The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 1398 Lava Beastmaster, Complicated Relationship

Chapter 1398 Lava Beastmaster, Complicated Relationship

Walking in the sea of ​​flames, after walking not far, they came to a cave.Above the cave, three dragon-flying and phoenix-dancing characters protruded through the body, powerful spiritual power and magic power were instilled in the handwriting, so that people could know what those three characters were at a glance: Burning Flame Cave!
Outside the cave, there were countless monsters attacking, but after entering the Burning Flame Cave, all the monsters disappeared without a trace, as if this is their absolute forbidden place!

And not far ahead, there was the sound of rushing water, and what was flowing was not running water, but red hot magma!
Just now, the magma that Gu Xiao could see everywhere in the cave actually flowed out from the Zhiyan Cave!

Here is the source of all the heat!

And in the magma that was left from the sky like a waterfall, a fiery red stone was suspended. Around the stone, the air was faintly distorted... The terrible temperature seemed to burn the entire space!
Gu Xiao took a few steps forward, flames arose in the palm of his hand, and he stretched out towards the scorching stone emitting endless heat... Wherever the crimson flames went, the scorching air retreated back and forth, as if they had encountered a nemesis, even Don't dare to meet him face to face!

"Hey, who dares to move!!!"

As Gu Xiao took the Scorching Flame Stone into his hand, like a signal, an extremely rough roar sounded, and the Scorching Flame Cave suddenly vibrated extremely violently!

"Who dares to touch the Burning Flame Stone!!!"

With a loud shout, the inside of the cave suddenly shook violently. Countless burning red stones crashed down from the ceiling of the cave. The magma waterfall also swayed suddenly, and lava splashed out from the river.

Accompanied by the violent shaking of the cave, the sound of footsteps that shook the deepest part of one's heart sounded, and a giant beast the size of a house slowly appeared in front of Gu Xiao!

There are four legs under the abdomen, and two arms on the chest... The face is extremely ferocious, with two long fangs sticking out of the mouth, and the whole body is covered with hot burning flames. It looks down at Gu Xiao below from a high position. Full of murderous aura!
This beast is so powerful!Just standing there, there is a feeling of suffocation!

The giant beast stared at Gu Xiao in front of him, and said deeply: "I am the lava beast king! How dare you trespass into the cave of the Great God of Shennong this time, and even plan to use the burning stone! You mortals...deserve death !!!”

Gu Xiao said loudly: "Beastmaster, I took this burning stone to save my life! Please forgive me, Beastmaster!"

"Why should I leave the treasure of God Shennong to Nuwa's humans!!!"

With a roar, there was a sudden churning in the nearby molten magma, and several thick pillars of fire stretched out from the sea of ​​fire, burning towards Gu Xiao!

"Little mortal dares to act presumptuously in this Shennong Yandi Cave, today I will teach you a lesson!"

"Whoever teaches who is not sure!"

laugh! ! !
There was a sound of flames colliding, and countless huge flaming giant swords suddenly appeared in front of Gu Xiao. With his fingers casually, these flaming swords stabbed at the lava beast king at various tricky angles!
The strength of this guy is far more frightening than that in the game!Gu Xiao made a series of strikes, and the fire sword didn't stop when he stabbed, Xi Hejian let out a dragon cry, followed by streaks of sharp and incomparable sword energy, and stabbed straight at the lava beast king!

The lava beast king let out a roar that shook the sky, and suddenly endless flames burned around him, and the scorching air wave evaporated. Before the fire sword could attack, it had already disappeared under the flames!There was a scorching red light on the sharp claws on the arms on its chest, like a high-temperature blade that could melt everything, slashing fiercely at the sword energy of Gu Xiao Xihe's sword!


Gu Xiao snorted coldly. Seeing that the sword qi and sharp claws were about to collide, Xihe's sword qi suddenly blurred. The sword qi turned into several ferocious dragon heads, circling and missing the lava beast king's sharp claws, following it The arms rushed up, biting the lava beast king's body!
In an instant, blood splattered everywhere...


The lava beast king roared in pain, and the magma in the magma river beside him suddenly gushed out and poured towards his body!
There was a chirping sound, and it was watered by lava... The lava beast king had already gotten used to the temperature, and he wasn't burned, but Gu Xiao's sword energy had been completely melted away by the boundless heat!

But it's a pity that Gu Xiao's sword energy is so powerful. Even though the lava beast king had already wiped away the sword energy in time, it was only a moment ago. At this time, his body was still ripped apart, and the red blood mixed with the magma , slowly flowing down from the body...

