The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 1394 Qionghua Immortal School, Tragic Xuanxiao

Chapter 1394 Qionghua Immortal School, Tragic Xuanxiao

The earth is in a state of "chaos", and "Pangu" was born in it.Pan Gu's body continued to grow, and the original chaotic state could not accommodate his body and split. "Clear Qi" rose to the sky, and "turbid Qi" sank to the earth.After Pangu's death, his essence, qi, and spirit were divided into three great gods, namely Fuxi, Shennong, and Nuwa.Known as the "Three Emperors".The "spiritual power" originally contained in Pangu's body dissipated and decomposed into the "five spirits" of water, fire, thunder, wind, and earth, scattered between heaven and earth.The heart of Pangu hangs between the heaven and the earth and becomes the link connecting the heaven and the earth, and connects with the place where the clean energy of the heaven is cherished. The "sacred tree" is born because of the intersection of clear and turbid, which becomes the source of life in the heaven.

Because there are too few creatures in the world, the three emperors created creatures in different forms.Fuxi used the fruit of the sacred tree to absorb the pure energy of the gods as his body, injected his own powerful energy, and created "God".Due to the scarcity of the fruit of the sacred tree, the number of gods is very small, but their spiritual power is powerful.The gods are impatient with the turbid air of the earth, so they live in the sky and form the "divine realm".Although gods are divided into male and female, after intercourse and reproduction, the gods will lose their spiritual power and gradually die, which cannot increase the number of gods, so intercourse and reproduction are strictly prohibited.

Shen Nong used the earth, soil, stones and plants as his body, poured his own energy into it, and created "beasts" (including beasts and insects).Because Shennong pays attention to quantity and ability, there are many types and numbers of beasts, and various abilities, but their minds are not enlightened.

Nuwa mixed soil and water, attached her own blood and spiritual power, enlightened with willow branches, and shaped them according to her own appearance, creating a "human".The human body is beautiful and full of wisdom, but weak in physical strength. Although he has no special ability, he has a strong comprehension ability.

Gods live in the sky, humans and beasts live on the earth, and there is also a "ghost world" as a place for the reincarnation of humans, beasts and other creatures.It has been peaceful for tens of thousands of years.Later, due to the excessive reproduction of humans and beasts, there were conflicts from time to time.

Shennong, one of the last three emperors, died suddenly in the world. One said that he died of poisoning after tasting a hundred herbs, and another said that he died because he had bred offspring with a woman.Soon, a ruler with extremely high intelligence appeared among the beasts -- Chi You.Chi You led the beast clan to fight against humans, intending to monopolize the land.Human beings got the help of the gods and defeated Chi You's army under the command of the god general Xuanyuan.Chi You tried his best to open the passage to the other world and send the remnants to the other world.The remnants of Chi You gradually cultivated into demons in another world, and the "devil world" gradually formed.The passage opened by Chi You is called "the well of gods and demons" by later generations.The well of gods and demons is the only channel connecting the two worlds of gods and demons. The gods and demons have set up many obstacles in it and sent heavy troops to defend it, strictly prohibiting the passage of creatures from the two worlds.

After this battle, Fuxi established a hierarchical system in the God Realm in the name of fighting against the Demon Realm, and proclaimed himself the "Emperor of Heaven", stipulating that the status of the gods is higher than that of humans, and that the gods rule the earth, and people must serve the gods, expanding the influence of the gods on the human world. control and domination.After tens of thousands of years, the gods gradually became corrupt, and human beings had long held grudges against the gods, and finally an uprising broke out.The Emperor of Heaven ordered to suppress it, but was stubbornly resisted by human beings.The Emperor of Heaven was angry and ordered Nvwa to destroy human beings and recreate a new human being who respected the gods.The Heavenly Emperor expelled Nuwa's divine book and sent god generals to destroy the earth, and most of the human beings were massacred. Nuwa led mankind to fight against the gods, mend the heaven and the earth, stop the flood, and save the fate of the remaining human beings.After thinking about it, the Emperor of Heaven felt that there was something wrong with the gods, so he ordered all the gods to return to the heaven, closed the gates of the heavens, and ordered the gods not to enter the human world at will.Soon Nuwa died of exhaustion, and her descendants stayed in the world to protect mankind from generation to generation.

Occasionally among beasts, through practice, they can inspire their inherited Shennong power and become "monsters" with special abilities, while human beings can also stimulate their own inherited Nuwa spiritual power through cultivation and become "immortals".The formation of demons and immortals is not only related to talent and cultivation, but also related to the atmosphere of the earth.Therefore, there are "immortal worlds" in the sky, and there are also "immortal worlds" such as ten caves, 36 small caves, and 72 blessed places in the world. The most famous immortal worlds are "Shu Mountain" where Pangu's heart is located and "Kunlun Mountain" below the heavenly world.Correspondingly, although it seems that the monsters act alone, the demon world where the group of monsters live together does exist. The location of the demon world is a place closer to the heart of Pangu than the Shu Mountain, so-called "Li Shu Mountain".In addition, there are large and small monster settlements scattered in the world, but the scale cannot be compared with that of Lishu Mountain.

Kunlun Mountains.

Kunlun and Shushan are the two most prosperous areas in the world of cultivating immortals today, and there are people who cultivate immortals, big and small, but they are different from the combination of Mount Shu, and have formed an inseparable force; in this Kunlun Mountain , there are a total of eight sects of cultivating immortals.

