The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 115 Everyone Arrives

Chapter 115 Everyone Arrives

Gu Xiao rode on the horse and led a group of people towards Miaozhou.

Gu Xiao likes to ride a horse. He feels that if he is on a horse, he will be very majestic.Now, even though he has experienced three whole worlds, he still maintains his preference for horses.

A group of people headed in the direction of Miaozhou mightily.

Gu Xiao rode on the horse, and while walking, he thought about the people he needed to eliminate if he wanted to achieve his goal.

Today's world seems to be calm, but in fact it has already been turbulent and torn apart.

Ouyang Feiying, Guan Yutian, and Prince Qing were all staring at the dragon chair in the capital, thinking that after cutting off the others, they would wipe out the imperial court with their troops and establish themselves as kings.But my own emperor's uncle couldn't see the danger lurking around him at all, and he only wanted to live forever.

For this, Gu Xiao has only one comment: You idiot!
Now the leader of the famous Yuxian Gang in the world is still serving as the national teacher in the palace!
The emperor almost put his desire for immortality on this scumbag old man, Gu Xiao could only sneer at it!

As a person who even infinite time travel happened to him, Gu Xiao certainly knew that immortality is not impossible!It's just that he has never heard of an emperor who can live forever!

Gu Xiao had a feeling that among the worlds he was going to experience, there must be the existence of the fairyland. As long as he entered the fairyland, it would not be difficult for him to fight for immortality; It is not something that is out of reach, for example, in the Fengyun world, the essence of the four auspicious beasts can make people live forever.

However, Gu Xiao didn't think that in this world of low martial arts, there would be immortality, the lowest thing that happened in the world of high martial arts.

He didn't believe that there was an immortality pill in the hilt of the Heavenly Sword, and that the Lingshuang Sword could make its master immortal!
Miaozhou is a very prosperous state and county located in the south of the capital.

Gu Xiao led his men, and after passing through the city gate, the group of people started to hurry on their way again.

Finally, at noon the next day, he arrived in Miaozhou.

"It's such a bustling place!" Gu Xiao rode on the horse, scanning the surrounding merchants and the endless stream of people, and said in admiration.

He has seen a lot of prosperous places, but it is only in capitals, capitals and other places that such prosperous scenes can appear, but now this small Miaozhou can be so prosperous, which really amazes him.

"Quick, get out of the way! The prime minister is here!" Just as Gu Xiao was looking at the surrounding situation, there was a sudden noise in front of him.Pedestrians all around stepped aside one after another, not daring to offend.

After a while, a sedan chair appeared in front of him surrounded by dozens of servants.

"Liu Changying, what are you doing here?" Gu Xiao shouted knowingly.

Swish!Hearing Gu Xiao's voice, Liu Changying, the nominal son of the prime minister and the illegitimate son of the current emperor, jumped out of the sedan chair and asked, "Dongfang Sheng, I still want to ask, what are you doing here?"

"Nonsense! Of course I'm here to participate in the martial arts competition to recruit relatives!" Gu Xiao said impatiently.

For this cousin who has ambition but no talent, he has never been very fond of him.

In addition, one of them is the Prime Minister's son and the other is the Hou Ye's son, so for many years, even in the capital, the relationship between them has not been harmonious, and they have fought a lot with each other.Of course, Liu Changying certainly regarded Gu Xiao as his deadly enemy, and Gu Xiao was just trying to confuse others!

"That's it, you come to the martial arts competition to recruit relatives, of course I also come to participate in the martial arts competition to recruit relatives!" Liu Changying laughed.

Gu Xiao shouted: "Since that's the case, then when we get to the ring, we'll each rely on our abilities!"

"Dongfang Sheng, I think what you said is reasonable, let's see the truth in the ring!" Liu Changying agreed.

"Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei, look, it's really lively here!" Mr. Hou Ye and Mr. Prime Minister, the two young masters stood up in front of the crowd.Immediately, a large group of people gathered around, but the people around watched the excitement and dared to speak, but no one dared to speak.

The passers-by around are afraid that if they say something incorrectly, they will be beaten!

It's just that others don't dare, but it doesn't mean that some "stupid and bold" don't dare.

At some point, on the bridge where they gathered now, a handsome young man riding a donkey came over.

Now, he is teasing his little donkey.

"Princess Tianxiang!" Gu Xiao took a look and immediately recognized who was coming. Besides the emperor's princess Tianxiang who likes to run around all day, who else could this person be.

"Hey! There's another person!" Gu Xiao scanned the crowd, and immediately discovered the existence of another person.

Among the surrounding crowd, there was a fortune teller holding a long banner with a big book on it: ten hexagrams and nine inaccuracies. Although he was handsome, he had a dumbfounded expression.

As soon as Gu Xiao saw this person, he knew immediately: who else could this person be besides the lover of the heroine Feng Suzhen and the heroine Li Zhaoting!

Looking at Li Zhaoting, Gu Xiao couldn't help showing a trace of disdain and contempt.

He has never paid much attention to this kind of nerd who only knows how to read!
"Strange thing, is it possible that Dongfang Sheng has changed his personality?" Gu Xiao was thinking about his own affairs, and was a little lost for a while, but Liu Changying, who was standing opposite him, felt strange. When did this guy get yanked in public? After that, he was able to hold his breath like this, which is really not like his character.

Doubts are doubts, the business is about to begin, such a big movement here quickly attracted the attention of the officials.

After revealing his identity, Gu Xiao and his party were invited into the magistrate's yamen soon.

The people counted include Gu Xiao himself, Liu Changying, Princess Tianxiang, and Li Zhaoting.

In the yamen, Feng Suzhen, the protagonist of this competition to recruit relatives, the precious daughter of Feng Shaoqing, the prefect of Miaozhou, is already waiting for their arrival.

(End of this chapter)

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