Chapter 192

At this moment, almost everyone in the capital regards other people as enemies, thinking that as long as they can get rid of the other people in the city, they will be the supreme ruler of the world.

It's just that, except for Gu Xiao, almost everyone has forgotten the two people who are still outside.

Of these two people, one is Ouyang Feiying, who is old now and only wants to let his son inherit the throne; 20 Prince Qing.

In the capital, except for Gu Xiao, almost everyone has forgotten the existence of this Prince Qing.

However, just because others have forgotten his existence does not mean that Prince Qing himself will regard himself as non-existent.

Just when everyone in the capital was thinking of dealing with other people, Prince Qing had dispatched 20 troops to Shanhaiguan.

The army of 20 was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. When the army arrived at Shanhaiguan, there was not even a single elite force in Shanhaiguan that could stop Prince Qing's army.

In Shanhaiguan, there were originally elite soldiers and horses, but now they have been drawn out.

Therefore, when Prince Qing's army reached the Shanhaiguan Pass, he was shocked to find that there were only a bunch of old and weak soldiers left in the Shanhaiguan Pass.

Those soldiers wearing armor and holding weapons standing on the crenel, let's call them soldiers.Prince Qing took a look at the oldest one, and estimated that it was enough to be his father, and the youngest was enough to be his grandson.In a word, either the old ones can hardly stand up straight, or they are still a bunch of childish brats.

Looking at this group of people, Prince Qing, who has always been known for his hard-heartedness, couldn't bear to send his troops to attack Shanhaiguan.

However, in the end he chose to attack with his army.

In less than half an hour, his army easily entered Shanhaiguan. Prince Qing walked on the city wall of Shanhaiguan leaning on crutches. What he wanted to know most now was where all the elite soldiers of Shanhaiguan went. ?
Someone will answer his question soon.

Tuotuo led a group of people to find Prince Qing who was strolling on the city wall, admiring the sunset, and reported the results of the battle to him.

"Father, all the classics in Shanhaiguan have been preserved, and there is no loss at all." Tuotuo knelt on one knee in front of Prince Qing, and reported.

Prince Qing agreed, and then asked, "Tuo Tuo, where are all the elite soldiers in Shanhaiguan?"

Although he knew for a long time that all the elite soldiers in Shanhaiguan should have been transferred away, he still couldn't believe that so many elite soldiers had been transferred away.

You know, he has always regarded the soldiers and horses in Shanhaiguan as the number one obstacle for him to enter the Central Plains.

Hearing this question from Prince Qing, Tuotuo couldn't help showing a trace of shame on his cold face.

"Father Qi, according to the confession of the captives, the 20 elite soldiers in Shanhaiguan, together with all the surrounding soldiers and horses, received Dongfang Sheng's order a month ago, formed a [-] iron cavalry, and rushed to the capital. .” Tuotuo answered after a while.

Tuotuo knew very well that there was nothing wrong with the confessions of these prisoners.

At that time, Gu Xiao served as a guard in Shanhaiguan for several years, and became a powerful general beyond the Great Wall. She also met Gu Xiao here, so she threw her heart on him.Everyone knows that in this Shanhai Pass, an order from the young master Dongfang Sheng is more effective than the emperor's imperial decree.

When Prince Qing heard this, the corner of his mouth couldn't help revealing a hint of amusement.

"Nephew, why did he do such a mindless thing?" Prince Qing asked.As the most outstanding young man among the next generation of the Dongfang family, Prince Qing has a lot of affection for Gu Xiao, and he has always wanted to match his adopted daughter with Gu Xiao, so he is concerned about their contacts. Put on a look of joy.

"Father, what should we do now?" Tuotuo asked.

Although she also felt that what Gu Xiao did was stupid, but now that she had entered Shanhaiguan, she couldn't just return empty-handed.

Prince Qing said: "Since the imperial nephew took the initiative to give up the Shanhai Pass to the king, wouldn't it be rude if the king didn't go to the capital to thank him?"

"If the order is passed on, the army will gather immediately, set off immediately, and rush to the capital. Go and meet my prince's elder brother, those two imperial brothers, and that imperial nephew!" At the end of the speech, Prince Qing was almost stern. drank.

"Yes, my lord!" Everyone shouted in unison immediately from up and down the Shanhai Pass.

Under Prince Qing's order, his army immediately began to assemble, ready to march towards the capital.

"Plop! Plop! Plop!" Just as Prince Qing's army began to head towards the capital, Gu Xiao, who was in the capital, also received a letter from a flying pigeon from Shanhaiguan.

"Is it finally here?" Gu Xiao said leisurely when he saw the news of Prince Qing's entry as he untied the urgent mail tied to the pigeon's leg.

From the very beginning, he didn't intend to let the emperor's uncle outside the Great Wall ignore him, so he chose to let the emperor's uncle into the prison.

You know, the 30 troops under the emperor's uncle are not easy to provoke. If he is pushed into a hurry, it will not be an easy matter.

That's why Gu Xiao chose to take the initiative to put him in prison. Prince Qing who was staying outside the Great Wall was a fierce tiger, but if he entered the capital, he would be a tiger in a cage.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiao couldn't help showing a smug smile.

"Report, Lord Mirror, the Jianxiong City Lord and his wife of Zhujian City are here!" At this moment, a subordinate rushed into the room and reported to him.

"Please come in." Gu Xiao ordered.

"Yes, Mirror Master."

"Cangjing people, no, I should call you Dongfang Sheng, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Soon, Jianxiong, the lord of Jianjian City, walked in with great strides.

Gu Xiao looked at Jianxiong and Xiao Yu who was following her, and nodded with a smile, as if nothing unpleasant happened between them.

Gu Xiao looked at Xiaoyu who was standing behind Jianxiong looking like a little girl, and then looked at Jianxiong who was looking like a man in front of him now, and thought it was really interesting.

On that day, he forced Jianxiong to submit. He originally planned to seize the treasure left by Ying Shuntian after the Lingshuang Sword was forged. There is not so much time.Therefore, it has never been possible to set off to seize the treasure.

But fortunately, the day of Yinghuo's keeping his heart has not yet passed, and he still has a chance to seize the treasure.

Looking at the Jianxiong "couple" standing in front of him, Gu Xiao only felt that it was really interesting, two women being husband and wife, it was really fun.

Thinking of the interesting place, Gu Xiao could hardly hold back his smile, his originally handsome face began to become violently distorted, holding back his laughter!

"Enough!" Jianxiong slammed the table in front of Gu Xiao fiercely, signaling him not to go too far.

Gu Xiao finally couldn't hold it anymore, and laughed loudly, "Hahaha...haha...ha...haha!"

When the laughter was at its most intense, Gu Xiao couldn't help covering his chest with his hands, laughing so hard that his stomach hurts.

"Enough, you came to me, is it possible that you are just to laugh at me?" Jianxiong couldn't take it anymore, and roared angrily.

Gu Xiao finally had enough of laughing, clutching his aching stomach, sat up, and said with a smile; "Of course not!"

 Twenty monthly tickets will be added, and Blood Moon is still the same sentence. As long as the support of book friends arrives, Blood Moon will naturally add updates.There are not many chapters left in this volume, please wait patiently for the book friends. Recently, many book friends have taken the book off the shelves one after another. , the support of all book friends is really indispensable!Now, the book friends are not satisfied with this volume of Blood Moon, and Blood Moon is also very sad. I implore the book friends not to continue to take it off the shelves. Blood Moon promises that this mixed volume will end soon!
(End of this chapter)

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