The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 1150 Great Sui Establishment, Yuwen Family

Chapter 1150 Great Sui Establishment, Yuwen Family

The Han Dynasty lasted for nearly 500 years. The people in the Central Plains called themselves Han people. Yang Jian was the [-]th grandson of Yang Zhen, the Taiwei of the Han Dynasty. For the prosperous military group to gain status, military merit alone is not enough, it must break into the Xianbei internal group.Although Yang Zhong was not happy in every way, he could only accept the surname "Pu Liuru" given by the Taizu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. As a Han, he was given the surname of Xianbei, which made Yang Zhong grieve all the time. Change the surname back, otherwise they will have no face to face their ancestors.For the ancients, the concept of surname and clan is extremely strong, although the five random Chinese people are struggling to make ends meet.But the Han people, especially disciples from aristocratic families like Yang Jian, still have a sense of superiority. In the eyes of others, Pu Liuru, who is bestowed with a surname by the emperor, is a supreme honor, but it is a great shame to the Yang family and his son.

How easy is it to change your surname back?To change the name given by the emperor, the only way is to perish in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. The current emperor Yu Wenyi was the lord of the Ming Dynasty, and he had long been wary of the majestic Yang Jian, and kept suppressing him to prevent him from gaining real power. However, God finally gave him this opportunity when he was 30 years old.

Dugu Xin was the most beautiful man at that time, his daughters were all beautiful, and Yang Jian was also a beautiful man. The daughters of him and Dugu Jialuo were naturally beautiful, and what was even more rare was their eldest daughter, Yang Lihua, who was gentle, gentle, and virtuous. Therefore, Yu Wenyi asked Yang Jian to let Yang Lihua marry his son Yu Wenyun as the princess, and Yang Jian naturally agreed.A few years later, Yu Wenyi died of illness, and Yang Lihua became the queen. Yang Jian also held great power by virtue of his status as the head of the country, but soon he discovered that he married his daughter to something inferior to a beast.

Yu Wenyun was strictly disciplined by his father before, and turned into a psychopath. He didn't shed a single tear when his father died, but laughed and died. He was having fun, and after a while, he felt that being an emperor was boring, so he gave up the throne to his six-year-old son Yu Wenchan, and became the emperor himself.But he just didn't want to deal with political affairs, but he didn't say that he wouldn't exercise the power of the emperor. He read courtiers and continued to point fingers, beat and scold him. You will not live in peace for a day.

Yang Lihua didn't mind who Yu Wenyun favored, and the concubines of the sixth palace never disrespected her, but Yu Wenyun didn't deal with political affairs himself, and was afraid of Yang Jian, who held a lot of power, so he pointed at Yang Lihua and scolded: "Your family will be destroyed! As a result, Yang Lihua behaved peacefully and elegantly, her face didn't change color when she spoke, her heart didn't beat, and she was still unyielding in her words. Yu Wenyun was so angry that he wanted to kill her. It was bloody from knocking out, and Yu Wenyun reluctantly dismissed this idea.

Good and evil will eventually be rewarded. After two years of such a licentious life, Yu Wenyun's body was hollowed out, and he died of illness on May 580, [-] AD. Yang Jian was ecstatic. The news that the princess wanted to marry a Turkic man sent the kings to Beijing to kill them, and the young emperor Yu Wenchan wrote an imperial edict, ordering Yang Jian to pretend to be the prime minister of the left, and all officials should obey the orders of the prime minister of the left.Then he used Wei Xiaokuan to suppress Yu Chijiong's rebellion, let the two veterans fight to the death, and watched the tiger fight by himself, changed his surname to Yang, and ordered the Han people who were given the Xianbei surname to change their surname back, such as Li The family abolished the surname "Da Ye" and re-surnamed Li.Then, Yang Jian killed all the men of the Yuwen family of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, even the babies in their infancy. The cold-blooded methods were outrageous.

The entire Yuwen family was almost slaughtered by him.

