The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 1171 Chen Cang raises troops, Yang Su speaks wildly

Chapter 1171 Chen Cang raises troops, Yang Su speaks wildly
In the 11th year of Kaihuang, the south rebelled again.

Under the leadership of Chen Cang, the son of Chen Shubao, and Chen Fu, the remnants of Chen State rebelled.In a short period of time, the situation in the south that had just stabilized quickly became erosive.

In November of the tenth year, Wang Wenjin from Wuzhou, Gao Zhihui from Yuezhou, and Shen Xuanyu from Suzhou all raised their troops against the Sui Dynasty.Li Kui in Jiangshan, Cai Daoren in Le'an, Shen Xiaoche in Wenzhou, Wang Guoqing in Quanzhou, etc. all claimed to be the governor of Quanzhou, and raised troops to capture prefectures and counties.Its scale is tens of thousands of people, and thousands of small ones, echoing each other, killing the officials of the Sui Dynasty.

In the first month of the 12th year of Kaihuang, Chen Cang, Chen Fu and others unified the soldiers and horses from all over the country, and Chen Cang proclaimed himself emperor, calling himself the Great Chen Emperor.In just a few months, the originally sporadic soldiers and horses from various places were easily integrated, and an elite division was formed, all the way to Jiankang City.

Trying to recover.Rebuild Chen Guo!
I have to admit that although Chen Shubao is a waste, his ability to give birth to sons is still very good.At least, neither the crown prince Chen Shen nor the current Chen Cang are simple characters.If Chen Shubao dies early, let either of his two sons ascend the throne.At the very least, even if Chen Guo was doomed to perish, it would not be so embarrassing.It's a pity that there has never been any ifs in this world. Although Chen Cang is a talent, it is impossible to reverse the general trend of the world!

From the moment he raised his troops, he was doomed to perish!


"Bastards, rebels, all rebels!" In the main hall, Yang Jian received the latest news about the south just after the meeting started. Pushed down, a series of roars came out of his mouth.

All of a sudden, his roar echoed throughout the hall, even Yang Guang and Yang Yong didn't dare to speak rashly.

After a long time, after Yang Jian had stabilized his emotions, he yelled at the subordinates: "Who can lead the army to suppress the rebellion?"

"Your Majesty, my minister is willing to go." Gao Yan stood up and said.

Not to be outdone, Yang Su also came out and said, "Your Majesty, I am willing to go to the south to suppress the rebellion."

"My minister is willing to go." Shi Wansui also stood up.

Then, He Ruobi, Han Qinhu and others came out one after another, trying to grab the job.

Although Chen Cang is very powerful, but these people are not vegetarian.Even Chen Shubao and Chen Guo's clan were taken over by them.Not to mention, it was just a little Chen Cang.From the very beginning, these people didn't take Chen Cang seriously. In their view, Chen Cang and others were meritorious service.

A feat to decorate the facade!

Yang Jian nodded in satisfaction. As a founding king, although most of his fortune was obtained through conspiracy and trickery, he also went to the battlefield with Emperor Wu of Zhou to conquer the Northern Qi Dynasty, and he liked his ministers. So motivated and dare to fight!
"I understand the loyalty of all my lovers. But now the situation in the south is critical, and it is difficult to assemble the army. For a while, I can't mobilize too many troops. At most, I can only mobilize one hundred thousand soldiers and horses. So, dear friends Qing thinks, is it enough?" Yang Jian said to the courtiers who volunteered.

He Ruobi said without hesitation: "There is more than enough. As long as Your Majesty sends a humble official to go out, the humble official will return triumphantly. Congratulate Your Majesty on the head of Chen Cang."

"Your Majesty, I only need [-] soldiers and horses." Shi Wansui shouted.

Wei Wang Yang Shuang raised the bar and said, "Your brother only needs [-] soldiers and horses."

Han Qinhu said: "I only need [-] soldiers and horses."


All of a sudden, these ministers were scrambling to make a guarantee in front of Yang Jian, and the number of soldiers and horses they asked for was getting less and less.

After a while, Yang Su said, "Your Majesty, I don't need a single soldier!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole hall fell silent instantly, no one else spoke, and everyone looked at Yang Su, as if they were looking at a fool.Han Qinhu and He Ruobi, who are notorious rivals, looked at Yang Su like a lunatic at the same time for the first time!

How is this possible without a single soldier?

You must know that the situation in the south is corrupt. Although there are still many soldiers and horses, most of these soldiers and horses need to guard important towns such as Jiankang and cannot be easily mobilized.In this way, even if they go to the south, there will not be too many soldiers and horses that can be mobilized. At most, they can only piece together [-] to [-] soldiers and horses.

On Chen Cang's side, an army of [-] has been formed.

This amount of soldiers and horses is still defeated, and because of the region, they will naturally tend to Chen Cang and others, which is not enough at all!
Yang Su did not bring a single soldier, could it be that he has gone crazy?

After a while, Yang Jian broke the dull atmosphere in the hall, looked at Yang Su, and said, "Isn't Aiqing joking with me?"

Yang Su said calmly, "In front of Your Majesty, how dare I deceive you?"

Yang Jian said: "Then why do you say that you don't need a single soldier? Could it be that the manpower in the south is enough to deal with Chen Cang's traitor?"

Yang Sudao: "I don't intend to use the troops from the south."

Yang Jian said in surprise: "Then what are you going to do?"

Yang Sudao: "Your Majesty, please allow this humble minister to make a fool of himself."

"Okay!" After a while, Yang Jian was persuaded by Yang Su, "I will allow you to go out, but you remember what you said in front of me today. If you can come back triumphantly, then I will naturally reward you. But If you can't return triumphantly, then..."

"If I can't return triumphantly, I will be willing to accept the crime of deceiving the emperor!" Yang Su promised.

"Okay!" Yang Jian said in a deep voice.


The government of Yue State.

Yang Su lost his mind, and the news that he had issued a military order in front of Yang Jian soon spread to the mansion.For a while, Yang Su's family members were all worried about Yang Su, and Yang Su's notoriously fierce wife, He Ruoshi, even yelled at her.

He scolded Yang Su for losing his mind, and also scolded his brother He Ruobi, his brother-in-law went crazy, and he didn't know how to stop him!
Well now, maybe, the whole family will be compensated.

Only living in Gu Xiao is not surprised by this, he naturally knows where Yang Su's confidence lies, nothing else but him.

More precisely, it was on his Xuanyuan Sword.

Caressing the saber in his hand, Gu Xiao said faintly: "Xuanyuanjian, Xuanyuanjian, you wait, it will be soon! There will be a large number of sacrifices to pay homage to you soon! I want to use the life of Chen Guoyu, Come and test your power! Hahahahahahahahaha!"

(End of this chapter)

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