The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 136 Jianxiong's Hostility (Seek 3 Jiang Tickets!)

Chapter 136 Jianxiong's Hostility (Seeking Sanjiang Tickets!)
"Master Mirror, is that sword hero fake?" After a cup of tea, Xiao Yu asked Gu Xiao.

Originally, Xiao Yu was somewhat resistant to Gu Xiao asking her to bathe Jianxiong.After all, no matter what, she is also this man's woman, and this man actually asked her to bathe another man, what is that?
However, after she took off Jianxiong's clothes with a few maidservants, she no longer had any doubts about this.

Because what appeared in front of her was obviously a girl disguised as a man!

Seeing that Jianxiong was actually a girl, Xiao Yu appeared in front of Gu Xiao after taking someone to help her take a bath.

Gu Xiao looked at Xiao Yu's red face, and smiled knowingly: "What? Jianxiong is a girl, right?"

"Mirror Master, how did you know?" Xiao Yu asked in shock.

When she found out that Jianxiong was a girl, she wondered if the Jianxiong brought by Fairy Fairy Green Mother was fake?Because how could the young master of Sword Forging City be a woman?

Looking at Xiao Yu's terrified expression, Gu Xiao knew what she was doubting, and said with a smile: "Because this Jianxiong is real, she is a woman. If it is a man, then she is a fake !"

"What?" Xiao Yu exclaimed, "You mean, this Jianxiong was originally a girl?"

Gu Xiao nodded and said, "Of course!"

"Is she awake?" Gu Xiao looked at Xiao Yu's surprised look, and asked instead.

To him, whether Jianxiong is a woman is not important at all, what is important is what he can get from this woman and what he needs to give.

"Mirror Master, when I came here, she was about to wake up. If you count the time, she should have woken up now." Xiao Yu took a deep breath, calmed down her chaotic state of mind, and replied.

"That's good, you bring her to see me right now!"

"Yes, Mirror Lord!"

Soon, the young master of Jianjian City, Jianxiong who has disguised himself as a man for 20 years, was brought in front of Gu Xiao by Xiao Yu.

The place where Gu Xiao is now is of course not the deserted garden when he met the fairy princess and green mother just now. He is now in a bright, clean and tidy room with a bit of luxury in a low-key way among.

Originally, Gu Xiao thought that the decoration of his current room was good enough, and it would definitely not look shabby.

However, after Jianxiong walked in, he gave up his idea.

At this moment, Jianxiong has already changed into a woman's attire. She is wearing a pink woman's attire, which fits extremely beautifully and perfectly sets off her figure.What caught Gu Xiao's attention the most was that Jianxiong's soft and charming face was also somewhat heroic.

I don't know if it's because I always dress up like a man, but now I, Jianxiong, look very heroic even though I'm wearing a woman's attire, like a real heroine husband.It can be said that she has mixed the charm of a woman and the heroism of a man.

As soon as Jianxiong walked into his room, he felt that the place he was staying in now, why is it so simple?
It's not that Gu Xiao has never seen women wear men's clothing, and Feng Suzhen is also very beautiful in men's clothing.

However, compared to Jianxiong, Feng Suzhen's body is a little too heavy, far inferior to Jianxiong's heroic spirit.

"Presumably, this is the young master Jianxiong of Jianjian City, right? I have seen the young master Jianxiong!" Gu Xiao withdrew his gaze from looking at Jianxiong, and nodded slightly, even if he was with him Jianxiong said hello.

Ever since Jianxiong walked in, he noticed Gu Xiao who was dressed as a hidden mirror man.

As soon as she saw this outfit, she knew who the person in front of her was.

Looking at the whole Jianghu, there is only one person who likes this attire, and there is no semicolon.

Originally, she thought that she had fallen into the hands of the Sea Shark Palace, but after seeing the man in the mirror, she immediately dismissed this idea.

The people from the Sea Shark Palace would not pretend to be people in the mirror and appear in front of her.

In other words, the person in front of her is undoubtedly the hidden mirror man!

"I've seen the mirror master!" Jianxiong suppressed the anger in his heart, and bowed to Gu Xiao who was above him.

"Haha, Young Master Jianxiong, I take the liberty of inviting you here this time, and I hope you won't take offense." Gu Xiao laughed loudly and said.While speaking, Xiao Yu had already actively stood behind him.

When Jianxiong heard this, a mocking expression appeared on Qiao's face, but he didn't say anything.

Nowadays, people are knives and we are fish. If she insists on it, once she offends the person in front of her, it will not be fun.

"May I ask the mirror master, what do you need to do for me?" Jianxiong said coldly, suppressing the anger in his heart.

The high-level people in Jianghu all know that Tibetan people usually don't take the initiative to find others. When he takes the initiative to find someone, it is usually because there is something that needs this person to do, or to regain this person.Jianxiong didn't think that Cang Jingren would want to subdue him.

Then when he found himself, he probably wanted to make an offer that he couldn't refuse, and asked him to do something for him.

This is also a major feature of Tibetan people's work, fair trade, no deception.

"Okay, smart!" Gu Xiao praised.

He likes dealing with smart people, saving time and effort, and not delaying things.It's a pity that his purpose this time is to subdue Jianxiong, not to entrust her with something.

Gu Xiao raised two fingers and said, "This seat, I want you to do something!"

Jianxiong panicked and said, "What is it?"

"Lingshuang sword! I want Lingshuang sword!"

"It's impossible!" Jianxiong resolutely said.

Lingshuang Sword is the treasure of the city of Jiancheng. It has been 59 years since it was cast, and it will be cast next year.Now, all kinds of monsters and monsters in the rivers and lakes are staring at this sword.

For Jianjian City, this sword is really too important, and it must not be lost!
Therefore, Jianxiong will never give this sword to outsiders, even if the price of refusal is her life!

Gu Xiao looked at the resolute Jianxiong, and said calmly: "Master Jianxiong misunderstood, what I mean is not to want this Lingshuang sword, but to want something else!"

"What?" Jianxiong breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Xiaodao: "What I mean is that I want you to go back to Jiancheng City. The people in this seat will follow you back to Jiancheng City. After Lingshuangjian is born, I need Lingshuangjian to get the same thing!"

"No!" Jianxiong refused again.

It's not that she has never heard of opening the door and bowing to robbers, she has even heard of what it means to invite God is easy to send God away.Once the hidden mirror man's power really entered Sword Forging City, then, if he wanted to leave again, it would probably not be a simple matter.

"Huh!" Gu Xiao was rejected by Jianxiong twice, and immediately became furious, "You have no other choice!"

Jianxiong raised his head, and said arrogantly: "The worst thing is to die!"

"Hmph! Do you think that death is the scariest thing in this world? Aren't you afraid that I will abolish your martial arts and sell you into a brothel?" Cruel rhetoric.

"Ah!" Hearing what Gu Xiao said, Jianxiong immediately trembled with fright.

She was indeed not afraid of death, but she was very afraid that Gu Xiao would treat her like this, which was more terrifying than death.

Instinctively, Jianxiong wanted to bite his tongue and commit suicide.

It's a pity that she wanted to bite her tongue and kill herself now, but it was already too late.

Gu Xiao came to Jianxiong's body in a phantom, and squeezed her chin tightly, not giving her the chance to bite her tongue and kill herself.

Jianxiong's beautiful eyes were filled with tears immediately, and he stared at Gu Xiao firmly, with terrible hatred and killing intent radiating from his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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