And not long after, Emperor Jing Yu Wenchan was deprived of the throne by Yang Jian, was named Duke Jie, and was killed soon after.After he was killed, Yang Jian found a member of the Yuwen royal family with a very remote lineage to inherit the title of Jie Guogong, and this person was Yu Wenluo.So what is Yu Wenluo's background?
Yu Wenluo is the grandson of Yu Wenzhong, the Duke of Yu in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. As for Yu Wenzhong, it is recorded in the "Book of Zhou" that "Emperor De is from his father and brother", that is, a certain cousin of Yu Wentai's father Yu Wenji. This Yu Wenzhong has no deeds. He died very early, and he had a son named Yu Wenxing.Yu Wenxing's experience is a bit legendary. In the troubled times, he was separated from his father Yu Wenzhong, and he didn't know Yu Wentai's brothers. Later, he failed in the battle with Gao Huan and was captured. After the Western Wei Dynasty came to power, they began to search for these lost relatives. This is how Yu Wenxing was found, so he re-joined the Yuwen family.

By the time of Emperor Wu of Zhou Yu Wenyong, he was considered to be more valued. Because Yu Wenyong was "a close relative of the clan", he was "very respectful and respectful".

And this Yu Wenluo, who inherited the title of Duke of Jieguo, is also Yu Wenxing's son.From this, we can see that the blood relationship between Yuwenluo and the Yuwen royal family of the Northern Zhou Dynasty is far enough.

That is to say, Yu Wenluo's grandfather and Yu Wenyong's grandfather Yu Wenji are already cousins, counting Yu Wenluo's generation, they are already very estranged.Therefore, while Yang Jian usurped the kingdom of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and restored the royal family of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, he specially found Yu Wenluo, a bloodline that couldn't be farther away, and hypocritically gave the title of Duke Jie who succeeded him as a sacrifice to the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Incense, to show its "sea-like magnanimity."

Yang Jian tried to prove in this way that he did not kill Bei Zhou completely.

But people with eyes know very well that Yang Jian is just deceiving himself and others.

Of course, none of this has happened yet!Today's Yang Jian has just seized power as a prime minister!

In the court hall, besides Yuwenluo, there is another Yuwen family that has survived.

That is, the Yuwen clan whose surname is Po Yetou!

Although the Yuwen clan is also surnamed Yuwen, they are not members of the Yuwen royal family.

He first changed his surname to Yuwen's because he was a servant in Tundougui of the Xianbei tribe.

The father of the brothers Yu Wenshu and Yu Wenshang, the Patriarch of this generation, is Yu Wensheng.

In terms of status, the "Yuwensheng" family is, strictly speaking, the generals of the Yuwen clan of the Northern Zhou royal family, not the courtiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

If not, after Yang Jian usurped the throne, since he massacred and strictly guarded against the Yuwen family of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, how could he reuse "Yu Wensheng"'s son Yu Wenshu and his grandson Yu Wenhuaji, and let them create a Yuwen valve?

As for the history of "Yu Wensheng"?

Back in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Duke Yu Wenhu of the State of Jin was in power, Duke Zhao Gui of Chu, Duke Wei Duguxin and other bigwigs at Zhuguo level conspired to get rid of Yu Wenhu.

But then it is very likely that he will consider his humble position, even if Yu Wenhu is removed, the fruits of power will be taken by Dugu Xin and other big bosses who are in charge of this matter, and he himself will not get any benefits.

So he sold Dugu Xin and other bigwigs to Yu Wenhu at the high price of the Duke of the county and the governor of a state.

"Yu Wensheng" seized the opportunity, stepped on the corpses of Dugu Xin and others to complete the final transformation, and became one of the top nobles in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, laying a solid foundation for the rise of the Yuwen Clan later.

On the contrary, Dugu Xin was forced to commit suicide, and the Dugu Clan was almost devastated because of this...

And this is also the source of the grievances and grievances between Dugu Clan and Yuwen Clan later!
At the same moment when Yang Jian had just seized power, a huge scandal broke out in the Yuwenshu family!

The younger sister of brothers Yu Wenshu and Yu Wenshang actually became pregnant before marriage, and she was pregnant with the bastard of an unknown man!

What a shame!
This is simply a disgrace!
It has been hundreds of years since the Yuwen faction entered the Central Plains. Although they still retain the demeanor of the Hu people in terms of customs, both their thoughts and etiquette have changed towards the Han people.Even, except for some people who are particularly concerned, almost no one would think that they are still barbarians.

In the family, such a scandal actually happened.

For the Yu Wenshu brothers, this was simply intolerable.

So, after repeatedly asking, but they couldn't find out who the wild man was, they adopted a very direct method: kick the little girl out of the house!
(End of this chapter)

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