The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 1504 In confusion, subtle emotions

Chapter 1504 In confusion, subtle emotions

It's so hot, it's really unbelievable.

The current body is not Xuan Xiao's real body at all, not even the primordial spirit, it can only be regarded as a trace of primordial spirit.But under Chanyou's various temptations, an inexplicable desire actually began to arise.Xuan Xiao himself felt it was incredible!

Desires arose and were quickly suppressed, Xuan Xiao barely suppressed his complicated emotions, let Chanyou lie in his arms, stirring up his desires, and said lightly: "How about my two women, this It's not your turn to manage!"

Chanyou lay lazily in Xuanxiao's arms, her beautiful eyes were as charming as silk, she seemed to be a little girl who was madly in love with him, she giggled and said, "Really? Then why don't you dare to look at me? Is it possible that you love me?"

Hearing these words, Xuan Xiao still didn't even look at Chan You, just sneered, threw Chan You out of his arms, and said disdainfully: "You think too highly of yourself. If I, Xuan Xiao, want a woman, I can choose beauties from the six worlds!"

Chanyou turned over in the air, and gracefully landed on the ground again. Hearing Xuan Xiao's words, she was not angry, but smiled lightly: "That's right, if you want women, there are indeed everywhere. But do you like it? I've known you for so long, even though you and I don't have much contact, but Chanyou knows you better than anyone else!"

"You look cold, but you are actually affectionate. Being ruthless is just a way for you to cover up yourself!"

Xuan Xiao's expression changed, and a red-blue divine light was released from his eyes. He looked at Chan You on the side with scorching eyes, and said coldly: "This has nothing to do with you. Don't forget, who killed you?" Killed my master and killed my elder brother. If it wasn't for the oath, I would have killed you long ago!"

Chanyou smiled nonchalantly, and said, "Is it no wonder I'm the one to blame? Don't forget that in the beginning, I, the mengmoirs of the Illusionary Realm, had no interest at all in being an enemy of your Qionghua faction. You Qionghua faction yourself You are making trouble for me in the Illusionary Death Realm. Since you dare to provoke us, you will naturally have to pay the price!"

"From Chanyou's point of view, from the beginning to the end, it was just fighting against the invaders!"

Xuan Xiao is indifferent, this is a fact, he cannot deny it.

The God Realm and the Demon Realm regard the human beings and monster races remaining in the world as pawns in their struggle with each other.Whether it's the demon clan's cruelty to the world, or the human's slaying demons and demons, since the beginning, there has been no right or wrong.If you want to blame, you can only blame those gods and demons who are aloof!

The Qionghua faction started from Daoyin Daoist and was obsessed with the promotion of the Ju faction. It is true that they have entered the way of the devil.This, he does not want to deny.All the reasons God Realm wanted to destroy Qionghua Sect back then were false, only one unspoken reason was true, and it was the fundamental reason why God Realm wanted to destroy Qionghua Sect!

That is, the God Realm cannot allow too many humans to become immortals!

From beginning to end, the Protoss has always been wary of humans and calculating.Otherwise, the Shushan sect holds the title of the number one sect in the world of cultivating immortals, and it would not happen every ten years, at most 20 years, there will be some inexplicable changes, leading to a decline in power.

This is the attitude of the God Realm towards their best lackey: support but beware, and will not let this lackey out of their control!

Chanyou picked up the wine jug on the table. This time, she directly aimed her sandalwood spout at the spout, letting the clear and mellow wine flow down her tender neck and onto her clothes. On the top of the body, the almost perfect delicate body is also revealed, which is even more attractive.

Snapped!A pot of wine was drank by Chanyou, Chanyou threw away the jug in her hand, looked at Xuan Xiao again, and said: "Xuan Xiao, there is one thing that Chanyou doesn't understand all the time, you clearly see through everything , why did you choose to fight against the God Realm, even when the Emperor of Heaven put the position of God of War in front of you, you pushed it away without hesitation!"

"I think it's impossible for you not to know that human beings can't resist gods. Even if you reveal the hypocrisy of the God Realm, so what? Will the Immortal Cultivation World rise up against the God Realm because of this? The Human Realm, Will you sever your belief in the gods of the God Realm because of this? Impossible!"

"Even, you have become a taboo in the world of cultivating immortals. I believe that you will never leave a good reputation. No, you don't have a good reputation in the first place. I think you are very clear about the consequences of fighting against the gods. Since If so, then why did you choose this path?"

Chanyou said a lot in one breath, a lot, pointing out all the calculations and scheming of Xuan Xiao in those years, and even pointing out his current fate, all of which were within his own expectations.That being the case, why did he choose the worst path?
Xuan Xiao continued to remain silent, with a strange expression on his face, which was the feeling that only emerged after extremely complicated emotions were intertwined.

I don't know how long it took, the candles on the table were almost half burned, Xuan Xiao finally spoke, his tone was low and hoarse, containing a trace of complexity.

"Yes, you are right. All of this is indeed within my expectations. Even the recruitment of me by the Heavenly Emperor and the Demon Emperor is within my calculations. You ask me why I choose the least A good way? Well, I can answer you, because I am not reconciled!"

"Not reconciled?" Chanyou repeated in a daze.

Xuan Xiao nodded and said: "Yes, I am not reconciled. Yes, after the Emperor of Heaven and the Demon Emperor solicited me, I did have a chance to become a god or a demon. But so what? Even if I become the God of War in the God Realm , or become the Demon King of the Demon Realm, or continue to be a chess piece, a running dog!"

"Is that meaningful? Rather than continue to be manipulated, I would rather choose to continue to be my person. Anyway, with my cultivation base, even if I live for tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, it is not a problem. So, I would rather continue As a human being, at least, I am free and I have dignity!"

Liberty, dignity!
Two somewhat vague words.For some people, these two words are nothing at all, but for people like Xuan Xiao, these two words are more important than anything else!

"Freedom? Dignity?" Chanyou repeated these two words with a vague understanding, her expression was extraordinarily confused.

If it were me, how would I choose?Will you give up your freedom and dignity?This question echoed in Chanyou's mind, but she didn't want to know the answer to this question!
The flickering candlelight reflected the two confused figures.

Xuan Xiao and Chan You, they are not friends, nor can they be friends.On the contrary, if you can take the other party's life without violating the oath, and let the other party die as miserable as possible, then no matter who it is, you will definitely not want to miss it.But because of this, when they were in a similar situation and met unexpectedly, they became entangled with each other.

Intrigue, intrigue.

Although they are very clear in their hearts that they can't help each other, but as long as they can gain some upper hand, then they are already very happy.It's a pity that Chanyou underestimated Xuan Xiao's wisdom, underestimating this man who seemed indifferent and flamboyant, but actually thoughtful and thoughtful; Xuan Xiao also underestimated Chanyou's sophistication, and failed to see through the scheming of this demon lord and the unfathomable city.

After being stalemate with each other for a long time, their relationship has become more and more complicated.

Even, a very subtle emotion arose!

At some point, under the illumination of the flickering candles, the two figures began to overlap.Gradually, the two slender and thin shadows merged into one, turning into a somewhat bloated and blurred reflection, which slowly fell down under the light of the candlelight.

In a similar situation, under the same confusion, one person and one monster began to lose their defenses, and the faint traces of emotion began to magnify infinitely against the background of this hazy environment.The jade body is horizontal, vigorous and powerful, this will be a confusing night, a confusing relationship!

boom!In Xuan Xiao's real body, there was a loud noise, and the power of the curse in his body was completely dissolved!

(End of this chapter)

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