extremely crazy.

Just now, the reason why he didn't choose to kill Tie Feihua and Wuqing was naturally not because he coveted the beauty of these two women as he said to them!

In Gu Xiao's view, female sex is indeed an indispensable thing on the road to a successful man, but it is definitely not the most important thing!
At least, in his opinion at the moment, female sex is far less important than the pleasure brought by playing with power and stirring up the world.

The reason why he chose to let Tie Feihua and Wuqing go just now was because he wanted to completely destroy these two women!

In the eyes of these two women, the emperor who represents orthodoxy must be able to defeat himself who represents treason, so he will completely destroy the beliefs of these two women and make these two women completely collapse.In this way, isn't it more interesting than him killing these two women now?
When he understood what was going on in his mind, he was really taken aback.

Because he underestimated the impact of that encounter on him when he was in Star Continent.

He found that he had changed!

I am no longer my original self!

Still, isn't the change bad?Thinking of this, Gu Xiao couldn't help showing a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

Sword Worship Platform!
It was built by the current emperor to enshrine Qin Shihuang's Heavenly Sword!
It took half a year, and now the Sword Worshiping Platform has finally been completed.

Today is the day chosen by the national teacher to worship the sword.

Early in the morning, all the government offices up and down in the capital started to move, no matter which one they were from, or even an official from the Qingshui Yamen, they were all running at full speed.The efficiency of government offices in the entire capital reached an unprecedented level of efficiency on this day.

Before noon, the affairs in the yamen were all dealt with, and then in the entire capital, officials of all sizes, and even people from all walks of life who came to the capital from all over the world rushed towards the Sword Worshiping Platform.These shrewd officials all wanted to wait for the winner to appear before they could immediately swear allegiance to the new emperor.It's just that when these extremely cunning officials rushed to the Sword Worshiping Platform, they realized that at this moment, the front of the Sword Worshiping Platform was already full of fans from Jinyiwei and Dongchang.

These fans who swore allegiance to the emperor all had fierce eyes and murderous looks, and most of them subconsciously pressed their hands on the handles of the swords around their waists.

However, to the shock of the officials who came from various yamen, a large group of disheveled quacks appeared on the opposite side of Dongchang and Jinyiwei's Fanzi.

These quacks blatantly occupied one side of the Sword Worshiping Platform, confronting people from Jin Yiwei and Dongchang!
That old bastard is about to rebel!Among the officials, there were a few sharp-eyed people who recognized at a glance that these people were none other than the Yuxian Gang of the National Teacher, and immediately spread the news, and then there was a commotion in the entire team of officials.Although these people have known for a long time that today's events will probably lead to a coup d'état, seeing the Yuxian Gang jumping out so openly still makes some officials who claim to be loyal ministers unbearable.

Some courageous ones wanted to jump out on the spot, but luckily they were held back by the people around them.

The sun rose higher and higher, and there were only Fanzi and Yuxian gang members acting as guards on the sword worship platform, and some royal relatives began to appear one after another.

First, Marquis Tiedan came with his three sons and daughters, and then Marquis Dongfang. As soon as the two brothers met, they shivered and smiled at each other, and then they separated at the Sword Worshiping Platform. both sides.

Gu Xiao appeared after that.

To be honest, Gu Xiao originally planned to come here early to control the situation, but when he received the emperor's imperial decree, he was shocked to find that he was still carrying the name of the Chief of the Ouchi Guards on his body .Although he has never been on duty for a day, he is the emperor's general manager.

Therefore, after receiving the emperor's imperial edict, he could only escort Concubine Ju and the little prince to worship the sword platform in a depressed manner according to the imperial edict.

There is no way, even if it is almost tearing the face now, but it is not tearing the face after all, it is better to listen to the emperor's imperial decree.

In this way, finally Gu Xiao led a group of inner guards to escort Concubine Ju and the little prince to the Sword Worshiping Platform.

At this moment, under the sword-worshiping stage were all civil and military officials of the imperial court, and on the stage were the emperor's Jin Yiwei, the fans of Dongchang, and the members of the Yuxian Gang.At the top, there are these royal relatives.

Now, the only person left who has not yet appeared is the emperor!
Gu Xiao stood at the top of the sword worship platform, wearing the official uniform of his chief guard, waiting for the emperor to appear.

Soon, you people who shouted long live will not be this one!Looking at the officials under the sword worship platform, Gu Xiao sneered in his heart.

When he retracted his eyes, his eyes and Tie Dan Shenhou subconsciously looked at each other.

The two uncles and nephews looked at each other, and there was a sneer at the corners of their mouths at the same time!
Fortunately, the appearance of the emperor interrupted their staring!

At this moment, a loud shout sounded:
"The emperor is here!" With a strange shout, under the protection of Cao Zhengchun, Guoshi, Zhuge Zhengwo, Yijian Piaohong and others, the aging emperor finally appeared.

"Long live the emperor, long live the emperor!" All the people on and off the sword worship platform knelt down at the same time after seeing the emperor appearing, and bowed to the emperor.

The emperor glanced at the subjects under his feet, a trace of obsession flashed in his eyes: These are my subjects, and this is the joy of being an emperor!
After today, I will really live long live long live long live!
(End of this chapter)

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