Weakly half-kneeling on the ground, the first two feet of the four giant feet.They have all been torn open by each of them with a deep and visible scar... The Lava Beastmaster is an immortal body, and any scar can be easily healed, but the wound caused by Gu Xiao, anodized Yin, and the scorching heat also implied A trace of icy cold... kept hindering the recovery of the injury!
Even though he was in the Burning Flame Cave.There is boundless magma heat that can be used, but it is obviously not something that can be done in a short time if you want to melt the cold power on the wound!
"Farewell!" Gu Xiao was about to turn around and leave while holding the burning stone.

The urgent voice of the lava beast king suddenly sounded, "Wait a minute! Human beings, although this scorching stone contains the power of extreme heat in the world, it is useless to the creatures of the six worlds! The only person who can use this treasure is Han Jing And those two girls Bihen! You snatch this thing, but you want to give it to those two girls?!"


Gu Xiaofeng was in a mess. From the perspective of Chu Hanjing and Chu Bihen, the Lava Beast King was a terrifying monster guarding the Burning Flame Stone.Let the two sisters exist helplessly!But why does the Lava Beastmaster mention these two names with a sense of intimacy instead?

"What do you mean?"

Gu Xiao turned his head, looked at the burning stone in his palm emitting a slight heat, and then looked at the lava beast king!
"Human beings! I am amazed by your strength! But I am a divine beast under the throne of Shennong. Naturally, I will not lie! If you want to give them the Burning Flame Stone, you must have good intentions! But your kindness will only Let their souls fly away! They will never be reborn forever! Because they can't ascend with this flaming stone at all!"


"God Shennong won't lie!" Seeing that he couldn't match Gu Xiao and was willing to listen to himself, the Lava Beast King explained seriously: "But if you want to ascend, you must be selfless! And the Thoreau tree Two sisters were bred, no matter which one uses this burning stone, it will be a little selfish because of the existence of the other, and the other will naturally die! Prepared, but after that accident happened, he couldn’t give this thing to them, otherwise, wouldn’t it harm them? There is no other way, so he had to put the Burning Flame Stone here, and ordered me to take care of it, and never let it They gotta go!"

Speaking of this, the Lava Beastmaster's tone was a bit doting/indulgent, "When those two girls were born, I was watching from the sidelines, and they are both under the throne of Shennong, if it wasn't for their lives, how could I have done that?" Be hostile to them!"

"So... are you still doing it for their own good?"

The Lava Beastmaster smiled wryly, "If it wasn't for that, that girl Bihen had come here several times over the millennium to get the Scorching Flame Stone. If it wasn't for my orders to my subordinate monsters, how could her reckless character have survived for so long? ? So human beings, please don’t do bad things with good intentions and kill their sisters!”

I didn't expect the Lava Beast King to be blackfaced for so long, Gu Xiao pondered for a moment, and asked: "So, even Chu Hanjing, who is willing to sacrifice himself and only cares about his sister, can't use this burning stone. gone?"

"No one can use it! Once you use it, you will definitely feel guilty towards your sisters in your heart! And this bit of guilt will make all their sisters lose their souls!"

The Lava Beastmaster looked at him, pleading in his eyes, "Human, even if you know this, do you still want to take away the Burning Flame Stone?"

Gu Xiao thought for a while, and said decisively: "That's right! I must take the Scorching Flame Stone away!"

Gu Xiao said to the Lava Beastmaster: "Although you have a good heart, Beastmaster, you want to protect the lives of the two of them! But you don't know that the two sisters have been trapped here for many years, and the sisterhood between the two has long had a rift. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that sooner or later they will turn against each other and sisters will kill each other! In this case, it is better to give them a chance! See if there is any turning point... You must know that sometimes, living is better than dying horrible!"


The entanglement and pain in Lava Beastmaster's eyes overflowed the surface, as if he was moved by Gu Xiao, and he seemed extremely reluctant!It pays attention day and night, how does it not know the current situation of the two sisters!
As if he suddenly figured something out, the half-kneeling body seemed to lose its support, and fell powerlessly on the ground in a rumble!

Slowly closing his eyes, a self-defeating voice sounded, "Anyway, I have been severely injured by you, and it will take a few days for my injury to recover! If you are determined to take away the Burning Flame Stone, I can't imagine it! It's just that the two of them I was by my side when people were born, and I have paid attention to them from time to time over the years, watching them grow up little by little! They... are like my daughters, I beg you, human beings, please... show mercy !"

"I will!"

Gu Xiao answered seriously, turned around and left the Zhiyan Cave!

(End of this chapter)

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