The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 120 Against Princess Tianxiang

Chapter 120 Against Princess Tianxiang
"Hey, do you really want to take this muddy water?" Gu Xiao asked after Princess Tianxiang came to his side.

It's not that he doesn't know that this princess is notoriously savage, but she is also the emperor's beloved daughter. Therefore, to be honest, he doesn't want to offend her now.It's just that he doesn't want to offend Princess Tianxiang, which doesn't mean Princess Tianxiang will let him go.

He really didn't understand why Princess Tianxiang wanted to get involved in this muddy water of martial arts competitions.

"Hmph! You want to marry Miss Feng's family, but I won't let you do it!" Princess Tianxiang whispered in Gu Xiao's ear, gnashing her teeth.

Gu Xiao couldn't help laughing wryly when he heard the words, and said, "It depends on whether you can beat me."

As soon as the words fell, the sharp sword in Gu Xiao's hand stabbed towards Princess Tianxiang.

This time, he was still using Wudang swordsmanship.

Now, he has practiced almost all the martial arts of the eight sects.Among the eight sects of martial arts taught by the ancient Santong, Wudang swordsmanship can definitely be said to be among the best.

As a swordsman, Gu Xiao has worked hard to practice all eight sects of swordsmanship.

At this moment, he used all the Wudang swordsmanship he had learned, and kept attacking Princess Tianxiang.

Facing Gu Xiao's fierce swordsmanship, Princess Tianxiang just used the sugarcane in her hand to meet the enemy, constantly confronting the sharp sword in Gu Xiao's hand.

As the princess who likes to eat sugarcane the most in the royal family, Princess Tianxiang almost never put down the sugarcane in her hand throughout the year.Therefore, the sugar cane in her hand is her weapon.

The tough sugarcane skin, wrapped with sweet sugarcane, is already considered a unique weapon.

The sharp sword in Gu Xiao's hand couldn't stop cutting the sugar cane in her hand.

"Damn it, Tianxiang's kung fu is improving so fast!" Gu Xiao kept waving the long sword in his hand, confronting the sugarcane in Princess Tianxiang's hand.Feeling Princess Tianxiang's inner strength, which is also the fourth layer of the day after tomorrow, she couldn't help but be a little surprised.

You must know that in this overhead time and space, the population of the royal family Dongfang has not been prosperous.Of the princes of the previous generation, the only ones who are still alive today are Prince Qing of Saibei, his cheap old man Dongfang Sheng, Marquis Tiedan, and the current emperor.

Among these four people, both Prince Qing and Marquis Tiedan had no heirs, only some adopted sons and daughters.

As one of the few bloodlines of the royal family, it's not that Gu Xiao and Princess Tianxiang have never met before, and the two of them even liked to fight since they were young.However, Gu Xiao never imagined that Princess Tianxiang's martial arts improved so quickly.

At this moment, the sugarcane in Princess Tianxiang's hand kept hitting him.

When women practice martial arts, they usually learn some light and agile martial arts, and Princess Tianxiang is no exception.

In just a short while, Gu Xiao could see that the martial arts used by Princess Tianxiang were mainly those of the Emei School and the Huashan School, mixed with some light and graceful body skills that were widely spread in the Jianghu. vulgar.The sugar cane in his hand is even more mixed with swordsmanship, knife technique, stick technique, staff technique and staff technique, which can be described as a different approach.

Regarding Princess Tianxiang's style of play, Gu Xiao's response was very simple, that is, to go over with one sword, and to break ten thousand spells with one sword.

In Jianghu, the vast majority of people will choose to integrate hundreds of martial arts into one if they have the conditions, so as to create their own martial arts.

But in Gu Xiao's view, this approach is actually putting the cart before the horse!

Almost all the major sects in the Jianghu have been passed down for hundreds of years. Although their martial arts have produced some super masters, there are no shortage of top masters in the past dynasties.

That's because the martial arts of these sects have long been finalized under the study of countless predecessors, and have become a kind of popular martial arts that can be practiced step by step to become a master.

In Gu Xiao's view, it's not that these martial arts are not powerful, but that no one can truly comprehend these martial arts thoroughly.

Therefore, although he also chose to integrate hundreds of martial arts into one, he did not rashly put these martial arts together to perform, but planned to integrate them after he truly mastered them.

At this moment, facing Princess Tianxiang, an opponent who is on the same level as him on the surface, on the one hand, Gu Xiao concealed his true skills from being exposed to so many people, and on the other hand, he continued to display the Wudang faction's skills. fencing.

In his hands, Zhongzheng's peaceful Wudang swordsmanship began to show its true power. Even in the face of Princess Tianxiang's stormy offensive, his defense was not broken, but he was accumulating counterattacks in the constant defense. Strength, ready to give Princess Tianxiang a fierce counterattack at any time.

"Damn it, what ghost sword technique is this?" Gu Xiao was delighted, but Princess Tianxiang was very depressed.

She had never seen such a rogue swordsmanship before, just guarding like that, but she couldn't attack.

As a result, Princess Tianxiang's tricks, whose physical strength could not keep up at all, became more and more scattered.

After all, no matter how much she likes to practice martial arts, she is still a woman, and women's physical strength is naturally inferior to that of men.Now, it's almost unbearable.

"Damn it, I can't go on like this!" Princess Tianxiang, who was getting more and more tired from the beating, immediately became impatient when she saw Gu Xiao's blushing and breathing.

If this continues, she will lose.

Thinking of this, Princess Tianxiang immediately had a plan in mind.

At the moment, the sugar cane in her hand became more and more scattered, and the connection between moves became more and more discordant, which can be said to be full of flaws.

"You're such a stupid girl, you actually thought you could be fooled by me!" Gu Xiao laughed secretly as he watched Princess Tianxiang's more and more flaws.

He's not stupid, so he could tell that Princess Tianxiang was deliberately tricking him into a trap so that he could win, and he laughed inwardly.

However, since Princess Tianxiang wants to play, he doesn't mind playing with Princess Tianxiang either!
At that moment, when Princess Tianxiang exposed the flaws in her ribs again, Gu Xiao stabbed at Princess Tianxiang's ribs with a single sword.

"You've been fooled!" Princess Tianxiang was overjoyed immediately, and her tactic changed, the opening under her ribs was no longer a weakness, but turned into a killer move, and the sugar cane in her hand hit Gu Xiao's head directly.

Facing this kind of trap, Gu Xiao showed a disdainful smile, and said with a smile: "Tianxiang, you are the one who fell for it!"

As soon as the words fell, the sharp sword in Gu Xiao's hand turned, and the sharp sword that was originally aimed at Princess Tianxiang's ribs suddenly appeared in front of Princess Tianxiang's sugar cane.

Snapped!The sugarcane hit Gu Xiao's sharp sword head-on, and was immediately cut off by the sharp sword instilled with Gu Xiao's seven-success power.

"Oops!" Princess Tianxiang only felt that the sugarcane was cut off by Gu Xiao as soon as her hands were loosened.Such a thought immediately popped up in her mind, but before she thought of it, there was a sharp pain in her chest.

With Gu Xiao's left hand, he hit Princess Tianxiang's chest with the Wuding Kaishan Palm of the Huashan Sect, and sent Princess Tianxiang flying.

Boom!Princess Tianxiang fell heavily on the ground outside the arena and couldn't get up for a long time.

Princess Tianxiang is defeated!
(End of this chapter)

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