Kunlun, Qionghua, Biyu, Zicui, Xuanpu, Yuying, Langfeng, Tianyong, the eight schools are collectively called the Kunlun Eight Schools!
Among them, the Kunlun School has the most reputation and the longest history, but among the eight schools, the most powerful one is not the Kunlun School, but another school - Qionghua Immortal School!
Before the Qionghua Immortal School was founded ten thousand years ago, it has experienced 24 heads.

The head of this generation, Taiqing, is a well-known master in the world of cultivating immortals. Looking at the eight Kunlun sects, he would never think of second person, even in the world of cultivating immortals, he is enough to be called the top ten masters.Sitting disciple Xuan Zhen has a high level of cultivation and is almost perfect in dealing with people and doing things.And decades ago, the Qionghua faction even forged two magical weapons that could rival immortals - Xihe and Wangshu!
Xihe, the legendary name of the Sun God; Wangshu, the legendary name of the Lunar Goddess.Naming these two swords after the god of the sun and moon, one can imagine the earth-shattering power of these two divine swords.On the day when the twin swords were cast, Kunlun trembled, and even the world of cultivating immortals trembled.

And just when the entire world of cultivating immortals thought that the Qionghua faction was going to a higher level, suddenly a shocking change occurred in the Qionghua faction!

pain!it hurts!What a fucking pain!

The dusty memory of the past life awakened again. When Gu Xiao found out his current state, only this thought remained in his mind.The skin, flesh and blood, meridians, and even the primordial spirit all seemed to be on fire, and the pain pierced through my heart, and I couldn't control myself.

And in his hand, he also held a blazing sword that constantly passed on the extreme pain.

Yang Yan kept injecting into Gu Xiao's body through this sword, almost making his whole body burn with it.

So I am Xuan Xiao!While Yuanshen was running, he read all the memories of the past, and in a flash, Gu Xiao knew who he was in this life and what he was about to face.And the pain caused by being betrayed by one's closest person and being stabbed heavily!
Swish!With a flick of the finger, a mirror of water condensed in front of Gu Xiao.

What appeared in the mirror was a handsome and extraordinary face, but there was a strange and painful face between the brows.

tread!tread!tread! ...Gu Xiao looked around his surroundings, and found that he was now in a place where ice and fire blended together. If the surroundings were not ice, they were raging fire.This place is the forbidden area of ​​the Qionghua sect - that was where Xuan Xiao practiced double swords with Su Yu!
However, at this moment, a burst of crisp footsteps sounded.

Then, a graceful and luxurious woman wearing a set of blue and white Taoist robes walked in with a three-pointed reluctance between her brows.

"Xuan Xiao, how do you feel?" Su Yao, the senior sister of the Qionghua School, came step by step in front of her formerly gifted and accomplished junior brother, looking at his pain caused by the backlash of Xi and Yang Yan. With an unbearable face, he asked with a bit of worry in his tone.

Gu Xiao said calmly: "I can't die for the time being, but if there is no way to solve Xihe Yangyan's backlash against me, sooner or later, I will be burned to ashes by the Yangyan produced by Xihe sword!"

Suyao comforted: "Don't worry, the two elders, Qingyang and Chongguang, have already gone down the mountain to chase Xuanji (I don't know what Yun Tianqing's Taoist name is, just choose one randomly) and Suyu, as long as you catch them back, then you You can take back the Wangshu sword and relieve the backlash of the yang in your body!"

Gu Xiao sneered, with a bit of sarcasm showing between his brows, and said, "Take back the Wang Shu Sword? Haha, what a joke!"

"What do you mean?" Su Yao asked puzzled.

Gu Xiao said lightly: "It's nothing. Believe it or not, the two elders will definitely come back empty-handed? It's a joke to expect them to get Wang Shu Sword back for me. Even if I, Xuan Xiao, suffer backlash, I don't need them." Pretending to be a good person there, restraining Xi and Yangyan, isn't just Wang Shujian's ability!"

"You...what are you going to do?" Su Yao asked with a sense of uneasiness on her pretty face, although she was not absolutely beautiful.

Gu Xiao said: "I will use my own method to solve Xi He's backlash!"

Swish!As soon as the voice fell, his whole body was continuously released, which made him feel like a burning Yang Yan was suppressed in an instant, as if the genius of the Qionghua School had reappeared in the world.There was a crisp sound from the Xihe sword in his hand, and everyone's swords became one, and they leaped out of the cave in an instant, passing through the dilapidated Qionghua faction after the battle.

The man and the sword joined together and rushed down the mountain!

"Xuan Xiao!" Su Yao didn't expect that Xuan Xiao, who was seriously injured and even suffered the backlash of the divine sword, would suddenly leave the Qionghua Sect, and immediately let out an exclamation.He thought that this junior brother would also follow in the footsteps of his good brother Yun Tianqing, and since then betrayed the sect and left the Qionghua sect.

However, at this moment, an ethereal voice reached her ears far away.

"Suyao, within a month, I will be back!"

a month?Looking at the direction Xuan Xiao left, Su Yao felt lost.

"Senior Sister, Senior Sister!" At this moment, there was a sudden exclamation from outside the cave, and Suyao looked around and saw her junior sister, Su Xin, rushing into the forbidden area, "Master Sister, The two elders Qingyang and Chongguang are back! They have arrived at the main hall now!"

(End of this chapter)

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